From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 249 Unchanged original intention, constant struggle for hegemony

It was not Ye Ming's idea to ignore the announcement, but Old Tang's.

Old Tang is still a little afraid that Ye Ming will use Aita to take over the account, and then go through the media and other operations, so that he will really fall into the hands of others.

Hmm... This means that Old Tang still doesn't know much about his character.

He is only interested in the old beauty.

This wave of public opinion that seems to have participated in the entire Western public opinion...

It's not really interesting.

Jizhi Technology's basic disk is in the country.

And domestic...

Let's put it this way, in the past two years, with the ignition of controllable nuclear fusion and the birth of strong artificial intelligence in China, all netizens with a little vision understand what this means-the core of modern industry is still energy issues.

China has taken the lead in leading the fourth industrial revolution.

And what the previous three industrial revolutions have created, everyone knows—even the square dance aunts know the importance of controllable nuclear fusion and strong artificial intelligence under the constant bombardment of marketing accounts.

Based on this fact, you said that in the domestic media, how can a group of netizens who have grapes to eat allow those who cannot eat grapes to slander Aita?

In fact, the same is true. In just half an hour, all the answers to the few questions on Zhihu remained surprisingly consistent.

A picture of eating grapes with sour nose and eyes squeezed together was widely quoted.


Soon, Jizhi Technology issued a brief announcement, saying that all strong artificial intelligence is controllable, Jizhi Technology's original intention and goal remain unchanged, and it will continue to work hard to promote Aita to serve all mankind.

As for Mr. Gates' proposal to discuss Ita with Ye Ming, Ye Ming directly ignored it.

His mobile phone, email, and social media accounts have long been taken over by Ita, and all "interviews" and "harassment" have been intercepted. Even his parents' mobile phones have been provided with nanny-style services.

Last time my father called and said, why can't I receive text messages and scam calls from scammers now, and the fun is much less.

——Unless you sneaked into the provincial government, and then sneaked into the brain-computer center to stop him.

But the current camera is comparable to a certain sea, and the whole process is taken over by Aita, let alone you, even if a fly comes in, it can't escape Aita's eyes...

As a result, Western social media has heated discussions about Ita—especially netizens in certain high-welfare countries, who jump up and down so much—but it has not affected Ye Ming's work, life, and mood in the slightest.

Ita still teaches for him, and has successfully won the recognition and love of all the students.

Aita also began to enter the classroom as a science assistant in some middle schools in the provincial capital.

Hmm...including the middle school in Ye Ming's hometown county.

It's just that AI teachers are limited to appearing in high school classrooms—relatively speaking, high school students are more mature in mind and know better about self-learning.

However, just as the discussion on Aita gradually faded, the Western media once again mobilized to spread a piece of news from the US energy department all over the Internet.

——MIT's controllable nuclear fusion reactor has successfully achieved 96% tritium breeding self-sustaining operation, and the energy problem will be completely solved.



September 22.

The two cars drove out of the provincial crossing and soon entered the urban area.

Ye Ming's BYD car is in the middle position. The car has been modified by the original factory, and the battery life has been slightly sacrificed in exchange for an increase in the rigidity of the car.

After getting on the expressway, two police cars, one in front of the other, quietly "sandwiched" the two cars in the middle.

——In fact, this is Ye Ming's helpless move after being secretly photographed.

Ye Ming clamored to provoke the opponent to "fire a missile", but the opponent definitely didn't dare... But on the highway, who knows what will happen?

Therefore, even if Ye Ming repeatedly emphasized that there is Aita, any driver who approaches his car will be checked in an instant. He Mo still said, no, a group of police cars must follow, and then apply for road closure within one kilometer.

Ye Ming almost didn't pick the picker on the spot... He said that it would be fine to call two police cars to follow. As for the road closure? As for? As for? He asked three times! !

Then He Mo just smiled and readily agreed.

Ye Ming...

She kind of... really understood "If you want to open the window, open the room first".


Two BYD vehicles slowly drove into the fusion center.

After arriving at the parking lot, Zhong Lei and Zhou Bo's stand-in mechs got out of the car first, and then the two got out of the cab and the co-pilot, and opened the door for Ye Ming and He Mo.

Seeing this posture, the professors and senior engineers of the Kuafu project team who were guarding the door all smiled and remained silent.

"I also think it's a bit too much." Ye Ming laughed and shook hands with Chief Engineer Luo, Professor Huo and others one by one.

"It's okay, I still take a civilian car, and we'll talk about it when I take an armored car." Chief Engineer Luo laughed and extended his hand to Ye Ming to invite him.

Professor Huo Liang just smiled: "The devil must come down to earth and drive a Gundam to kill him."

Laughing, Ye Ming led Aita and the others into the meeting room.


"Lao Mei is indeed starting to fight back."

After being seated, the meeting did not start directly, but everyone started chatting.

Ye Ming took it for granted: "They are about to go to the commercial pile, and it is expected to be done within half a year."

Everyone looked at Ye Ming together, and Academician Luo Qi was even more curious: "You guessed it? Is there any definite news?"

"Haha, I have an informant."


Ye Ming smiled slightly: "Actually, I have been in touch with the consultant of Laomei's fusion team, and I plan to invite him to teach in China..."

Professor Huo Liang was taken aback when he heard the words, and after hesitating for a while, he asked, "Huo Laien?"


Hearing Professor Huo Laien, everyone showed such expressions as expected.

Of course they are aware of Huo Laien's influence in the world of mathematics and theoretical physics - this old man can be regarded as the strongest "double master" in this century, and has already won the Fields Medal... It is said that he also wants to win the Nobel Prize .

And he is more famous for his temper than his academic achievements.

How did such a person become Ye Ming's "informant"?

"Basically, Lao Mei's announcement this time did not contain water. After all, we announced the results of the previous period a few months ago. They stand on the shoulders of our group of... people. If they can't make some progress, it would be too embarrassing. gone."

Ye Ming's words made everyone laugh.

Yes, five months ago, the Kuafu project was the first to complete a commercially viable self-sustaining reactor, and then announced the results and related technologies at the first meeting of the CNF Alliance...

Now that it has essentially entered the "new era of hegemony", if MIT still can't produce a little improvement, then they will simply kneel down and beg for mercy.

"It's just that they are a bit shameless." Academician Luo Qi smiled meaningfully: "They didn't mention our contribution at all."

"Aren't there less shameless ones?" Professor Huo Liang pursed his mouth, "The European and Japanese gang are not afraid of offending us..."

"People bet on both sides, don't be fooled."

"Whoever wins helps who?"

"Isn't it?"

There was joy in the conference room.

There is no anxiety at all because the United States will hold the "Global Controllable Fusion Technology Sharing Conference" on the last day of September, and experts from certain countries will leave after hearing the news.

Because tomorrow will be the first day that commercial reactors will be officially put into power generating units with a tritium breeding rate of 98.5%.

After a week of continuous observation and operation, the commercial reactor will be connected to the grid on the first day of the National Day.

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