Provincial Jiaotong New Brain-Computer Center.

The new office building has a total of eight floors. In addition to the laboratory, there are two dedicated floors for surgery and examination rooms-if there is an emergency, patients can be operated on here.

Behind the office building is a glass corridor about 30 meters long, and at the end of the corridor is an eleven-story dormitory building.

This layout, of course, is to take care of the researchers and make it easy for them to commute to and from get off work.

In the lobby on the ground floor of the brain-computer center, everyone formed a half circle.

When Ye Ming and Mo Gu walked into the hall, applause and whistles began to sound.

The two looked at each other, shook their heads and smiled at the same time, and bowed slightly to the crowd to thank them.


Ye Ming's new office is still very big, and there is a small room next door for him to rest.

At this time, Professor Tang, Professor Chen, Academician Pan, Director Niu and others who just arrived yesterday were sitting in his office, wantonly creating second-hand smoke--in the euphemistic name of removing formaldehyde from his new office.

Ye Ming made tea for everyone himself, and then Mo Gu carried the teacups for him one by one.

"Two Nobel laureate scholars serve tea and water. I am afraid that they could only enjoy this treatment when they went to Mr. Curie's house a hundred years ago?"

Seeing the tacit cooperation between the two, Academician Pan made a joke.

Then Professor Tang immediately touched him - Lao Pan didn't know Ye Ming's relationship situation, but he knew it clearly.

——This is really not a nonsense.

Mo Gu's face blushed without leaving a trace, and then he also sat aside with a teacup.

Frankly speaking, she and Ye Ming were in a similar mood—both were not too excited.

Ye Ming doesn't care much about this Nobel Prize scholar, she thinks that she is not very worthy of this Nobel Prize in physics.

But how? Since I have given it, then take it and work hard to make contributions in the future.

On the contrary, the friends around me, as well as the professors and leaders were very excited.

Of course, domestic netizens are even more excited.

Not to mention the double cannon, among the Nobel Prizes in science, the ages of the two directly broke the record - Ye Ming is not yet 22 years old, and Mo Gu is not yet 26 years old.

The most exciting thing is that these two people have no experience of studying abroad.

They are born and bred, pure incomparable.

Even if the so-called "genius comes" theory is put aside, it can also prove that Nobel Prize-level scholars can be born in China.

And netizens who are aware of the progress of new technologies are more aware that in the fields of new materials, controllable fusion, brain-computer, artificial intelligence, quantum computers, etc., it is not as simple as being ahead of one or two Nobel Prize winners in China...

That's an all-around lead!

If those well-known honors and awards for foreigners can be done fairly and justly, then in the next few decades... the domestic market will be directly reserved!

But looking at it now, the Nobel Prize can be fair—at least it "seems" to be fair.

Seeing that Ye Ming was also seated, Director Niu laughed and joked: "What a prize... It's a pity that someone can't go."

Everyone laughed.

Director Niu's words naturally also represented the high-level attitude towards Ye Ming's award.

——This award is very good and fair, but I'm sorry, our guy's status is a bit important, so we won't take it at the scene.

This statement also expresses the high-level judgment on the current situation.

Frankly speaking, Ye Ming was quite... heartwarming when he found out.

That means the bosses know he's important, too.

Mo Gu smiled slightly: "It's okay, I'll take it back together."

"Well, I will let Ita accompany you when the time comes." Ye Ming paused after speaking: "You can't snatch Ita from me, can you?"

Professor Chen said cheerfully, "Don't tell me, if some people know that Ita has your local algorithm, maybe they will find a way to get Ita's idea—by the way, what about Ita?"

Professor Chen looked around as he spoke. He knew Ita had been with Ye Ming all along.

Ye Ming coughed and smiled wryly: "Don't mention it, last night she took a walk with the old man and bought a watermelon to carry back, but accidentally fell while walking...and broke her arm."

Here, Mo Gu pursed his lips and smiled: "Also, after she broke her arm, she was fine. Seeing the watermelon shattered all over the floor, she cried loudly in the vegetable market... I am so happy."

Everyone laughed.

"Then what?"

"Then I changed her mechanical arm today, and my dad also upgraded her outer armor to space aluminum, um... and added a holographic projection."

Hearing the whole series of projections, everyone immediately became interested: "Naked-eye holography? Is there a technological breakthrough?"

Ye Ming smiled embarrassedly: "No, I used a holographic fan."

"That's not bad."

"Well, when I'm free, I'll think about it and see if I can push it on the holographic projection. I haven't had time to do it yet." Ye Ming said and looked at everyone: "Let's go to the quantum computer to take a look." ?”


Today is the first day of installing the quantum computer stabilization module, but since I have received the notification of the Nobel Prize... how should I put it, let's talk first.

But everyone in this room knows that the work of quantum computers today is important.

So important that it surpasses the Nobel Prize itself.

After a group of people changed into dustproof clothes, they came to the second floor of the Supercomputing Center.

At this time, on the second floor, the superconducting layer circuit layer and the vacuum device have been arranged.

The vacuum device is a huge "black box" with only a few observation holes, and it is being hoisted in mid-air at this time. Below it is a truly golden circuit board, with various interfaces and countless pins on the circuit board.

Dozens of construction workers were wearing dust-proof clothing and stood at the door together.

After the applause started, Ye Ming quickly asked about the progress of the work.

The assembly responsible is still Professor Gong.

"We have tested the stabilizing device before, as long as there is no metaphysical failure, there must be no problem." Professor Gong introduced to the group with a smile: "If you work overtime tonight, you can see the effect."

Everyone nodded slightly, and Professor Chen then asked, "When can quantum wells be installed?"

"If you rush to work, you can do it the day after tomorrow."

Tang and Chen looked at each other, and then at Ye Ming.

The two of them came to look at it. On the one hand, they were the "bosses", so they should pay attention to this extremely critical node. On the other hand, it is also necessary to consider whether the progress of the project can cooperate with this month's Jizhi Technology Conference.

——This quantum computer named "Hetu" adopts the patented "thermal expansion" design jointly developed by Jizhi Technology and Academician Pan's team.

What is thermal expansion?

——Through modular design, task distribution and current control, it can expand the quantum computing unit without power failure!

In other words, it is a super brain that can never stop!

The benefits of this design are obvious.

Only one set of thermal expansion modules is needed to complete integration and direct connection with the current Aita.

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