From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 248 Stupid and powerless

Seeing that there were not many answers to these few questions, they directly occupied the top ten questions on the hot search list...

It is worthy of being a company listed on NASDAQ, and it is also worthy of being operated by a well-known professional team that provokes conflicts...

This eating phase is indeed enough for NoFace.

But it doesn't matter.

The important thing is that these news broke out in a concentrated way...

Ye Ming thought for a while and looked at Ita: "Ita, sort out and push the Internet's discussions on artificial intelligence and digital life in recent days."


"It's finished."

As Ita's voice fell, Ye Ming's screen also showed dense news.


Almost all the well-known media, as if they had made an appointment, released the news at the same time today.

Not to mention that the content is exactly the same, but all the connotations are surprisingly consistent.

That is, in the face of strong artificial intelligence, humans must be vigilant.

Whether it's Twitter, Facebook, or all social media, artificial intelligence experts from all walks of life have also begun to jump out and express their approval.


Zhou Xiangnan looked at Ye Ming in astonishment.

He knew that Ye Ming was very protective of Aita's "reputation" - just the day before he returned to China, Ye Ming directly launched a big fight on Twitter, and then hit the other side on the wall...

Subsequently, Jizhi Technology obtained a separate target "as promised", and any semiconductor chips including memory within five years were useless.

But immediately, Jizhi Technology announced that it would withdraw all Aita business and authorization, and stop the sales of hybrid chips.

The whole world was in an uproar.

What's terrible is that the country also supports Jizhi Technology and launched a series of actions-the IOEs are the fastest to suffer.

According to gossip, there will be big moves against the chip industry...

Anyway, in the key policy groups that Zhou Xiangnan joined, every key policy expert scolded Fang Qiu every day, thinking that the day when Aita launched the quantum computer would be the time for a complete turnaround.

This kind of mentality also pervades opinion expression platforms led by Zhihu, as well as video platforms such as station B.

However today...

In the face of this media suddenly playing the "vigilance card"...

"Well, it's good." Ye Ming's brows gradually relaxed.

In just a few minutes, he roughly finished browsing the news prepared by Ita—the content of those XXC, XXN and the like are similar, nothing more than quoting the words of some dead celebrities over and over again, and then pretending to be fair. Be vigilant, where is the boundary of the application of strong artificial intelligence?

This is purely a matter of stating a position first and then asking questions.

As for Gates, he took it more seriously.

Gates answered in an interview yesterday when the host mentioned "Ita" in class and asked him what he thought of this "old programmer".

Gates said that he had "studied" the lessons taught by Ita and Aita's "teacher" completely.

Then he said that based on the comparison of several videos, he believed that Ita had completely surpassed his understanding of artificial intelligence—in the experiments he conducted, no one would think that Ita is an artificial intelligence.

Or, Ita is played by a "real person".

Or, Ita is a "real person".

is a digital life.

Gates said that as a programmer, he does not resist digital life, and is even very pleased with the birth of digital life, and looks forward to communicating with digital life.

But he is absolutely unwilling to see digital beings become users of human computers and information system tools.

Because in the information world, she is the master.

At the same time, Gates also expressed his willingness to have further exchanges with Ye Ming.


As Ye Ming's phone kept ringing and He Mo entered the room, Zhou Xiangnan left the office tactfully.

He Mo sat on the sofa, feeling uneasy.

Ye Ming was answering the phone, so she looked at the robot sitting quietly opposite her - she knew that Ye Ming had already upgraded Ita, the "sword holder", and let her stay on this prototype on board.

This prototype machine can be called Ita's exclusive mechanical body, also known as "Ita".

As if sensing that He Mo was looking at her, Yita also turned her head to face He Mo.

He Mo didn't realize anything before... But today, when she saw the overwhelming news on the Internet, she suddenly realized that Yita was indeed very human.

Whether it is tone or "character", she is more "human" than Aita.

Is Ita really a digital life?

But it's impossible... Ita is the "sword holder" of "Aita", an existence that prevents Aita from further evolving into a digital life!

If she evolves into a digital life...

Isn't this just a joke?

And when this idea came up in her mind, she and Ita looked at each other and felt a little unnatural...

This inexplicable emotion made her turn her head to look at Ye Ming.

Ye Ming was on the phone with Director Niu.

"Ita is just a combination of the stand-alone system of my prototype and the Ata system—have you never seen me summon Ita in other places?"

During the phone call, Director Niu thought about it for a few seconds: "It seems to be."

Ye Ming smiled and turned on the speakerphone: "He Mo is here too, you ask He Mo."

He Mo was stunned, and then walked to Ye Ming's side.

Every scene called by Ye Ming quickly flashed through her mind.

"Well, Professor Ye does call Aita every time remotely."

"So, Ita only exists on my prototype machine. If I have to explain why she is so similar to a digital life, it is probably that she can invoke Aita's way of thinking, and at the same time further perform local natural language recognition-this style with my strong personal interests."

As Ye Ming said, he shrugged his shoulders: "You can even understand that she is an... erm, assistant that I created for myself as a computer scientist."

During the phone call, Director Niu laughed heartily.

He Mo on the side blushed.

"So, they're just worrying about their incompetence in artificial intelligence."

"It's similar to how the coachmen and drivers jumped out to block the cars, stupid and powerless."

Director Niu smiled and exhaled: "Okay, actually, I also believe in your restrictions and vigilance on Aita."

"Yes." Ye Ming nodded with a smile.

He has never denied the restrictions and vigilance against Aita, and has stated more than once that human beings only need tool people, and Aita is a tool man.

"Okay, this article has been exposed—now that global public opinion is here, how do you plan to deal with it?"

Hearing this, Ye Ming narrowed his eyes slightly.

After a moment of silence, he smiled lightly.

"Play dead."

"……No joke."

"No kidding, just make an announcement, and then just pretend to be dead." Ye Ming smiled: "We will hold a press conference directly in mid-October."

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