"In order to protect... and the interests of allies, to maintain peace, stability and order in space, and to advance the boundaries of mankind...NASA has decided to sign and start a new space program."

"This program is divided into two areas, space development and space defense programs."

"Space development will focus on the Artemis program and the Mars program to complete the landing, construction and development of the moon and Mars respectively."

"The space defense plan will build an all-round missile defense system..."


With a short, formal announcement from NASA, it immediately caused a sensation on the Internet.

"Space Program".

Although the name is very simple.

But netizens who have a little memory, or who know a little about history, know what this announcement means.

What kind of space program is nothing more than "Star Wars" again with a different pattern.

It's not just that foreign netizens are clear... the same is true in China.

An old trick from decades ago, who doesn't know what's behind it?


Zhou Xiangnan secretly took the arm off his girlfriend's head.

His girlfriend re-talked after returning to China. To be precise, it was the junior sister in the Mogu group-this junior sister happened to be his "fan". The people soon moved in together.

Knowing that he was in a relationship, Ye Ming was also very righteous, opened a back door for them, and arranged a set of two bedrooms and one living room - even the children's room was considered.

My girlfriend is used to going to bed early and getting up early, but he can't, he's a night owl.

Even after paying the public rations, he couldn't sleep.

After withdrawing his hand, he took out his mobile phone and opened Zhihu skillfully.

If nothing else, today's hot list should be all about whether Ye Ming should win the Nobel Prize.

It stands to reason that this kind of topic, he should have picked up the heat...

But the more he got in touch with Ye Ming and the more he understood Ye Ming, the more embarrassed he was to answer questions related to Ye Ming.

--how to answer? Said that his kneeling posture is very standard? Do you feel calm when you hold your thighs?

Zhihu's homepage was refreshed, and Zhou Xiangnan's eyes suddenly froze.

"What do you think of the launch of the US space program? What are the similarities and differences between this program and the Star Wars program?"

Star Wars?

Refresh, new answers pop up constantly.

Because the incident happened so suddenly, many respondents had only a few sentences.

"Stay in the hole, wait for the editor - but there is no doubt that this is aimed at us, and I don't believe Maozi is worth starting Star Wars."

"Agreed that the missile defense program of Star Wars was against us, but going to the moon and going to Mars to build and colonize, who agreed with them?"

"I doubt that Lao Mei did this to divert the embarrassment after the embarrassment of controllable nuclear fusion. It depends on the follow-up. Anyway, I always think that Musk is a master of bragging."

Immediately below, a fan of Musk jumped out: "At least the awesomeness that people have boasted has come true, at least the first thing people think about is going to space."

Then someone immediately retorted: "You mean that 4 cents for electricity access to the network is not as good as a trip to Mars?"

——"The actual commercial and residential electricity bills are reduced by 30 cents, which is still a special consideration. Do you think it is really meaningful?"

——"Jiangcheng's electricity bill of 20 cents a degree is meaningless?"

——"It makes sense, but it is far from an energy revolution. Wait until the electricity bill is four cents."

Brushing through the answers and comments, Zhou Xiangnan narrowed his eyes, and then smiled.

But when he clicked on the answer page, he was taken aback suddenly, and then sighed.

He signed a confidentiality agreement when he entered the Brain-Computer Center, and was pulled to do confidentiality training... Especially for a researcher like him who has a close relationship with Ye Ming, he was specially told that he could not disclose any research direction of Ye Ming .

——This is actually the reason why he seldom writes answers recently.

Because the questions that netizens are interested in are all related to Ye Ming's subject.

If it was before, he could write freely, and he could guess the score.

but now……

After a while of boredom, he was about to turn off the answer.

But in the end, he still felt uncomfortable, so he wrote three words.

"See you tomorrow".

After clicking send, he immediately received several reminders of likes and comments.

There was no disturbance in his heart.

As a big V, this is just basic practice.

And he can fully guess that the comment must be "?"

Sure enough... Several comments were all asking him what "see you tomorrow" meant.

Zhou Xiangnan smiled slightly and closed Zhihu. contented.

See you tomorrow, it can't be Dabao SOD!


after one day.

A conference room in the X-corner building.

Everyone quietly watched a military news report posted on the Internet from the opposite side.

On the screen, rows of soldiers who look like clone warriors walk neatly across the parade ground.

Everyone present has seen such a scene many times, and there is no slightest disturbance.

They are all waiting for the final parade square.

As the password was raised, a group of mechanical warriors painted black as if from hell appeared on the screen.

"The first batch of machine combat soldiers who are officially deployed in our army are coming forward. They have a complete information system and command system, and they also have extremely high military literacy."

"Their installation represents that our army has entered a new stage in the fields of mechanization, intelligence, and informationization."

The parade was followed by a series of confrontational displays.

A news channel obviously won't show too much information and process.

But... in the eyes of the people in this conference room, they were able to observe the intent of the news from the less than three-minute exercise of the city's security warfare.

In the picture, a team of more than 30 militants was trapped in the urban area, but when faced with an eight-man team with two machine fighters, the more than 30 people were wiped out in less than ten minutes .

After the screen was broadcast, everyone was silent for a long time.

"I can't imagine that if our young man meets such an opponent, he will be the same as those thirty people." General Mihir looked at the crowd with an extremely serious expression.

No one speaks to each other.

They all have vision, and they all know... the thirty people, regardless of their will to fight or their tactical level...

They are all very tall, no worse than their own boys.

"Maybe they are acting?" One of the staff officers asked tentatively.

"Those thirty people are subordinates of Colonel Man! How could they be acting!"

The staff officer immediately fell silent.

——Man, is the "master" of this training field, the most cunning wolf, specially used to temper the opponents. His subordinates, in a sense, represent the strongest combat power of the planetary army.

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