From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 255 I wish him a smooth journey

Lao Niu was still dressed in the same way that he didn't modify the amplitude, and walked into Ye Ming's room cheerfully.

After entering the door, he raised his chin at Ye Ming: "Would you like to have a barbecue?"

"...Forget it if you want to drink." Ye Ming turned his head and glanced at the haunted man, always feeling a little weird in his heart: "Director Niu, where is your headquarters? Why did you show up in the middle of the night?"

"The headquarters is in the capital. CNY, where is it if it's not in the capital? He Mo goes to the hourly barbecue."

These words naturally greeted her with supercilious eyes.

He just went upstairs and asked her to run again.

Director Niu sat on the opposite side of Ye Ming, and then looked at Ita beside him: "Ita, help me make a cup of tea."

"OK, just a second."


"It's so bright."

Sitting on the sofa, Director Niu looked up at the lights, then at the lights in the city that couldn't be blocked by the curtains, and finally looked at Ye Ming.

"Well, if you listen to HiFi, the sound quality should be good." Ye Ming said with a smile.

"Hahahaha, how much do you resent HiFi metaphysics?"

"I've read a few nagging articles before, and I've been thinking about it."

"Hmm... Then if the sound quality wants to be improved, isn't there only helium-3 fusion?"

"I guess so, but it doesn't bother me."

Director Niu looked at Ye Ming with a smile: "Are you really sure?"

Seeing Lao Niu getting serious, Ye Ming also thought about it seriously, and then nodded: "From a scientific point of view, things that didn't happen can't be said completely. But from the point of view of whether it is worth starting, then I think it is worth it."

Director Niu's expression became serious.

He looked for Ye Ming in the middle of the night, of course not to treat him to a barbecue - although today's celebration can't be overstated.

Ye Ming discussed the technical details with the aviation port for three days, and gave more than a dozen G drawings. Four days ago, the people at the air port returned to the capital and reported it immediately...

It can be said that these days, in order to discuss whether to start building this "spaceship" immediately, the high-level officials were so excited and nervous that they didn't even sleep well.

Because Ye Ming's design is bold, too advanced, too... black technology.

Think about it, this is a reusable... spaceship with a controllable nuclear fusion engine, capable of gravity, taking off and landing with anti-gravity devices, capable of carrying thousands of tons of cargo!

Once completed, this is not a matter of advantage, but will directly bring mankind into the era of interstellar colonization!

It can be said that only this step is needed to advance the entire technology by at least fifty years.

Therefore, no matter what, the technology and ideas embodied in the design are worth and must be tried.

But how to try, whether to be more radical or more conservative... But there are different opinions.

Frankly speaking, Director Niu still hopes to be on the safe side.

Because so far, Ye Ming, a genius, has not made any mistakes in science and judgment—but what if?

This is not a question of money or not—Ye Ming gave a rough estimate, which is about 30 to 50 billion.

This money is really "wasted".

Not to mention three to five billion, even if it is increased by ten times or more, as long as the three major technologies of helium-3 fusion, gravity and anti-gravity can be guaranteed to be implemented, the country will never blink.

The problem is not money, but confidence.

When the high-speed train had an accident that year, the speed of the high-speed train was slowed down in one fell swoop.

If there is a problem with this spaceship, it will not only affect Ye Ming's own influence and reputation, but also affect the "radical" forces that support him at the highest level.

Of course, Director Niu belongs to the radical group, but... because he knows more about the movements of the high-level, he needs to ask Ye Ming for an accurate answer.

After a few seconds of silence, Director Niu's expression became extremely serious: "Brother Ye, it must be worth it. It's worth it anyway. But..."

As he spoke, he told Ye Ming some of the above attitudes.

Ye Ming also fell silent.

Frankly speaking, he really didn't realize that it was so involved.

At this time, the door opened, and He Mo returned to the living room with a smell of barbecue.


"What's the matter with you two?"

Sharing the barbecue quickly, He Mo saw that the two looked very serious and didn't have any appetite, so she became curious. After a pause, she immediately added: "If it's something I shouldn't listen to, when I don't ask."

"Haha, no, just chatting about spaceships."

Director Niu picked up a handful of mutton skewers and smelled them: "Well, it's not mutton, but it's okay."

Then he handed the lamb skewers to Ye Ming.

"It's like this, I think... no problem, I trust my technical intuition." Ye Ming took the mutton skewers, put them in his mouth and chewed slowly.

He looked up at Director Niu and said earnestly, "Lao Niu, I'm actually not a scientist, I'm an engineer."

Director Niu immediately looked at him.

"As an engineer, I believe in computing, I believe in design, and I also believe in the laws of the universe."

"In the design, the biggest possible problem is the anti-gravity force field." Ye Ming grabbed the guestbook under the coffee table, and drew a simple design with two strokes: "Because it is responsible for take-off and landing, and the take-off and landing part It's the hardest again."

Director Niu nodded.

Among the three major technologies, the engine technology has passed the verification of the Kuafu Group for nearly half a year, and the production order has been submitted. Artificial gravity is tempting, but it doesn't have to be.

Only the anti-gravity force field—it can be said that only the anti-gravity force field is the real "black technology".

"But at present, the first to complete the verification is actually the anti-gravity force field."

Director Niu was slightly taken aback, and then his eyes suddenly lit up!

"Suspension stabilization system for quantum computers?"

Ye Ming nodded slightly.

The quantum supercomputer room is essentially a verification device designed for an anti-gravity force field—only the field strength of the force field is very small, and it is used to cooperate with the strong YE field for stabilization.

"At the end of the National Day, academician Pan and the others will bring a stabilizer to install - they completed the engineering verification ten days ago, and it will work."

"So, the theory and technology of the anti-gravity force field are not a problem, and artificial gravity with the same dimension is naturally not a problem—the two can verify each other."

Ye Ming exhaled lightly after speaking.

"Please tell the leader that I have full confidence."

Director Niu looked at him and breathed heavily.


"Come on, eat meat!" Director Niu grabbed a handful of beef, and after a while, he grabbed his phone.

After taking a look, Director Niu's expression suddenly became a little weird.

Ye Ming and He Mo looked at him at the same time.

"Musk is giving a passionate speech at the Controllable Nuclear Fusion Conference held in the old United States, saying that they have completed the design of the controllable nuclear fusion engine, and will make the first flight within three years, completing the feat of conquering Mars and the sea of ​​stars."

He Mo immediately turned to look at Ye Ming.

Ye Ming was stunned, then smiled: "Why are you looking at me?"

"Don't say something?"

"Then I... wish him a smooth journey?"


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