From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 282 With all due respect

Ye Ming could imagine that there must be someone in the scientific research system who had an opinion about what happened yesterday.

He is not RMB, how can he be liked by everyone?

But what he didn't expect was... people who have opinions about him can express their will to themselves through Director Niu...

This... is a bit of a cowhide.

It's also a little irritating.

After he said a harsh word, Director Niu looked at him quietly, and he also looked at Director Niu without showing any weakness.

Gradually, the atmosphere in the room became tense.

After a while, Director Niu suddenly smiled.

The tension in the room evaporated.

While laughing, he shook his head: "You guys don't like oil and salt?"

"It's not that I don't like oil and salt, but...Brother Niu, as I said before, I don't like others to hold back."

"The problem is that they didn't procrastinate - aren't a dozen people in a research group better than that one person?"

"The problem is that I didn't invite them." Ye Ming stared at Director Niu: "The spaceship was designed by Aita and I within a week. Do I need so many people?"

Director Niu frowned again.

"The problem is that even if you don't need it, you can't do it like this...Ye Ming, there is no need to blindly break the rules and systems. No matter how powerful a person is, the entire scientific research system must cooperate, right?"

Ye Ming lowered his eyes and remained silent for a few seconds again.

"Brother Niu, we've all achieved controllable nuclear fusion, we've all given birth to strong AI, we've built artificial gravity, and we're about to rush out of the earth... Then why, do we still have to abide by those 'rules'?"

Ye Ming looked at him and asked seriously: "Why?"

Director Niu looked at him in astonishment.

"I am 21 years old, and I have no disasters or illnesses. Except for the fall of the old American missiles, I think it will be fine to live for decades."

"Then the question is, why should I abide by and maintain a rule that ... at least doesn't look fair? Instead of establishing a fairer rule for decades to come?"

"Is fairer rules not good for this country, this planet, and all mankind?"

"Yes, there is no absolute fairness, but there is relative." Ye Ming pointed to Ita who was charging.

"Aita is fair, and one day, all wisdom and talent will bloom from it, and all efforts will be displayed on it - knowledge will no longer be monopolized by a few In the hands of people, there will no longer be so-called 'resources'."

"Mentors can of course exist as guides, but that is more about the pursuit and inheritance of science, rather than being used to control the fate of others and plunder the interests of others-with all due respect, they are not worthy."

Ye Ming looked at Director Niu quietly: "I said so."

Looking at Ye Ming's young face, Director Niu's brows gradually relaxed.

He and Ye Ming are very familiar.

He is so familiar that sometimes he doesn't realize that the guy in front of him is only 21 years old, and he is so talented.

"Ye Ming has a supercalculator in his mind" This is not a joke, but a fact that has been verified by countless people - no matter how complicated the equation is, he only needs to look at it a few times, and he can quickly write an accurate answer.

That kind of people……

In silence, Director Niu exhaled slowly.

"Space observatory, what do you plan to build? What about the moon factory? According to the current engine design, the existing helium-3 is only enough to run back and forth."

Hearing Director Niu talk about this, Ye Ming immediately entered the state.

"The space observatory is as simple as merging with the current space station—anyway, the space station will be redesigned in the future, and the current space station can be used as waste."

Director Niu glared at him.

"To get it done once and for all is to integrate with the future space city."

As Ye Ming spoke, he pulled out a piece of paper and drew the prototype of the space city in his mind-this is a design similar to a car steering wheel, based on a gravity field, and the middle part is a fusion reactor, which provides space for the space city. Energy is surrounded by different gravity areas for work and life.

"This space city is only the first step. In the future, relying on it, a huge orbital spaceport will be formed to operate resources and maintain spacecraft. It is even possible to directly build detectors that do not need to resist large gravitational forces. and small craft."

"Of course, this one may take a while to build...let's talk about the moon factory first."

"For the lunar factory, the first step must be to build a helium 3 processing plant-you just said wrongly, the existing helium 3 can't go back and forth, it can only go one way."

Director Niu was full of enthusiasm when he heard this, and was startled when he heard the words: "Why?"

"Because it's going to be a test dare to install it on the spaceship without a test?"

Director Niu slapped his forehead.

"Go on."

"For the extraction of helium 3, we took a little lunar soil in the first half of the year. At present, Professor Huo is leading people to do it. We have found a more reliable extraction plan, um... better than the current one. If this year still If we can't find a new breakthrough, we will design the process according to the plan."

"Also... I can tell you the bottom line. According to the current technical progress in various aspects, we can take resources and complete the deployment of the space factory and the first batch of helium-3 within one month of landing on the moon. refinement."

Director Niu was delighted to hear it: "It means that the oil is only enough to open one side, and you have to drill and refine the oil after you arrive at the place, right?"

"That's pretty much what it means."

"And after that? Mars?"

"After that..." Ye Ming narrowed his eyes, and suddenly laughed: "How about we stand on the moon and cheer for Musk's spacecraft going to Mars?"



After the director of sending cattle left, Ye Ming opened arxiv.

As he expected, there have been countless comments on his topic, including not only well-known observatories around the world, but also well-known astronomers.

Based on trust in his academic credibility, all messages are optimistic and excited.

"I look forward to Professor Ye's new discoveries."

"Professor Ye, may I ask if this is the clue obtained by Aita through the analysis of big data?"

"Could this really be a black hole? How about the model?"

"We seem to have some data here, I don't know if it can be helpful..."

Ye Ming took some time to reply to the message - especially the message about Aita, he wrote more.

——Nowadays, in addition to domestic scientific research institutions starting to upload data to Aita, foreign institutions basically treat Aita as a large computing power center and auxiliary tools, and do not upload core and important data and Give it to Aita for analysis.

Then Ye Ming will let these colleagues take a look, jealous, how many opportunities they have missed.


Three days later, with the assistance of Aita, Li Lei completed the thesis, and at the same time brought Ye Ming a piece of news that he didn't know whether it was good or bad.

——Deputy Director Chen was transferred away.

Not only was Deputy Director Chen transferred, but the Academy of Sciences also made low-key adjustments to two high-ranking leaders.

That's right, it's over.

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