Using the strongest equipment and technology to arm the strongest "imaginary enemy" to train other teams, the X-corner building is actually a teacher. Of course they knew that that old man was the strongest whetstone on the Gobi Desert.

But when facing the enemy after the addition of mechanical soldiers... even the superior force of the "Whetstone" being "armed to the teeth" will not help.

A staff officer stood up: "In a few months, when they exposed the propaganda film, we began to analyze their training and deployment. According to the satellite analysis of these months, there are not many such soldiers. , and it is impossible to fully assemble."

Immediately, someone nodded in agreement: "The cost must be very expensive."

"It is said that one million dollars?"

"I don't know the details, and I haven't received accurate information." The staff officer paused: "But judging from the price of their civilian robots, it shouldn't be too outrageous."

The rest of the people showed disbelief in their eyes.

Such a powerful mechanical warrior, no one can win 12 million knives?

"In short, we don't have to worry too much about the scenario where the opponents we face in the future are all robots, but we need to pay more attention to their combat methods."

Speaking of which, the staff officer began to play the previous promotional video and some leaked training images obtained from "special channels": "What we can know so far is that these robots really rely on the calculation of the central computer Aita - and according to speculation, the central Computer Aita already has the ability to decipher the current encryption system."

The staff officer looked at everyone calmly: "NASA discovered an illegal login ten days ago, although the springboard that was finally tracked was Niguo - we don't think Niguo people have the courage to invade NASA, and they don't have the technology to decipher high-strength passwords. "

"How strong is the password?"

"18-digit mixed password, there is no possibility of disclosure, and there is no possibility of being deciphered."

"Therefore, we have every reason to believe that the biggest opponent is that AI—because our information command system is transparent to her."

Everyone stopped talking.

If that computer is truly omnipotent, then...

Immediately, someone made a suggestion.

"EMP bomb?"

"If we're ready to go back to World War II, then yes."

"Quantum encrypted communication?"

"Let's not talk about how far quantum encryption communication can go now. It really started a war. How long can quantum communication satellites exist?"

Everyone stopped talking again.

Back to World War II? Are you kidding?

Going back to the era of World War II, it means that the war is developing in the direction of industrial production capacity and population mobilization capacity.

Who dares to challenge a country that accounts for 30% of the world's industrial output value and has a population of more than one billion?

Third brother?

You must know that the reason why mold is powerful now is based on advanced modern information technology!

Facing an opponent who can crush himself in this technique...

"It seems that there is only one nuclear bomb dropped on the provincial capital."

The staff officer laughed.

"If that day really comes, my suggestion is not to shoot once, but to give everything up."

Mihir watched the people talking more and more outrageous, his brows frowned into old tree roots. But he also knew that in the past two years...the opponent's strength had indeed increased a bit outrageously.

After a long silence, the general exhaled heavily.

"You sort out the report, it's time to call those old men to raise their money."

The staff officer shook his head again: "If the root problem is not resolved, it will be useless to increase the money."

Mihir was silent again for a few seconds, and suddenly became furious: "Then what do you say is useful?"

"Space Damocles works."

The staff officer pointed to the top of his head: "Transport the attack power into space and turn it into the sword of Damocles-this is the only useful and achievable deterrent!"

In silence, he asked Elson's staff to touch his glasses.

"Other than that, there is no other way."



Chasing the River.

Zhong Lei and Zhou Bo are giving their comrades the final "training" before they leave.

There were about forty people in the conference room, and thirty or so people here were comrades-in-arms who had been on the news with them-the enemies who were wiped out by them.

There are also Lao Man and other commanders and fighters.

Of course, the "black wind and double evil" of the two of them is also indispensable.

Zhong Lei's mecha is called Xiaohei, and Zhou Bo's mecha is called Xiaofeng.

"...In addition to the previous fighting skills, there is also psychological construction."

Zhong Lei stood alone in front of the podium, smiling at the group of comrades who couldn't be more convinced, and told his experience without reservation.

This group of people are all the best of the best.

In the thirties, they beat themselves, Zhou Bo, and six other former comrades-in-arms, and the whole army was wiped out. Do you think they are convinced?

How is that possible.

So in the next few days, Zhong Lei and Zhou Bo were not polite, they used the authority given by Aita to the extreme, and severely taught this group of arrogant comrades.

The result was... the thirty or so people lost eight games in a row.

Now they are completely convinced, knowing that the stand-in mecha is not for bullets, nor for patrolling, but a complete set of comprehensive dimensionality reduction attack system from network to command.

The reason for doing this...of course, is because these thirty or so people represent the strongest combat power of the traditional informationized combat system, and belong to the king level of the "old era".

Now that a new era has begun, of course we have to practice with them.

Now that they have practiced, they will transform themselves and form the first real stand-in mecha company.

So don't look at them being hanged and beaten these days... Next, it's up to them to hang and beat the whole country... Oh no, the whole world!

"The psychological construction here does not refer to breaking through some psychological barriers, but refers to restraining one's sense of strength, and..." Zhong Lei turned to look at Xiao Hei.

"The other thing is to restrain the emotion towards the stand-in mecha."

"They're controlled by the central computer Aita, and they can behave intelligently, so sometimes there's an unavoidable companion mentality—that's not okay."

"In normal training, of course, we should cherish them like our bodies, pay attention to system prompts and parts status, and pay attention to maintenance. But in real battles, we must also be willing to cut off the wrists of a strong man."

"This is an important point."

"The above is a little bit of our experience in using the double mecha in the past few months. As for more skills and tricks..." Zhong Lei smiled slightly: "I believe that brothers know better than me, and please give me more advice when the time comes." .”

Under the stage, a group of originally serious fighters laughed together.

After the applause, Zhong Lei and Zhou Bo bid farewell to commanders and embarked on the cross-country journey back to the city.

The urban area is approaching, and the mobile phone has a signal.

Zhong Lei took out his mobile phone, intending to call He Mo and report that he was about to return.

But just as he was about to dial, a headline popped up.

"The Nobel Prize in Physics has been announced, and young Chinese scholars Ye Ming and Mo Gu jointly won the prize!"

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