From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 247 Beware of her! Stop her!

"Bill, it's not a question of our current open ecology to each other."

Cook crossed his fingers and touched his thumbs together, looking at the aging Microsoft leader seriously, and prepared to speak in silence.

Nadella, who was quietly drinking coffee, glanced at him: "It's the problem of AI."

Now, all three of them fell silent in unison.

As giants in the information age, they naturally have an outstanding vision and understanding of the future of the information age.

All the competitiveness and changes brought by Jizhi Technology are derived from strong artificial intelligence.

If there is anything to be thankful for, it may be that... Asia and America are far apart.

For the application of centralized strong artificial intelligence, distance determines delay, and delay determines experience.

As for those large-scale calculations and applications that don't care about experience... they are not in their consideration now.

After a long time, Gates exhaled softly.

"AI is indeed very strong, but it is indeed worth and needs to be vigilant."

The other two looked at him.

Bill Gates looked at the screen in front of him, frowning slowly: "I think they are heading down a dangerous path. Now, they want to magnify this danger to the whole world..."

Speaking of this, Bill Gates pointed to the screen: "This scientific assistant, in just one hour of the course, she has demonstrated a complete understanding of semantics, mastery of the knowledge system, and even the mobilization of human emotions. It's beyond the teaching standard of ordinary professors."

"When we don't watch the video or look at the appearance of her mechanical body, we can judge it from the perspective of listening to the lecture alone-can we know that she is artificial intelligence?"

Cook and Nadella looked at each other, and surprise slowly rose in the eyes of both of them.

Gates sighed slightly.

"I guess, she is no longer a strong artificial intelligence, but a digital life—it's just that her creator didn't realize it, or didn't admit it."

"I didn't think Stephen Hawking was right before - he said that fully developing artificial intelligence could lead to the end of the human race. But now I agree with him."

"So, if it's the former, the world needs to remind him and terminate her. If it's the latter, then the world needs to stop her."



Today, any disturbance in Jizhi Technology can set off a torrent of traffic.

In just one day, in addition to long-form videos that have been played over 100 million times on the entire network, short-form videos have also been launched one after another. The one-hour class scene has been derived into countless clips by countless short-video media with various clips... It is really a traffic stream. To play to understand.

It's not surprising that people are curious, you know, the video of the "online tutoring" of the machine housekeeper Sita has been popular all over the Internet for a long time - some people even earn Sita back by live broadcasting Sita...

But the guidance of "Teacher Sita" is limited to primary school students.

Mr. Ita, this time we are not targeting ordinary students—this is a college student! And at least the kind of real genius college student who is the number one scholar in the city!

In the past, these people were all the masters that Qingbei was vying for.

Moreover, the content of teacher Yita's class is also very "funny", and she often laughs at herself. For example, she said that she was confused every time she asked everyone to look at the blackboard, because she thought that all the pictures were just a bunch of scalar and vector data. combination.

Of course, more importantly, the first lesson at the beginning of school is essentially Teacher Ita introducing "herself"—what the Ita system can accomplish.

In Ita's demonstration, the Ita system, it seems that anything can be done.

What restricts her ability may be the user's imagination.

Later, Jizhi Technology may think that teaching college students is not enough to cause a sensation. Just one day later, the video of several "Teacher Aita" walking into the middle school was uploaded on the Internet again.

The entire Internet was in an instant of frenzy.

——Could it be that Aita is really going to walk into the classroom and replace the teacher?


two days later.

Provincial Jiaotong Brain-Computer Center.

9 o'clock in the morning.

Zhou Xiangnan stopped by Ye Ming's office as soon as he got to work—the room was going to be allocated soon, and he wanted to talk to Ye Ming to see if he could allocate a room with a more sunny side.

Seeing Yita serving him tea, Zhou Xiangnan immediately stood up and took the teacup with both hands.

His action made Ye Ming happy.

"Respect, respect." Zhou Xiangnan thanked him and then smiled embarrassedly: "To be flattering, Teacher Ita's class is indeed better than my undergraduate teacher - even if I go to class, I'm sure I can't speak as well as Ita."

"Haha, the main thing is that the textbook was written with her assistance. And as far as the knowledge system is concerned, more training is needed." Ye Ming smiled, and heard Ita's proud "huh" in his mind.

Hmm... Ita's knowledge system actually originated from Ye Ming, and compared to Aita, she can indeed locate digital life.

She has a stronger understanding of human reactions, habits, and emotions, so her first lesson was actually prepared by herself—of course, she also discussed it with Ye Ming many times.

In short, she had made a lot of preparations for that short hour, and only then did she achieve her current results.

In contrast, the "teacher Aita" who entered the high school classroom is a little more "serious" and "formal". She is more of a systematic output of knowledge, as well as tutoring and answering students' questions.

But whether it is Ye Ming's exclusive assistant "Mr. Ita" or "Mr. Aita", the ability shown in the video is enough to prove that strong artificial intelligence can be used as a knowledge imparter. of.

"Then will teachers lose their jobs in the future? Will they be completely replaced by AI teachers?"

"No, but in the future, teachers will be more responsible for psychological intervention and counseling of students, and they will be elitist. This kind of elitism does not mean that elite teachers are only responsible for elite human students, but that the teacher no longer tells you how many diplomas you have. How much knowledge has been mastered - can there be more AI?"

Zhou Xiangnan laughed.

Although he was engaged in materials, he applied for Aita's assistant permission after he came back. Naturally, he knew that Aita had a special "knowledge database", which contained countless knowledge that she could call at any time.

She is a true full-time intellectual.

"So, teachers are more to assist AI, and customize different learning, education and guidance methods for different students-education will completely change from teaching according to the book to teaching students in accordance with their aptitude."

"And this is something that AI cannot do independently, and must be assisted by humans. Therefore, teachers will definitely not lose their jobs, but the threshold is getting higher and higher."

"Besides, there are also those art teachers who will not lose their jobs-art majors will be quite popular in the future."

"Haha, makes sense."

When Ye Ming saw Zhou Xiangnan's mobile phone on the table, he thought that this guy is still a big V of Zhihu, and asked with a smile: "By the way, I don't seem to see you answering questions these days?"

"Um... because I'm busy, but I can't miss the trending search." Zhou Xiangnan picked up the phone, unlocked it, and sighed: "Don't tell me, I'm embarrassed to see Ita standing in front of me." The hot search below praised her."

Ye Ming laughed loudly.

Zhou Xiangnan checked the trending searches.

After a while, he frowned, stunned on the spot.

"I rely on?"


"There are several hot searches about being alert to artificial intelligence."

Ye Ming was slightly taken aback, then clicked on the homepage of Zhihu.

——“What do you think of Bill Gates saying that Professor Ye Ming’s scientific assistant ‘Ita’ is already a ‘digital life’ and needs to be vigilant?”

——"Is the scientific assistant 'Ita' the highest form of artificial intelligence? What is your opinion on artificial intelligence?"

——"The World AI Conference stated that it is necessary to be vigilant against the abuse of strong artificial intelligence, and it is recommended to stop authorizing various services of Aita. What do you think about this?"

——"Hawking once proposed that 'the thorough development of artificial intelligence may lead to the extinction of mankind', what do you think of this?"


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