From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 245 Teacher Ita Online

The gravitational field generating device given to Ye Ming by the system essentially uses the YE field generating device to release the constraint force and make it flow on a Hilbert surface to form a gravitational space-like constraint field that penetrates matter.

And according to the calculation, the energy required by the gravitational field generating device to maintain it is consistent with the pressure generated by the confinement field overcoming the gravitational force.

To put it bluntly, whether it is gravity or anti-gravity, or gravity or anti-gravity, or gravitational field or anti-gravity field, the dimensions are the same.


Hearing that Ye Ming said that he used a strong YE field to change his bowels, Academician Pan thought about it for a while, and his shock gradually turned into confusion.

"Good guy!"

Academician Pan laughed: "You really frightened me, I thought you could make an anti-gravity field - this thing is going to be made, and the gravitational field can be made too, the sky island, the space city are all Not to mention..."

As the first physicist who came into contact with confinement fields, although his ambition has always been in the field of quantum computers, it does not mean that he will not expand other knowledge systems at all. Of course he knows that strong YE fields are very hot at present.

Since a Chinese scholar published a paper a few months ago that obtained superpressure by using a constraint structure, the academic community has launched a series of experiments and assumptions around strong pressure.

Among them, the most eye-catching thing is that the old American side intends to use this super pressure to carry out "cold" nuclear fusion, or low-temperature fusion.

Of course, the same is true at home.

After all, the future of cold fusion looks too good, and it is the only solution that can be miniaturized.

In addition, a large number of scholars are also trying to leverage the new normative field to complete the unification of the four forces. During this period, the wild field will naturally be described and studied in more depth.

Therefore, Academician Pan understands how to use the pressure of the YE field to fight gravity.

"Haha, if you really want to get rid of gravity completely, it will be even more unstable, and you have to float." Ye Ming smiled, while thinking quickly: "Well, it is indeed possible in theory, we don't need to make a perfect anti-gravity device, just It just takes a little fighting against gravity."

"What about the time?" Professor Gong immediately asked, "The restraint device will be installed in two months."

Ye Ming looked into the void with his eyelids.

Everyone looked at him cheerfully——Ye Ming's mental arithmetic ability is super-calculating, and everyone already knows it.

"Two months should be enough time."

After communicating with Ita, Ye Ming nodded firmly, and then looked at Academician Pan: "When the time comes, I will make one for you too?"

Academician Pan laughed loudly: "That's necessary—but do you have any design ideas now?"


Then, Ye Ming drew on the manuscript paper on the construction site here with a pencil.

While drawing, he also briefly explained the principle.

Academician Pan stood behind him, and saw that there were still people waiting in front of him, so he frowned and scolded: "Standing so far away, you all have sharp eyes, don't you?"


Two days later, Ye Ming gave the complete design drawings. Since Academician Pan had a whole team leading the field of Ye Di restraint devices, the manufacture of this "anti-gravity" device was entrusted to them.

In terms of appearance, it is composed of five bases, which are respectively used to generate repulsion against gravity—although now everyone tends to think that the waves generated by the wild field are gravitational waves, and the "strong pressure" generated is special gravitational force. However, due to the lack of sufficient evidence and models, the academic community still maintains sufficient caution.

At that time, the main body of the entire constraint well - or "CPU", will be completely floating.

After delivering the drawings of the "anti-gravity" device, Ye Ming immediately put his energy into the real "anti-gravity" device-even if the principle of energy conservation needs to be maintained to overcome gravity, this method converts the electromagnetic field into a "gravitational field" Or in the process of "anti-gravitational field", the energy loss is almost negligible, far exceeding all current energy losses in order to overcome gravity.

As time passed, the school season ushered in.


September 3rd.

Ten minutes before class starts, the lecture hall is already full of students.

To be precise, they are freshmen in two classes of the new major of strong artificial intelligence.

In addition to them, students from other majors also came here upon hearing the news, filling a lecture theater that could accommodate more than 100 people, and even the aisles were full of students.

At a glance, it seems to have entered the carriage of the Spring Festival Transport.

As the class time approached, the sound of the classroom gradually disappeared, and everyone looked towards the door.

In the eyes of everyone, a mechanical body pushed open the door.

Everyone held their breath.

Facing countless gazes, the mechanical body looked down at the students who were blocking the way to the podium.

A slightly sweet voice rang out: "Student, please step aside."

Hearing Ita's voice, there was a low "Wow" in the classroom.

Afterwards, Ita stood on the podium and looked around like a real person.

"Hi everyone, my name is Ita, and I'm Professor Ye Ming's scientific assistant."

"Ita, one of the authors on the cover of your textbook, is me."

Listening to her introduction, all the students in the classroom were stunned for a while, and suddenly they didn't know who was blessed, so they applauded first.

Immediately afterwards, there was thunderous applause, sometimes mixed with exclamations and whistles.

After a full minute, Ita raised her hand.

The applause paused.

"The main content of this semester's course is the understanding, operation, and application of the Ita operating system, as well as a preliminary introduction to the principles of communicating with Aita."

"Also, don't be surprised. Ita OS is my name."


On the other side of the classroom, many professors in the field of AI, including President Zhou, Professor Tang, and Professor Chen, gathered in the conference room.

On the wall of the meeting room, the picture on the monitor is exactly the content of Ita's teaching.

Because he had to be responsible for the introduction, and because everyone present was his own teacher, Ye Ming sat at the end of the list.

At this time, he was turning his head, watching Ita with a smile on the podium.

——Being a teacher has been Ita's long-cherished wish.

In order to fulfill Ita's long-cherished wish, to make the courses delivered by the province more "characteristic", and to allow artificial intelligence to integrate into the world as soon as possible, Ye Ming suggested to the school before the class started, whether it is possible for Ita to come Instead of him in class - everyone knows that Ye Ming's robot assistant is called Ita, who has full authority of Aita, and the adjustment of natural language is also biased towards lively.

As soon as this request was made, the bold principal Zhou immediately made a decision.

But it is one thing to decide. Whether strong artificial intelligence can really replace professors in class, everyone still has to take a look.

In the meeting room, everyone was listening attentively, without taking their eyes off it.

In the screen, Ita’s voice came again: “The Ita system is different from the traditional operating system. It is a system designed based on the centralized calculation of the artificial intelligence Aita, so in the process of application and application design, the delay is very important. An important effect that must be considered."

"Next, please look at the screen."

While speaking, Ita opened the blackboard to reveal the big screen behind it.

The cursor flickered on the screen, and soon an IOS-like interface was launched.

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