From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 250 Target electricity fee five cents

"Actually, according to Laomei's current multiplication plan, it is no problem to replace thermal power and traditional nuclear power for commercial operation." Ye Ming picked up the cup and said with a smile: "The big deal is that the conversion rate is lower and the dependence on tritium is higher, but these are all possible. solved on a large scale.”

"Can Laomei still start large-scale infrastructure construction now?" Professor Huo Liang looked at him, and then at Chief Engineer Luo, very disbelieving.

Academician Luo is the chief engineer of the National Nuclear Corporation. In terms of the ability to build power stations in the United States, no one knows better than him.

"Hehe, how should I put it, now that history has entered a new stage, everything is possible." Mr. Luo didn't say it dead, but he knew it by looking at his eyes...

He really didn't quite believe it.

The last time the US engaged in infrastructure construction was the Roosevelt era, when the people were mired in the Great Depression, and they had to rely on many complicated reasons including World War II to get back up.

It has been a good day for nearly a hundred years now.

You let them do infrastructure again?


"In the field of energy, the cost of a penny per kWh is an advantage." Academician Luo continued with a smile: "And deuterium-tritium fusion can't bypass boiling water - 80% of the energy is in neutrons, how do you bypass it? So Musk’s deuterium-tritium fusion engine, I think, is also bragging. Unless he does a great miracle and only uses the 20% of the plasma-in this case, the tritium in the world is not enough for him to cause disaster.”

A group of people nodded in agreement.

Ye Ming also nodded with a smile.

In the past few months, the Kuafu project team has been divided into two groups, one for verifying tritium value-added and the other for helium-3 fusion.

Today's meeting, in addition to talking about tomorrow's test power generation, mainly discusses these two directions.

"Okay, let's not ridicule Lao Mei." Mr. Luo glanced at the time: "Let's have a meeting, let me summarize first."

The experts of the Kuafu team come from all corners of the country. Although Mr. Luo is the general project leader in name and presides over meetings every time, in fact, everyone’s status in the project team is fair and consistent—this is a clear cooperative project Group, only the division of labor is different, not the position.

"One month after the last successful operation, Lao Chang, Lao Liao, Chen Lao Jiang and the others have developed a very good multiplication plan, which can increase our multiplication recovery rate to 98.5% - an increase of 0.5% compared to the plan, but don't worry. It’s really underestimating this, when we can’t find a new way out, 0.1% is progress.”

Ye Ming took the lead and applauded.

Professor Chang Wendao and the others were also all smiles - the row over there was responsible for this work.

After the applause stopped for a while, Professor Chang Wendao coughed lightly: "Mr. Luo, I'm sorry."

"you say."

Chang Wendao looked at Ye Ming: "Professor Xiaoye, after Aita is connected to the quantum computer, can the computing power be infinite?"

Ye Ming was slightly taken aback. How dare he guarantee that this... didn't happen?

However, everyone here is acquaintances and relatives, so he naturally wouldn't hide it. He nodded immediately and said, "As long as there are no accidents, Aita is indeed a bridge connecting quantum computing and classical tasks."

Although there is no direct answer, the significance is already obvious.

Professor Chang smiled slightly: "Well, after the quantum computer can be regarded as a classical problem, maybe we can make a breakthrough and realize the real self-sustaining operation."

"You don't want to do everything, do you?" Ye Ming was taken aback.

"Is Aita still afraid of exhaustion?"

"Uh... I'm afraid, but I'm not afraid." Ye Ming coughed, and said with a smile: "It's just that I don't know how resistant the quantum well computing unit is. In short, everything will wait until later."

Professor Chang waved his hand: "It's okay, we trust Aita."

Everyone smiled and nodded in agreement.

——Everyone here has unlimited Aita's computing authority, and they know how terrible Aita's ability to coordinate computing tasks is.

Let's put it this way, a traditional computer system can easily be overwhelmed by a computing task with extremely high authority, so that it "crashes".

