From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 246: The System That Burries Everything

"This is the visual interface of the Ita system, which follows human usage habits, but the logic behind each icon is completely different."

"Like engineering icons."

As he spoke, Ita raised the pointer and clicked on the engineering icon on the interactive screen. Almost instantly, the icon was opened.

"By the way, after activating the Aita system, it can be controlled by voice." After a pause, Ita continued: "Of course, I can also use human thoughts to open it."

There was a burst of low laughter in the classroom.

"We can see that the mode of the project icon can be switched in various ways, and different project categories can be generated - please note that this is not an extension file system, but a system that is centrally calculated and managed by Aita."

"For example, we wake up Aita."

Ita clicked on Aita's icon—a slender robot icon.


"Hello, I'm here."

As Aita's voice sounded in the classroom, Ita also turned to look at the students: "When you have some understanding of strong artificial intelligence, you can understand that I am talking to myself."

"Aita, authorized to generate the interaction and operation logic demonstration project of the Ita system."

"OK, generated."

Aita's voice fell, and a standard "PPT" appeared on the screen.

In the meeting room, everyone leaned forward at the same time, staring at the "demonstration project".

Ye Ming could clearly hear the air-conditioning of the teachers behind him.

Monitoring continues.

On the screen, Ita continued to "voice control" Aita.

"Aita, save the project as interactive logic."


"Aita, learn the GTA5 game and create a game scene."

"Learned, created, completed, executed?"


The main screen of the classroom flickered for a second, and then entered the loading state. After a while, an extremely realistic game scene appeared on the screen.

In the classroom, those young people aged seventeen, eighty-nine, finally could no longer restrain their emotions, and there was a burst of exclamation.


Ye Ming turned his head slowly, looked at the equally stunned professors, smiled slightly, and exchanged glances with Old Tang and Old Chen.

The two behind them blinked in unison.

Jizhi Technology is not short of money now, but the burden on its shoulders is also heavier.

The list has been in effect for four months. During these four months, if you say that Jizhi Technology has not been affected... that is definitely impossible.

But fortunately, Laomei only restricted Jizhi Technology in the field of chips, but did not win over its allies to carry out all-round and whole-industry chain sanctions.

Otherwise, the life of Jizhi Technology will be even more difficult.

The fact that localization can be completely replaced does not mean that domestic substitution is the best.

For a robot like Sita, the most important thing is not the high-performance chip, but the structural parts and components of special parts.

Coupled with the fact that Jizhi Technology has begun to integrate industrial production robotic arms, the production capacity of Theta Butler has been slow to increase.

To make money, especially to make "big" money, you have to expand your business.

The launch of the desktop terminal based on the Godson + Ita operating system, and the portable terminal + MR glasses based on Kirin are the most important products of Jizhi Technology for individual consumers in the future.

These two products, let alone the latter, because they have absolute technical advantages, they can be launched as the king of the press conference. But the terminal used to replace the current personal PC...

Let me put it this way, habit is a terrible thing.

This is equivalent to that Jizhi Technology needs to change the habits of the huge Windows user group and the faith-level IOS user group, and let them accept the centralized Aita...

Do you think this road is difficult?

Difficult to reach the sky, okay?

Therefore, using the "gimmick" of "strong artificial intelligence to teach classes" to promote the combination of Godson + Ita system + Aita strong artificial intelligence has become the idea of ​​Jizhi Technology.

Now it seems, okay?

"Okay, I think this has really changed the computer system." Principal Zhou finally withdrew his gaze.

He looked at Ye Ming who was sitting opposite him at the end of the conference table, his eyes were full of surprise and emotion.

"Then our next computer major is still open?" Professor Tang immediately looked at him.

Principal Zhou fell silent, and sighed after a long time.

"You ask me, how do I know? All of us are directly buried..."

In the conference room, everyone smiled, but it was obvious that the smiles were a little emotional.

With Aita, traditional artificial intelligence loses its meaning.

This year, the strong artificial intelligence major of the Provincial Jiaotong University was squeezed out, and the score surpassed the best class in Qingbei. Correspondingly, the traditional artificial intelligence major... Although it is not that no one cares about it, it does recruit very few people.

And it's not just the Provincial Jiaotong University, but also other colleges and universities. As a last resort, many colleges and universities have temporarily set up strong artificial intelligence majors, and have cobbled together textbooks.

——The impact of any new thing on reality has a certain lag, and now is just the beginning.

"Oh, well, it seems that Aita has no problem going to class."

Principal Zhou quickly calmed down, smiled slightly, and looked at Ye Ming: "Are you planning to push Aita to enter primary and secondary schools?"

"There's Aita in middle school right now."


after one day.

Silicon Valley, Apple headquarters.

Mr. Cook personally pushed the coffee to Gates and Nadella, who sat across from him.

Although Bill Gates has already resigned from all positions at Microsoft, even the board of directors has also retired.

As the founder of Microsoft and one of the living legends of Silicon Valley, even if Gates has a lot of negative news, at this "extremely dangerous" historical moment...

He still has great influence.

For example, today, Nadella, the chairman and CEO of Microsoft, can sit in Cook's office and discuss plans that he had never thought of before, which is his credit.

In front of the three of them were Apple's latest Apple notebooks.

This notebook uses Apple's latest M3 chip, which has extremely powerful performance, and the industrial design also maintains Apple's consistent standards. It looks elegant and generous, with both beauty and strength.

The footage from all three laptops is stuck on a video on YouTube.

This video... was released by Jizhi Technology.

The content expressed in the video is not complicated, it is the class - the robot class.

But in just one day, this video has exceeded 100 million views.

The reason is simple. This is the first time in the history of human civilization that artificial intelligence imparts knowledge to humans in the way of teachers.

——If you want to go farther, the day of September 4, 2024 is enough to be recorded in history.

But in front of these three people...

What they saw more was that in the classroom, Ye Ming's assistant AI Ita demonstrated the subversiveness brought about by the Ita system.

It's a system... big enough to bury all existing desktop operating systems.

"Full integration, Cook."

In silence, Gates picked up his coffee and looked at his peer who was a few years younger than him.

Jobs is his irresistible friend, he believes in his friend's vision.

Therefore, he also believes that Cook can make the most correct choice at this most difficult moment.

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