On the morning of the 1st.

Ye Ming and Director Niu shared the same car, and He Mo took the other.

Three police cars guarded their car in the center and headed to the county town of Ye Ming's hometown.

——Zhong Lei and Zhou Bo rushed to Zhu Rihe on September 26 to attend the military parade on September 3.

This military parade is during the National Day, but it is not specifically to celebrate the National Day. In essence...it is a "show" for the current form.

Stand-in mechs are also on the lineup, and it is the most important finale lineup.

After completing the military parade, the two will also participate in a small simulated confrontation with their comrades who are also "Mecha Warriors", so that other comrades can take a good look at how they can "fight aliens" with the blessing of new technologies. How about tactics and combat effectiveness.

It could be considered a deterrent.

In the car, Director Niu and Ye Ming watched Musk's speech that had been posted on the Internet in its entirety in order to relieve boredom.


"Don't tell me, Lao Mei really believes in this." Director Niu slid the touch screen with his hands, looked at the comments below the video, and joked with a smile: "I heard that when the process was only halfway through, Tesla's The stock price directly increased by 15%."

"They don't have a choice, do they?" Ye Ming put his hands behind his head and said with a smile, "Although I'm not an economic expert, I know that there is nowhere for capital to go now."

"Yeah, the traditional technology field is about to be subverted, and the AI ​​field..." Director Niu clicked his tongue a few times: "As soon as Aita comes out, they probably only have to dig cables."

"Then we'll put satellites up." Ye Ming chuckled, "What a mess, we'll build hundreds of thousands of communication satellites, and then install them in spaceships, just like those poops...flying around in suborbital orbits , and release them all!"


"Uh...it seems quite similar."

"...Then do you believe that astronomers from all over the world will come to your house to kill you?"

"That can't! Observing astronomy on the ground, how can it be better to observe in the sky?" Ye Ming squinted slightly, looking at the clear blue sky through the skylight: "At that time, we will build a gravity space city in the sky. Is it much stronger?"

"Well, space city... yes! And then?" Director Niu looked at him with a smile: "I mean, after the spaceship goes to the sky."

"Interstellar colonization?"


"Mars is fine, but it needs to be re-ignited and the atmosphere needs to be transformed... This project seems to be a bit big. I guess I can't wait. I have to wait for future generations."

"Then where do you want to go?"

"I don't know." Ye Ming looked back, thinking of the ghostly unknown source of gravity in the sky, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Anyway, I'm going out of the solar system..."

"If I can get out of the solar system in this life..." Director Niu looked at the sky and said leisurely, "That's true, death is worth it!"

"Hahaha, otherwise, why is it called Zhao Wendao, and it's okay to die in the evening?"

The two laughed all the way, and soon arrived at Ye Ming's door.

Police cars and moving vehicles had already parked in the courtyard.


When Ye Ming went home this time, he took his parents to the provincial capital by the way.

This is also... a helpless move.

In the past few months, although parents can not be harassed by mobile phones and interviewed by reporters, but... I really can't stand some Internet celebrity anchors and video authors, as well as marketing accounts, self-media and other desperate followers.

At the beginning, they wanted to harass Ye Ming's parents by various means. When they saw the police guarding them later, they simply gave up and found Ye Ming's neighbors. In the end, they simply guarded from a distance, using all technological means , in short, I want to show the situation of Ye Ming's family...

In this case, even a mother who likes to show off her "son"'s success can't stand it anymore, let alone disturb the lives of neighbors.

This kind of annoying thing, of course, is still possible if you really want to put an end to it, but it seems too "that". So Ye Ming simply took his parents to the provincial capital directly.

At first, my father was still a little reluctant to part with his pile of machine tools. Later, when he heard that Yeming, the provincial capital, had machine tools and high-precision robotic arms, and he could see Ita, the old man agreed with satisfaction.

That afternoon, Ye Ming returned to the provincial capital with his parents.

I also brought two cars of furniture.


"Don't leave at night, let's have a meal at home."

Although it was a clear water room, the moment the furniture came in, the whole room immediately became popular.

Lao Ye sat on the sofa in the living room, looked at He Mo, Qi Yumo and Mo Gu who were helping his son and greeted with a smile: "This is the first meal of the move, and we will eat at home."

Ye Ming was installing the TV shelf, and asked after hearing the words: "What do you want to eat?"

"You have to ask your mother about that."

Lao Ye looked at the three girls with a smile, his eyes were very poisonous, and he recognized the most interesting girl Xiao Qi and her son at a glance: "Xiao Qi, what do you think?"

Qi Yumo blinked and said with a smile: "I'm free, do you want Auntie to help?"

The mother's voice came from the kitchen: "No, don't worry about me, I just need the help of the machine girl - old man, go to the vegetable market and cut some mixed vegetables. There is a store on the left hand side of the door. I just saw that the business is very good."

"I won't go, Xiaoxi Xiaoyi, which one of you two will go?"

Ita's voice sounded immediately: "I'll go! I'm familiar with this place!"

As soon as the voice fell, she rushed out of the kitchen.

Lao Ye laughed out loud.

The son sent him a "Sita" robot back last time, but after he used it, he found that something was wrong...

Sita doesn't have the cleverness of Itar.

Therefore, every time he talks to his son, he asks his son to call Ita and say a few words.

Now seeing Ita, the "little machine girl" again - this is his positioning of Ita, he is naturally happy.

Everyone looked at each other and smiled.

But after laughing, a trace of hesitation flashed in Qi Yumo's eyes.

She is the closest to Aita's core.

It is also the most intensively studied of emotional decision-making in robots.

She could feel that the liveliness displayed by Ita obviously went beyond the scope of artificial training.

She turned her head to look at Ye Ming, but suddenly saw Mo Gu looking at her from the corner of her eyes.


Mo Gu did not go back to the office in the old building, but went directly to the dormitory in the new building with Qi and Mo.


Sitting on Mo Gu's bed, Qi and Mo supported the edge of the bed with both hands, looking at their cousin: "Do you know about Ita's situation?"

"Probably know."

Mo Gu took off his coat and hung it on the hanger, then turned around and sat back on the lazy sofa.

As Qi and Mo's "guide" from childhood to adulthood, she could of course guess what Xiao Qi was feeling and what she was observing this afternoon.

Frankly speaking, she actually felt that... Ita's performance was a bit too anthropomorphic.

Coupled with the discussion about "Mr. Ita" being a digital life a while ago, Qi and Mo, the "AI experts" who know Aita best and have stayed with Aita for the longest time, naturally think more deeply.

But...she knew that Ye Ming could interfere with Ita.

"It's like this. I think Ita should be trained by Ye Ming."

"Tuning or tuning?"

Mo Gu glared at her: "You can understand that Yita's personality is the type that Ye Ming likes—it seems...all men like it?"



"So what do you mean? My rival is an AI?"

"That's not what I said." Mo Gu crossed his legs and looked at her with his chin resting on his hands.

"If it's really like this, I've got nothing to do." Qi Yumo also raised her chin with both hands, and looked at her cousin with a distressed expression.

But after a while, both of them smiled at the same time.

It's enough for the two of them to eat Ita's flying vinegar here.

"Sister, it's October."

"Today is National Day, of course it's October."

"No, what I mean is... aren't you a little excited? Now the whole internet is guessing..." Qi Yumo exhaled lightly.

"Nobel prize, sister!"

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