Provincial post, principal's office.

Although Ye Ming was officially hired by the school as the director of the brain-computer laboratory in early September, but...

How should I put it, perhaps it is because the job, the people around me and the things I have been in contact with have not changed, so that until now, he is not used to dealing with the school, but still "feels" that he is a student, involving For school affairs, he would always turn to Old Tang.

Of course, Old Tang was also happy to help him run.

In Old Tang's view, Ye Ming, a young genius who has become famous quickly, can still maintain the mentality of a student, which is simply the "blessing" of everyone around him.

That's right, luck.

It's not that you can suck something on Ye Ming, but that you can save too much worry and trouble.

Compared with those troublesome cases where ambitions and desires swelled with ability, Ye Ming's character of occasionally playing with a little temper is simply...not worth mentioning.


In the office, Principal Zhou laughed out loud.

"Scared me, I thought it was a big deal."

Principal Zhou looked at the embarrassed Ye Ming, opened the drawer habitually, then closed the drawer, and grabbed a handful of candy from the side: "Do you want candy?"


"Here are a few." Professor Tang got up and grabbed half a handful, and after sitting back, he put the candy on the tea table.

Seeing this, Ye Ming peeled off one and put it in his mouth.

Frankly speaking, when he heard that Li Lei called him before, he was really angry.

On the one hand, it was his own "student" mentality that hadn't changed, on the other hand, it was because he got angry and greeted Lao Niu in advance, and this kind of thing happened...

"What do you think?" Principal Zhou asked with a smile as he put a candy in his mouth.

"I originally wanted to ask Director Niu what was going on, but since I've already greeted him and it's still the same, I don't think there's any need to look for it." Ye Ming sipped his candy and thought for a while.

Professor Tang laughed from the side: "The trust has collapsed?"

Ye Ming just smiled: "Not really, I just think he is unreliable in his work."

Professor Tang laughed out loud.

——A person in charge of a department who can directly reach Tianting was said to be unreliable by Ye Ming. It is estimated that Director Niu could spit out two bowls of blood after hearing it.

"Really, I really did remind you."

"Are you afraid of what happened to Mogu before?"


"Actually... how should I put it, this kind of thing is indeed a bit common in some places." Professor Tang looked at Ye Ming with a smile: "And even Director Niu and his department can't say hello to pure scientific research institutions In the past, people were obedient to everything, right?"

Ye Ming nodded.

All he could think of was that Director Niu might have expressed it well, but he still didn't think it was a big deal—for him, he just wanted the data anyway, who did the work?

"So, my idea is to let that Li Lei finish the work first. If the other party really doesn't cooperate, I'll go over and get the data directly... Then that Li Lei..." Ye Ming looked at Principal Zhou as he spoke.

Principal Zhou smiled and nodded: "Do you want to arrange it?"

"Can you arrange it?"

"Yes, our school already has a particle astrophysical laboratory. This Li Lei is a postdoctoral fellow, right?"

Ye Ming nodded: "Not very well-known, but I checked, and he still has a work attitude."

"It's enough to have a working attitude." Principal Zhou looked at him with a smile: "The main problem is, how big... can the results this time be?"

Hearing this, Ye Ming frowned and fell into thought.

——It's not that he's unsure, but that the system's tossing makes him have a very bold guess about the system, the super simulation, and even Ita itself...

So much so that when he faced this kind of "apocalypse" from the system to be confirmed, he was a little nervous.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Principal Zhou and Professor Tang were not in a hurry. The two smokers just peeled and ate candies.

About a minute later, Ye Ming exhaled lightly.

"It might actually be possible to find rogue black holes in our solar system."

Hearing these words, the two of them stopped at the same time and looked at him in shock.

Even if the two are not engaged in astronomy, they still know what it means to discover a wandering black hole in the solar system.

——This means that many "unreliable" conjectures about black holes will be confirmed, and the universe model will be greatly improved!

It also means... This will be the biggest discovery of this century!

Ye Ming pursed his lips and looked at the two: "There is not much data now, and an accurate model cannot be established, but that mysterious large-mass celestial body must be found."

"Have you disclosed the black hole judgment to FAST?"

"No, but according to the position estimate, a little calculation can probably lead to the direction that it is a celestial body that does not reflect electromagnetic waves."

Principal Zhou took a deep breath and frowned.

He can probably understand why FAST is so "impulsive".

This level of discovery, but also the masters of a group of "Qingshui Yamen"... Who can bear it?

Thinking silently, Principal Zhou opened the drawer and popped out a cigarette.

After clicking on it, through the smoke, he looked at Ye Ming's calm face - this little guy really didn't seem to think that these discoveries could bring much benefit to the people involved.

Hmm... Or in other words, this young man's interest in pursuing science has long surpassed his interest in fame and fortune.

Thinking of this, Principal Zhou's breathing slowed down, and a smile slowly appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Then it seems that you may really have to go there by yourself." Principal Zhou took another puff and put out the cigarette: "In this way, you and your teacher will go over with the letter of appointment and directly hire that Li Lei as our school's professor." .”

"Then that CNY, you should contact me again and show your attitude."

"Well...Of course, the relationship with FAST should not be froze." Principal Zhou smiled and looked at Professor Tang: "Tang Zhigao, help him get the scale."

Professor Tang smiled slightly, and took another deep look at Ye Ming: "Instead, I feel that there is no scale to take - the gravity field is out, the spaceship is out, who else in astronomy would dare to mess with this little boy?" Can't the ancestors succeed?"

Principal Zhou was taken aback for a moment, then laughed out loud.

"Don't bully others."



Li Lei drove back to the county first.

At home, he had lunch with his daughter, and after sending her back to school, he returned to the research center.

He parked the car, got out of the car, swiped his card, and then walked to the office where he worked.

In the afternoon, the office was empty except for the Italian Samuel.

"Samuel, where are they?" Li Lei returned to his seat and sat down, looking at the Italian in front of the coffee machine.

"I'm busy."

Samuel shrugged, took out two sugar cubes and put them in a coffee cup, then handed the coffee to Sita.

Sita walked up to Li Lei with the coffee.

Li Lei took the coffee, silently took out his laptop, and then plugged in the internet cable.

Click on the data login interface, and he enters his account password.


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