From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 257 Laser and Missile Design

In the Brain-Computer Center, in fact, everyone has not talked much about the topic of "Ye Ming \u0026 Nobel Prize".

On the one hand, it is generally accepted that Ye Ming’s contribution has far exceeded the standard of the Nobel Prize—not to mention Ye’s equation, the status of the hybrid chip in the field of materials alone is worthy of the Nobel Prize awarded to him last year. he.

But not last year.

So this year everyone is not chatting, but they are still very calm.

Even with the mentality of watching fun.

If it is not awarded this year, the credibility and influence of the Nobel Prize will plummet.

But not talking about Ye Ming doesn't mean not talking about Mogu.

If the Nobel Prize is given to Ye's equation, then Mogu will have no chance.

If the Nobel Prize is awarded to the hybrid chip, then Mogu will be able to get on the bus.


Looking at his cousin's blazing eyes, Mo Gu was stunned for a moment, and his thoughts instantly returned to two years ago.

Two years ago, during the National Day, Ye Ming found himself and said he wanted to do an experiment, and then he was afraid that he would mess it up, so he helped him do it.

It seems that on the day the experiment was completed, Qi and Mo were also sitting on their own bed, and they were also sitting on the sofa, while Ye Ming was taking a shower in the bathroom outside.

It's been two years since I left.

She has also changed from an ordinary master's student to a well-known young scholar in the field of brain computers all over the world. She has published various articles, and she still has a few CNS-level articles in her hand...

"I don't want to, I don't look forward to it." Mo Gu slowly withdrew his thoughts, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "It took me two years to calm down, so let's not talk about this topic."

Paint and Ink: "Really not at all?"

"not at all."

Qi and Mo watched Mo Gu steadily for a few seconds, and after finding out that she was sincere, they hummed twice: "Okay, if I really gave it to you, do you want to take it?"

"Isn't that nonsense?" Mo Gu glared at her, "Are you stupid or something?"

"Hey... I mean, you said, if you want to give a hybrid chip, should you go together or..."

Paint and Ink stopped talking.

Mo Gu was startled, and his brows furrowed.

Qi and Mo also looked at her, the two looked at each other, and shook their heads at the same time after a while.

Mo Gu sighed softly: "Isn't it difficult for him to go abroad now?"

"I have checked Aita's records." Paint and Mo pursed their lips, their eyes full of worry: "In the past six months, Aita has submitted many suspicious reports to CNY."

"You can check this?"

"Well, but it's only for inquiry." Qi Yumo said softly after a few seconds of silence: "Sometimes I feel that he is actually a little... pitiful?"

The two of them stopped talking at the same time.


Ye Ming naturally didn't know that he would be a little "poor" in the eyes of the sisters.

He was in the office with Director Niu and He Mo holding a video conference overnight with the expert group at the air port.

Of course, He Mo was just an observer, mainly he and Director Niu were talking.

As for why it was held overnight...

Of course it was because everyone was too excited to sleep.

Why are you so excited you can't sleep? Of course it's because in the past few days...the wind finally came from above, allowing them to take a bigger step after passing the verification.

But there was other news on the wind as well.

For example, some functional modules must be added, especially self-defense means must be available to prevent accidents. Communication encryption technology must also be available, and the possibility of militarization must also be considered.

During the discussion, an expert from Bowkou suggested that it is best to design a space-based missile defense launch system, so that both ground security and space security can be guaranteed.

But soon some experts raised objections, saying that launching missiles in space is not as good as directly launching high-power laser weapons.

Immediately Director Niu became interested: "Is it okay to use a high-power laser?"

Ye Ming thought for a while: "If it is in orbit, the engine can provide at least 100 million kilowatts of idle power, but at most only about 5% of this power can be converted into electrical energy, which is 5 million kilowatts of electrical power. Except for the guarantee of operating the spacecraft If there is enough margin for the power of control and cabin operation, the instantaneous power of 4 million kilowatts is no problem."

"Is this power enough to install a laser cannon?"

The expert at the weapon mouth laughed: "Of course it is enough, but if you really want to consider intercepting ballistic missiles, it is best to add two missile ports."

Director Niu looked at Ye Ming.

He knew that this guy Ye Ming... still admired science very much.

If the first spaceship is made into a missile ship...

"Well, there is no problem with the design, but once the weapon port is installed, there must be standing soldiers guarding it..." Ye Ming pursed his lips as he said.

Of course, he didn't refuse to bring weapons on board—he called Lao Mei to launch a missile if he had nothing to do. Don't tell me, he was really worried.

What if something really happened... He couldn't find a place to cry if he wanted to.

It's just that if you install a weapon system, it's a bit like a battleship, and the military takes over. will be inconvenient for anything—whether it is construction or development.

After all, the main purpose of this ship is to set up a construction base on the moon first, not to fight.

If you really want to fight, wouldn't it be nice to redesign a hedgehog with missile holes all over its body?

Director Niu read Ye Ming's thoughts, and smiled slightly: "It's okay, anyway, the cabins are big enough, so you can just come out from a different area at that time, without interfering with each other."

After a pause, Director Niu added, "Just be a professional bodyguard."

"Then the launch hole can only be placed on the right wing, and then the passenger area can be separated by another layer without affecting the structure." Ye Ming nodded after thinking about it: "Well, we really need a few missile launch holes. It is also convenient for mining and so on.”

Everyone burst into laughter: "Good guy, is the missile mining?"

"Haha, the weightless state is not good for construction, and the missile is more convenient."

"As for information encryption, don't worry about it. Quantum encryption will be used directly at that time." Ye Ming turned his pen and continued: "I think this ship is mainly to lay the foundation and do verification. It’s not too late to design others.”

As he said that, he laughed: "When Aita gets on the quantum computer, designing a spaceship or something will be a matter of minutes."

A group of experts laughed.

They are all people who have used Aita.

But not... completely used.

Because none of them came to take full Aita's computing power.

But Ye Ming... Obviously, relying on himself as the "father of Aita", this guy must have fully used Aita's computing power when designing this spaceship!

——Otherwise, why in the past half a month, it has been so slow to do a little bigger calculation?

When they thought of this 100-meter "giant ship" that had completely passed Aita's verification in terms of engineering and simulation, Ye Ming only spent half a month with Aita's help, and they were so jealous.

Quantum computing + strong AI means that in the future, we will directly enter the era of imagination.

"And then? Is there anything else that needs to be changed?" Ye Ming looked at everyone.

Just when everyone was thinking.

He Mo, who had been sitting across from him, suddenly shouted: "Look for the good news!"

"What good news?"

"Lao Mei announced the launch of the Star Wars plan!"

He Mo held up his phone, his face full of excitement.

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