From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 277: The Anchor's New Technique

On Zhihu, a question about NVIDIA quietly climbed into the hot search among other questions related to Jizhi Technology.

——“What do you think of NVIDIA’s announcement to cancel HK Shanghuida and fully integrate Southeast Asia business into Paocheng?”

Under this question, there are a lot of people who like to hear and see, and the answer with the most likes is stunned that none of them can be read. They are all...

"Super Plus enjoy."

"It's long overdue."

"It's too late."

"I'm not satisfied without the trapeze on the rooftop."

Answers like this.

It is conceivable that with the turbulent mine tide in the past few years, how simple the feelings of ordinary netizens are.

Of course, there are also very honest industry respondents who gave more professional answers.


"Three years ago, NVIDIA's stock price soared to nearly 800 billion U.S. dollars. In addition to the reason that the old America was pouring water at that time, the more reason was that NVIDIA at that time had a bright future, both in the market and in the field."

"Our gang of gamers, crazy miners, artificial intelligence, and data centers—the demand for these four sectors has increased significantly at the same time, and it is hard to find a card, making a graphics card more expensive than a computer a few years ago. expensive."

"But now, I won't talk about us fun people - the mine tide has receded, and the AI ​​and data centers have been exploded by Aita + Hetu so that even my mother doesn't know..."

"It is an established fact that quantum supercomputing can be used to solve any classical problem."

"In the past few days, under the issue of Yilong and Jingwei MR glasses, many people have mentioned the limitation of bandwidth and network speed, and think that centralized computing is very restricted by network conditions-this is indeed a very practical issue. problem, but is it really an insurmountable problem?"

"Don't forget, NVIDIA's application scenarios are personal PC platforms and databases, not mobile phones. The network conditions of PC platforms are much better than those of mobile phones. You can experience it when you go out and find an Internet cafe."

"Nowadays, there is Aita and Hetu in China, which means that the entire country and even the entire Asian region will be within the influence of quantum supercomputing—do you know how many people there are? Some account for 6% of the world. A population of ten!"

"And Silicon Valley has long established an alliance of AI+quantum computers. Once they complete a breakthrough, even if they cannot create strong artificial intelligence, as long as they can use quantum computers to solve classical problems, then...these personal desktop computing chips, How much more is necessary?"

"So, as a traditional semiconductor company with a single business and the future has been completely cut off by new technologies, NVIDIA is cool, which is really normal."

"Not only do they want to be cool, traditional semiconductor companies, one counts as one, and all of them are on the way to cool."

"Unless certain countries, certain small circles, forever isolate themselves from the force field of quantum supercomputing + strong artificial intelligence, guarding the glory of the old era and dreaming of spring and autumn dreams."


A few days later, with the availability of Jingwei and Yilong products from various channels, there were waves of reviews on the Internet.

It is very interesting that many hardware review bloggers have "overturned" in this review.

Because many people still follow the old process, starting from the configuration, appearance, and feel... But as soon as the configuration is mentioned, there will be countless taps immediately.

——"Does the configuration still need you to talk?"

—— "Are you embarrassed to compare Godson with zen4?"

——"The ass is a little crooked."

——"Let's go, the UP master probably doesn't know what everyone wants to see."

So many different things.

Of course, some of them have been tested seriously. In addition to games, they also conducted "all-round" tests on the daily operating environment-such as browsing the web, watching videos, chatting on QQ, etc.-QQ was on the 11th day The Ita version was released in the afternoon.

As a result, the majority of netizens soon discovered a very surprising fact.

Under the Ita system, there are no advertisements.

Not only is there no advertisement, but also no rogue software, and the browser is also seamlessly compatible with all ancient pages, plug-ins, and frameworks—such as flash! And it's so refreshing!

Netizens who seem to have discovered the New World have begun to dig into the Ita system, such as customizing various practical plug-ins and plug-ins and desktop tools——Ita provides a modular 2-to-3 function, which can easily convert a The characters and scenes in a 2D picture are transformed into 3D scenes and pictures, so you have a customized desktop assistant.

For another example, the system's built-in tuning function is incomparable—she can turn the howling from the left to the bottom of a voice into a beautiful singing voice that a million tuners can't help.

Of course, Ita can also learn the user's voice, and then use it to simulate dubbing. Of course, this function will be included in the Aita database to prevent it from being used in certain illegal activities.

In addition to these, ita office software is a highlight. It is completely intelligently designed, and you don't even have any office software foundation. As long as you can type or even speak, even if Mandarin is not standard...

It is also possible to let AI automatically identify the operation or effect you want to complete by outputting "accurate requirements".

Of course, the bigger highlight is her open programming function.

—— Jizhi Technology has launched the "Dreamer" plan of "everyone is the main planner", promising that each terminal and corresponding users can enjoy free, limited-scale game production and sharing under a certain scale.

And well known.

If the game is truly free, with no in-app purchases, malls, advertisements, and no profit at all, then under the premise of complying with laws and regulations, no version number is required.

// Note, I asked people in the industry.

