From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 275 Developer Conference

Double Eleven arrived as scheduled.

At seven o'clock in the morning, in Mo Gu's dormitory, two girls were sleeping soundly under the covers.

This dormitory was specially arranged by Ye Ming for Mo Gu and Qi and Mo, but Qi and Mo did not move the beds here.

In her words, she is not a graduate student yet, so she still has to pay attention to the influence.

What's more, Mogu's bed is 1.5 meters, so it's no problem to sleep two people. Now that the weather is getting colder, it's just right for two people to sleep.

——For example, it is now.

"Xiaoqi, get up."

With the sound of Sita next to him, Mo Gu opened his eyes with difficulty.

It was dark.

"Sita, it's all right."

"Okay." Sita shut up obediently, and then sat aside quietly.

Mo Gu turned over, fumbled and patted his cousin's face lightly.

No response.

"Wake up!" She raised her voice.

Qi Yumo's murmured voice sounded: "Sister, I'll squint for a while."

"Stop squinting, it's seven o'clock, and you have a meeting today!"

"I don't wear makeup."

"That won't work...Ye Ming is here."

Hearing the word Ye Ming, Qi Yumo, who was lying in bed, opened his eyes suddenly: "Where?"

Mo Gu laughed, and then ordered Sita to turn on the light.


After struggling for a while, Qi and Mo finally stretched out their hands from the bed and clenched their fists.

Cousin has gone to the bathroom,

Stretching, she closed her eyes again and murmured, "Aita, how is the sales so far?"

"As of now, 283,491 sets of Jingwei MR glasses sets have been sold, with 840,000 pre-orders. 508,553 sets of Yilong notebooks have been sold, with 1.44 million pre-orders."

Qi and Mo sat up abruptly.

"Are there logistics and product line arrangements?"


"Nice job!"

Qi and Mo jumped out of bed, took out a gel pen from under the pillow, and put it on the back of his head hastily.

At this time, Mo Gu had already returned from the bathroom, seeing that it was still early, she got under the covers again, only showing her head to look at her cousin: "What did you do so beautifully?"

Paint and Ink answered while putting on clothes: "The production process arrangement, now all of our supply chains have launched the industrial production management system of Aita Automation. In theory, the production capacity of notebooks and MR glasses can be reduced in a short time. Climb directly to the level of 200,000 units per day."

"Isn't that 70 million units per year?" Mo Gu said in surprise, "Is the market that big?"

"Hey... commercial secret."

"Cut! Tell me the secret, you little eighth woman?"

"Okay, okay, the main reason is that I got a lot of administrative purchase orders."

Mo Gu nodded.

Indeed, administrative procurement is even a step ahead.

For example, the Brain-Computer Center has already placed an order early.

Qi and Mo smiled and opened the closet, and found several clothes: "Sister, which one do I look better in?"

"Either one looks good." Mo Gu didn't mind that Qi and Mo were holding his own clothes - they were both very similar in height and figure, so it was no problem to mix and change clothes.

"Then I can do whatever I want?"

"That gray short windbreaker. You are going to give a speech today. Wearing gray looks more mature, but Jizhi Technology is a lively and energetic company, so it is not convenient to wear professional suits..."

"Yeah, my sister is right!"

After choosing the clothes, Qi and Mo hurriedly went to the bathroom to wash up. When she came back, Mo Gu also got up and put on some makeup for her.

It is said to be makeup, but it is actually a little lipstick, and then a little eyebrow trimming.

After all, a 21-year-old girl is still naturally beautiful, so how can she use heavy makeup?

Putting on his cousin's coat, Qi and Mo turned their heads: "I'm leaving?"

"Well, come on."



It's two o'clock in the afternoon.

Tian Ye and a colleague entered the conference hall of the Science and Technology Innovation Park on time.

As neighbors of Jizhi Technology, they were not invited last time and could still say that it was a product launch event, mainly for the media and channels, but this time it is a developer conference...

If they haven't been invited yet...

Then this friend has nothing to do.

Because this is the first Ita system developer conference held by Jizhi Technology, so all the elites and even bosses from various IT companies came - this has nothing to do with face or not, but everyone understands that the Twin Towers Combination, even if it has such and other shortcomings now, it will definitely rise in China!

To put it to the extreme, the reason why the country launched an investigation so arrogantly against a bunch of IT companies in Silicon Valley and Seattle last time is because of this.

Ita system is the foundation of the future.

"President Tian, ​​are you here in person?"

After Tian Ye sat down, a man in his early thirties beside him greeted him with a smile.

Tian Ye's mind immediately flashed the identity of the other party - Wang Cheng, the person in charge of Tianmei in the provincial capital, and the producer of a famous mobile game.

So Tian Ye immediately exchanged greetings: "Mr. Wang, you are here too, I will definitely come."

The two laughed.

"By the way, are you planning to enter the MR field?" Tian Ye looked at Wang Cheng and asked with a smile.

"In fact, I have always planned, and there are brothers and units doing it." Wang Cheng paused after speaking: "It's hard to disclose the details, I can only say that if the Ita system is really as shown, it will be very important for the game industry. ... definitely a Mars-to-Earth collision."

Tian Ye nodded in agreement.

To put it bluntly, after watching the two videos of Jizhi Technology, he had the idea of ​​​​making a game. With Aita's powerful computing power and intelligent processing capabilities, future game production may be more difficult. What you are fighting for is the "soft power" of world view, numerical value, task, and aesthetics...

Of course, Jizhi Technology may also divide this development function into grades and grades, as well as different price ranges to make distinctions.

But on the whole, in terms of game production and software design itself, the "Twin Towers" combination has indeed brought enough disruption.

——Don’t you see, as soon as the two videos were released, all the doubts about Jingwei, Yilong, and Jizhi Technology on the Internet disappeared!

"By the way, you two are very close, have you ever played that game?" Wang Cheng continued to ask.

Tian Ye smiled and shook his head: "Not really, but the company got a few notebooks through the back door, and they should be delivered in the afternoon—how about you?"

"We are purchasing collectively here, and it is said that it will take a week to arrive."

"Then come to my place to play later?"

"Thank you so much."

"Haha, they are all from the provincial capital circle, so there is no need to say polite words."

The two chatted quietly, then the curtains were drawn and the lights dimmed.

The stage lights go up.

The arena gradually quieted down.

Everyone looked at the stage—Jizhi Technology just notified and invited all IT circles, saying that the developer conference will be held today, but did not say who will be the speaker.

But everyone is guessing...

According to Mr. Ye's personality and his understanding of Aita, he should be the one who came in person.

However... as the stage lights rose, a robot walked into the arena first.

Immediately afterwards, a young and beautiful girl also came to the front desk.

"Hi everyone, welcome to today's developer conference. I am Qi and Mo, the person in charge of Aita's logic computing department."

"This is Professor Ye Ming's assistant, Ita."

"Today, we will introduce to you the development environment and ecology of the Ita system."

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