Seeing the prompt that the account was temporarily frozen, Li Lei was startled for a moment, and then fell into a huge sense of absurdity - at this moment, he even forgot his anger.

He just looked at the prompt like this, and even wanted to laugh a little.

But then, a feeling of coldness rose up, and then, this feeling instantly permeated the whole body, and then invaded the brain.

He began to clench his fists, gasping for breath, trembling all over.


The Italian walked slowly to Li Lei's side, and put a cube of sugar into his coffee by the way.

Li Lei looked up at Samuel, who sensed that he was not in the right state, so he pulled a chair and sat beside him.

"Li, you either shouldn't have left, or you shouldn't have come back."

"Why?" Li Lei said, but he didn't know when his voice had become hoarse.

"Because if you're not around, you won't know what's going to happen, and you won't be able to stop it at all." The Italian looked at the poor colleague with a trace of pity in his eyes.

"Someone took your job."

Although he and Li Lei work in different fields, after getting along for so long, he also knows that Li Lei is a practical person who loves astronomy very much.

The phone call a few days ago allowed him to see Li Lei's passion and hard work when the opportunity came, and he also knew that the other party hadn't closed his eyes for almost two days and two nights, just collecting and sorting out the data all the time, for fear of mistakes.

After all, this is very likely to be an unknown planet-level discovery in the solar system, the kind that will go down in history.


"Then what can I do now?" Li Lei looked at Samuel. At this time, he fell into a huge abyss of being neglected and excluded. The foreigner in front of him was the only straw he could grasp.

Samuel stared at him: "Professor Ye Ming is your collaborator, what did he say?"

Hearing Ye Ming, Li Lei's eyes brightened instantly, but it disappeared immediately.

"Professor Ye asked me to come back to work...but how do I work now?" Li Lei stared at the reminder on the notebook and began to breathe heavily again.

It was only at this time that his anger really broke out.

I have seen shameless ones, but I have never seen such shameless ones!

Anyway, before he was fired, he was still a postdoctoral associate researcher here, how could he directly freeze his database access rights?

"Do you know who took over?"

"A certain observatory, and here..."

Samuel whispered two names.

After Li Lei heard the name, he clenched his hands again.

Such a famous could he do such a thing?

Too much deception!

At this moment, hearty laughter and hurried footsteps came from outside the door, and then a group of people appeared at the door.

When they saw Li Lei, everyone was slightly taken aback.

The old men who looked like leaders exchanged glances without leaving a trace.

A group of unrelated graduate students then exited the office.

Samuel was also very savvy, and left soon after seeing this.


Looking at the three people in front of him, Li Lei was expressionless.

"Li Lei, the institute's preliminary decision has been made on the matter of you activating the reflector for a day without reporting."

The speaker was Deputy Director Chen, about fifty years old, with a serious expression.

Li Lei glanced at him.

"Although it has affected and lost the progress and data of other research groups, because it was a cooperation with Professor Ye, you are also taking the blame for others..." Deputy Director Chen's eyes were piercing: "Such a big research institute , if everyone is like you, wouldn't the Sky Eye become a personal toy?"

"So, to take a formality, you have to understand."

Li Lei was silent.

"Don't worry, it won't affect your current project, nor will it affect your subsequent project application." Another professor smiled slightly: "Besides, it's no good for you to take the blame for Professor Ye? Right? The comments on the website report will look much better."

"In addition, your previous communication with Professor Ye Ming was not without results and effects."

Hearing this sentence, Li Lei slowly raised his head.

All three of them looked at him.

"Don't be conflicted. You are still young, and there are plenty of opportunities. After the thesis comes out, you will definitely be named."

"In the past few days, you can just take a break, and it can be regarded as a show."

He understood that this was a proper arrangement for himself.

First make a big fuss and arrange a pot for yourself, then exclude yourself from the cooperation with Ye Ming, and finally give yourself a small sweet date as compensation-name, second work?

Impossible, at most three!

But San Zuo is a fart!

The cooperation with Professor Ye Ming is a proper one!

——Even if he doesn't pay attention to Ye Ming's fields, he still pays attention to Ye Ming! Except for the purely theoretical Ye's equation and Ye's limit, every paper written by Professor Ye is shared with others!

Even for the papers in the field of materials of the Brain-Computer Center, Professor Ye simply used them as a communication, and all the papers were handed over to the people of the Brain-Computer Center!

Who doesn't like meeting such a boss?

Not to mention, in the past few days, he has been in contact with Professor Ye Ming for discussions. Although neither party has made it clear, all the current analysis and data point to... that should be an "unobservable" "planetary level gravitational force" "The celestial bodies!

One such discovery...

Thinking of making himself give up, Li Lei's heart felt like a knife was in trouble.


In the silence, Li Lei thought of the home he had just settled down here, and then asked his connections to find a school for his daughter...

"Think about it carefully."

Seeing Li Lei's appearance, the three professors stopped talking, exchanged glances with each other and got up directly.

They believed that Li Lei would make the right choice.

At this moment, the phone on Li Lei's desk suddenly rang.

After Li Lei was startled, he rushed to the desk and picked up the phone.

On the phone, Ye Ming's voice carried a hint of a smile.

"Ms. Li, I'm almost at the core area now, and I can reach the institute in ten minutes."

Li Lei said hastily: "Here you are, Professor Ye, you... came here in person?"

"Well, I came here with my vice principal Tang. Are you still in the institute? You may be asked to help the guide later."

"Okay, welcome, welcome."

After hanging up the phone, Li Lei clenched his hands tightly and looked at the three professors with eyes full of spirit.

He took a deep breath, and his eyes became firm: "Teachers, Professor Ye asked me to come back to work this morning. I's wrong to freeze my account."

The three professors were startled at the same time, and their gazes towards Li Lei became sharper.

Deputy Director Chen frowned visibly.

But immediately, he just hummed softly, then opened the door of the office and walked out quickly.

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