But Aita is different, Aita never crashes.

Because her dynamic management level is "anthropomorphic", and it can even be said to surpass human beings.

——Aita can arrange countless tasks in parallel to call different computing units in real time. Even if she performs 10,000 π calculations in a row, she can still accept other tasks with ease.

This mechanism does not mean how many computing units are reserved, but that she can automatically allocate computing cores when she receives a task.

Therefore, Aita has never stopped responding due to the exhaustion of computing power - of course, due to the limitation of computing power and the need to ensure commercial use, she will be a bit slow when doing a lot of calculations.

Some people even joked that if computing power is tight, Ye Ming might as well do it mentally.

"So, a while ago, the western media's public opinion against Aita was purely a sour grape mentality." Academician Luo smiled and sighed.

After Academician Luo completed the summary, Professor Huo Liang also made a summary on behalf of the helium-3 direction, saying that the calculation and demonstration have been passed, and the demonstration reactor can be built in the next step.

It's just that this demonstration pile is really only a demonstration.

Helium 3 is plentiful on the Moon, but on Earth...

Let's put it this way, the current He3 can only come from the beta decay of tritium in heavy water reactors-but tritium is also in short supply!

And unlike deuterium-tritium fusion, it is a proper consumable and cannot complete self-sustaining proliferation.


When it was finally Ye Ming's turn, Ye Ming looked at Mr. Luo.

"Mr. Luo, I have a question. What is the current progress of domestic heavy water reactors?"

"The planning has been completed, and it is estimated that eight of them will be built within five years. After the completion of the construction, about 200 kilograms of tritium and helium-3 can be produced every year. It is indeed a bit of a headache. Now all research directions are actually focused on the moon. The country is also going well. It is relatively front, and there is no difference between it and the old beauty.”

Mr. Luo said with emotion: "To be honest, once the helium-3 fusion is lit by us, whoever is the first to deploy it on the moon will really take the lead."

"That's why Lao Mei accelerated the Artemis project." Professor Huo Liang said with a smile: "Five years ago, it was said that it would be boarded before next year, but this year is coming to an end soon, and there is no sign yet."

Ye Ming shook his head with a smile: "It's useless for Artemis to climb up. They still use traditional fuel for propulsion. It can only be said that their political influence is greater."

A group of professors laughed.

What they want to do is not fuel propulsion, but fusion engine propulsion.

After laughing, Ye Ming pursed his lips: "Since helium-3 is in short supply and fusion fuel is used, then our first helium-3 pile must be loaded on the spacecraft."

"Does that mean that domestic fusion reactors should focus on deuterium-tritium fusion first?"

"Well, anyway, the skill of boiling water is already so proficient, it doesn't matter if you boil it for a few more years." Ye Ming raised his head and silently calculated: "If it is 200 kilograms, according to the current increase and recovery rate, it may be enough to meet the needs of the domestic market. More than 80% of electricity consumption."

"Almost." Mr. Luo nodded with a smile: "The electricity price can be reduced to about 3 cents."

"What is the current feed-in tariff?"

"About two or thirty cents."

"That means...the overall electricity price can only be reduced by 20 cents?"

Mr. Luo spread his hands: "You know that the power plant earns hard money, right?"

Everyone laughed.

"It mainly depends on quantitative changes and helium-3 fusion." Mr. Luo said with emotion: "After a redundant helium-3 fusion stack is built in a city, the cost of buying roads for the power grid will be saved. By then It is estimated that the hourly electricity cost can really reach the industrial price of five cents per degree. And the heat generated can also be used for heating and refined crop production.”

"Well, so it is very important to go to the moon to build a base first, and grab Helium 3." Ye Ming exhaled lightly, smiled and tapped his pen.

"Mr. Luo, I think we can find the aerospace department." After a pause, Ye Ming looked at everyone.

"Recently, when I was making a stable solution for a quantum computer, I seemed to have touched the door of the gravitational field."

All eyes turned to him!

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