As a result, in just a few days, live broadcasting "developing games" has become a popular craft among live broadcast bloggers.


Now, Ye Ming is also watching the live broadcast.

What he was watching was an anchor named Huozhongwu—it is said that this person was an author of online articles before, wrote science fiction novels, and won the Galaxy Award.

The anchor described the future sci-fi world in his mind bit by bit, and in just a few days, he attracted a large number of fans of the original work and new viewers.

"I feel like if this continues, all domestic game companies will be ruined." Sitting behind him, Qi Yumo said with a smile, "Everyone will make their own games from now on."

Ye Ming laughed: "Didn't the game companies always say that they didn't dare to do 3A, because the cost of trial and error was high? Now we have no cost to trial and error, let's see what else they have to say?"

"Besides, we just made one for free. People can't just play one, and they design it by themselves." Ye Ming smiled and shook his head: "Don't worry, you can't get the version number, no money to make, just entertain yourself This is still a gimmick. To really make a game with millions of people and tens of millions of people online, it still depends on big companies, and there must be differentiation..."

"Well... that is, the Ita platform is small now, and when the platform grows, capital will still have an advantage, whether it's publicity or quality."


Ye Ming glanced at the time, then at the anchor who was thinking hard about the setting in the screen, and after thinking for a while, he said: "This guy is engaged in interstellar themes, why don't you contact him and we can buy the copyright?"

Qi and Mo were taken aback, then pursed their lips and smiled: " don't cultivate immortality?"

"Xiu, but there are too many beautiful NPCs in the game, and the space game is more to my liking - we made it into an online game, and made it into space exploration, colonization, and war, what do you think?"

"You decide."

"Hey..." Ye Ming smiled.

At this time, his mobile phone rang, and after looking at it, he found that although it was an unfamiliar number, Ita had marked it as a reminder for him.'s Li Lei from FAST.

Isn't FAST not able to make phone calls?

But Ye Ming answered the phone immediately.

The cooperation between Li Lei and him has been very good, especially the sky survey a few days ago, which obtained a lot of data.

"Hello, Teacher Li."

"Hello, Professor Ye, I'm sorry to interrupt... I'll hand over the work."

On the phone, Li Lei sounded a little depressed.


Pingtang, Guizhou.

Li Lei's car was parked on the outer line of the FAST core area.

Pingtang, if it wasn’t for FAST’s landing here, it would be a small county with nothing to do. The road to FAST is winding and winding, a typical hilly road.

Putting down the phone, he slammed and lit a cigarette while trembling, and then his chest continued to heave.

If we say that the first few days were the excitement of discovering...

So now, he is nervous, at a loss, and at a loss at the intersection of fate.

——Just one day ago, he received a notice from the research institute that the leader of the institute was furious at him for arbitrarily launching the FAST mirror to change orbits and survey the sky, saying that he had directly scrapped the data of a national research group.

Even if he fights with reason, it won't help to move out Ye Ming...

Now he is already in a situation where he has actually stopped scientific research work.

And he called Ye Ming... On the one hand, of course, he expected Ye Ming to say something for him—undoubtedly, as a new Nobel Prize scholar, he is also the master designer of quantum supercomputing and controllable nuclear fusion Master, Ye Ming's status is definitely high enough!

On the other hand, he really wanted to get from Ye Ming what possible discoveries could be made from those data.

If you really want to be sacrificed or something, can you "worth it".

But on the phone, Ye Ming didn't say anything clearly... He didn't even say a comforting official tone, but just asked him to go back and continue to help and continue to work. is he going to continue?

In the silence, there was only one butt left on the cigarette.

At this time, his cell phone rang again.

Looking at the number, he immediately looked happy, and after taking a deep breath, he became respectful.

"Hello, teacher……"

On the phone, it was his doctoral supervisor, who is also a bigwig in the astronomy world.

Yesterday, he was the first to find his mentor, and besides comforting him, the mentor also told him to wait.

"Well, Li Lei, have you considered going back to the local observatory?"

Hearing the teacher's voice, Li Lei was slightly taken aback.

"Teacher, it can't be so serious, right? As a researcher, do I have a problem with stargazing? And..."

"Li Lei, stargazing is a small problem, or even no problem, but... I heard that you made a big discovery about the star you watched?"

Li Lei's heart began to sink.

On the phone, the teacher's voice continued: "Professor Ye, it is said that someone is in charge of taking over."

"Teacher... But Professor Ye told me to go back to work just now!"

"Huh?" The voice on the phone hesitated for a moment: "Are you sure you said that?"

"Yes..." Li Lei took a breath, and said the contents of the call with Ye Ming.

There was silence on the phone.

A few seconds later, the teacher's voice sounded again: "So, you haven't been suspended or disqualified from the experiment, have you?"

"not yet."

"Then you can go back to work."

In silence, Li Lei took a deep breath.

Frankly speaking, compared to Ye Ming, a "young man", he is more willing to trust his mentor.

At the very least, it is the instructor's judgment.


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