From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 276 The Fall of an Empire

With a brief self-introduction, Qi and Mo's heartbeat gradually settled down.

She pursed her lips and looked at the audience with a smile—yesterday and this morning, she learned from Ye Ming for a long time how to avoid stage fright.

Ye Ming told her that she first had to tell herself that she was talking about Aita.

And in this world, there are no more than three people who know Aita better than her.

"As you can see, the Ita system is a 64-bit system based on strong artificial intelligence AI. Because its core computing and development are all based on Aita, we will not introduce the localized development environment. "

"And before that, let me answer a question that has been uploaded on the Internet for a long time. I think it may also be a question in everyone's mind..."

Qi Yumo smiled at the corner of her mouth, thinking of what Ye Ming told her--first hit the confidence of these people before talking.

"That is, Aita does have the ability to write code under the X86 architecture."

Following her words, there was a slight commotion in the audience, but everyone still maintained enough etiquette.

"Aita, connect to the display interface of the X86 platform."

"Please wait, connected."

On the big screen, the Windows 11 interface appeared.

"Turn on the button, and do 500 random questions."

"OK, just a second."

Following her and Aita's voices, everyone saw that each question was automatically opened, and then almost instantly, Aita completed the code and clicked to submit...

1 way, 2 ways, 3 ways, 4 ways...

Qi and Mo tilted their heads, and an indescribable smile rose in their eyes.

Ye Ming used to be able to do 200 points a day, but now she can "do" 500 points in less than ten minutes!

As one after another question was submitted, it was shown that it was completely passed...

Soon, the 500 algorithm questions were over.

The entire venue was silent.

"The reason why we don't open this function on the non-ITA platform is because...we don't think that after the birth of strong artificial intelligence, we have to take care of the backward protocols and frameworks. Therefore, there is the ITA system."

"As for the Ita system, all development ideas are based on communication with Ita."

As Qi Yumo spoke, she took a light breath: "She can do everything, what we can do is to tell her and make her understand what we need her to do."

"Everyone, please look at the big screen, this is Ita's development environment."

At this time, a voice suddenly sounded from the silent audience.

"Excuse me, are all the programs and data developed under Ita's framework stored in Ita's database?"

Qi and Mo were slightly taken aback, then looked towards the source of the voice.

It was a middle-aged man with a serious expression.

She doesn't know this person, but a middle-aged person can do this... Obviously not a first-line programmer.

After a few seconds of silence, Qi and Mo smiled slightly.

"Yes, under the Ita system, all the 'intelligent computing', its data and the 'main program' will be kept in the Ita's database."

Under the stage, everyone took a breath of air.

Doesn't this... mean that everyone will work for Jizhi Technology in the future?



In the afternoon, Tian Ye and his party left the venue in a hurry.

One thing that Jizhi Technology did well-they prepared a notebook for everyone invited to participate-free of charge.

This move can be regarded as bringing back a little "goodwill".

After all, the little girl Qi and Mo looks young, but her words are extremely "fierce" - all programs based on Ita system are cloud programs, and must be entrusted to Ita for hosting.

Although all programmers can express their understanding in principle, from the perspective of the independence and sustainable development of an enterprise... this feeling of being reduced to a "package worker" is really unacceptable.

Small companies can accept it, but what about those big companies like BAB with a market value of hundreds of billions or trillions?

Can they accept handing over all their data to Jizhi Technology?


An Yixun's chairman's office.

Although he got the notebook, Wang Cheng still came to An Yixun as promised. Looking at the signs of Master Lu everywhere in the company, Wang Cheng breathed out softly: "You are also veterans in the IT industry... Can you accept this?"

Tian Ye shrugged and poured a cup of tea for the other party himself.

"The question is that there is only one Aita. All domestic and international AI developers are trash."

Wang Cheng was stunned, then sighed and smiled: "Yes, I heard that the president of Pony and Jack in the special zone started discussions very early, and then the AI ​​teams of the two also cooperated, but they couldn't reach the level of Aita—— You are so close, have you heard any rumors?"

"We haven't heard any rumors, but we know that Jizhi Technology was only engaged in robotic arms and intelligent workshops at the beginning, and Aita seems to have come out suddenly-so we are more inclined to agree with Mr. Ye's words , the birth of Aita is an unrepeatable miracle."

Tian Ye paused while talking: "Otherwise, why would the country choose to directly bet heavily, and even the national fortune, on Aita?"

Hearing this, everyone in the office fell silent.

When doing things in this land, the first thing to look at is how to get there...

Now the above has clearly stated that it is necessary to rely on Aita, a strong artificial intelligence, to build a centralized intelligent network...

It is a law for the survival of an enterprise to operate in discord.

"Stop talking, let's try the game first!"

The two bosses opened their notebooks and clicked into the game.

As the screen jumped out, the two middle-aged men held their breath for an instant.

As it is said on the Internet, only by seeing it in person can you know how outrageous it is to play games with quantum supercomputing!

After a few seconds of silence, Wang Cheng sighed leisurely.

"NVIDIA is completely cold."

"Under the fate of the country, if you go against it, you will perish."


HK, a branch of NVIDIA.

Jensen kicked all the employees out and sat alone in the general manager's room.

In front of him is the notebook that Jizhi Technology has just launched.

And the screen, of course, is also the game that can only be "tested".

On the monitor, every frame was like a rendering of a real movie, stabbing his visual nerves.

As a semiconductor veteran who created the GPU dynasty, he doesn’t need to download and compare the X86 demo version provided by Jizhi Technology to know that such a picture cannot be achieved by a personal graphics card.

Needless to say, in games with centralized computing, strong artificial intelligence can provide NPCs and environments in the game with unique "calculation scripts", or independent personality expressions.

Games can't compare, so data calculation... not to mention.

How can the computing power stacked by GPU be compared with quantum supercomputing?

In silence, Jensen turned on NVIDIA's real-time stock price.

It has fallen from 30 billion to less than 10 billion US dollars.

This means... the graphics card empire he built himself is on the verge of extinction.

Jensen stood up and walked to the door.

All the employees looked at him, the big boss who had never been here before.

Silent, Jensen bowed to the staff.

"Thank you for your hard work. The branch will be disbanded tomorrow. Please prepare to pay your salary."

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