From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 244 Gravitational Field and Nuclear Force Intervention

With the sound of cicadas chirping outside the window, Ye Ming frowned.

He is now not sure whether the super simulation shows "prophecy" or "history"-because it involves a higher-dimensional view of time and space.

Some phenomena, for ordinary people, are nothing more than a "miracle", a "miracle".

But to him, and to most scientists, all phenomena are revelations of the nature of the world.

He has every reason to believe that the system did not come to make him a genius to pretend to be the world's best.

Nor will they show kindness to promote the progress of human civilization for no reason.

He must think, or he will have no peace.

Then there is...

"Don't worry, small problem."

Ye Ming retracted his gaze and looked at the calendar in the lower right corner. There are still 50 years left.

"Analysis, if the super simulation shows the future in our time light cone, then this is the light cone event leakage given by the system, which is very important." Ye Ming knocked on the table: "This is very important!"

"If we draw information from outside the time light cone, Einstein will jump out of the coffin when he hears it."

"If it's just a simple simulation, then there's nothing to say, the horse runs and dances."

"What if it's not?" Ita asked.

"It's also a small case, and there are still fifty years left. As long as the calculation is accurate, just make some antimatter or something and blow it up. If it doesn't work, capture a few asteroids and stick them there, and let the dog R go out and have a car accident... ..."


Ye Ming laughed: "The important thing is to figure out what this celestial body is - people in the super simulation world haven't discovered it for more than fifty years, obviously it's invisible,"

"Then it can only be a black hole, or following Carlo Rovelli's conjecture that the white hole horizon can bounce off all matter, it is an invisible white hole..."

"Then what?"

"Its mass is not large, and there is no accretion disk, so it does not meet the black hole formed by the collapse of a star-it has a Schwarzschild radius."

"Then what?"

"Then I guess it's a wormhole exit...or entrance."

Ye Ming pursed his lips, narrowed his eyes slightly, and the light in his eyes became brighter and brighter: "We have discussed the dense gravitational constant current conduction technology for a long time before. The core of this technology is to generate a layer of high-dimensional space on the outside of the aircraft. membrane, allowing gravity to directly penetrate and act on high-dimensional space."

Speaking of which, Ye Ming snapped his fingers: "That's it. What we were struggling with before was the maintenance of wormholes. Now it seems that... the maintenance of wormholes may be this kind of gravitational constant current technology-it can be obtained from high-dimensional space. Absorb some kind of strange matter to maintain the stability of the wormhole!"

"Is there any evidence?"

Ye Ming laughed: "There's a hair! You'll only find out when you drill!"


"However, I'm really motivated now." Ye Ming wiped his bare arms, looking like he was doing a lot: "I have a very awesome idea."

"what idea?"

"Gravity constant current technology can touch space and dimensions, so what happens after the gravitational wave passes?" Ye Ming's eyes sparkled: "Maybe this is the principle of long-distance communication."

Ita made a speechless expression.

"The system can communicate with me over a long distance, so why can't I communicate over a long distance?" Ye Ming grinned: "Master, I want to drill into a black hole earlier to see what the world outside our time light cone looks like." Woolen cloth……"

"Well, no, we have to get the antimatter cannon out."

"Come on, let's draw!"


Taking a deep breath, Ye Ming called out the system.

Now he has both the theory and engineering level 6 - if the 10th level is full, then he has already "passed".

"No ink, just draw."

"The first one, "Gravity Generation Device."


"The second one, "Weibo Terminal Encryption Technology."

"..." Encryption technology, this is obviously a bit spicy.

"The third one, "Dense Gravitational Permeable Membrane Design."

"The fourth one, "Nuclear Force Intervention Design""


After hearing the fourth one, Ye Ming stopped instantly!

"There is one left, do you want to draw?"

"Save it." Ye Ming took a deep breath and looked at the four drawings displayed in front of him.

——To be precise, it falls on the fourth card.

As an accomplished scholar, he may not be able to understand some physics or mathematics problems, but when it comes to memorizing formulas and descriptions, no one can memorize him.

Nuclear force—the force that makes nucleons form atomic nuclei. It has the characteristics of short-range, saturation, charge-independence, exchange, and non-central force.

Generally speaking, the strong and weak interaction among the four forces actually refer to it.

According to the quark model and the gauge field concept, physicists proposed quantum chromodynamics, and introduced a gauge boson called "gluon", which finally formed the current basic particle model.

Ye Ming believes that it is impossible for the civilization where the system is located to develop a unified technology for the existing "three major forces".

"Open the last one and take a look."


With the drawing open.

Ye Ming was a little dumbfounded seeing all kinds of formulas and various calculation designs that couldn't be seen at a glance.

Ita giggled.

She reads faster than Ye Ming.

She could tell at a glance that it included technologies such as space dimensionality reduction, space film shrinkage, and quantum positioning.

Each one, she and Ye Ming have never heard of it.

And when Ye Ming turned on the first gravitational field device again, Ye Ming was even more stunned on the spot.



At 2:30 in the afternoon, He Mo walked into the office.

Seeing Ye Ming's constipated expression, she was very curious.

"Today's boiled fish at noon is too spicy?"

"...No, leave me alone, I'm a little irritable now." Ye Ming waved his hand and looked away from the monitor.

Among the four drawings, the most valuable should be "Nuclear Force Intervention Design" - because in a sense, this is indeed doing "neutron star".

In other words, create a neutron star.

But Ye Ming didn't know many of the technologies in it, and even the formulas couldn't be understood clearly—it was like a middle school student's feeling when looking at the basic model of particles.

He knows why.

Because the damn thing is that after the unification of the four forces, they also touched the technology of the dimension.

Otherwise, according to his current theoretical level, how could he not understand it?

Of course, if it's just this, it's actually nothing.

Among the other three, the really useful and useful one is actually the gravitational field design - with this, it means that human beings can survive in space for a long time.

It's just... how should I put it, this technology is actually a bit of a waste.

Because Ye Ming has not given up on the continued research on the constraint well in the past few months, especially after consulting Professor Hollyn's many problems in the Hilbert space, he has actually touched the gravity based on the constraint well The threshold of the field device.

And the principle of this gravity generating device is exactly the same as he imagined.

It is equivalent to... a 20-point problem, which he will solve soon.

As a result, the teacher ran up to the stage and said, "Students, didn't you solve that 20-point problem? Let me tell you about it."

He Mo was speechless for a while: "Then will you feel better in half an hour?"

Ye Ming looked up at her: "Is there something wrong?"

"Academician Pan is coming."

Ye Ming was slightly taken aback, and he subconsciously looked at the phone: "Why didn't you call me?"

"The assistant contacted me, probably knowing that you have to rest at noon every day, so I don't want to disturb you." He Mo laughed: "And he just stopped by to see how the construction site is going."

Ye Ming nodded.

How should I put it, he actually feels a little sorry for Lao Pan—because after the quantum computer has greatly accelerated due to the confinement well, in this short period of one or two years, many of the things that need to be classicalized by the quantum computer Guesses have been raised, and a lot of attempts have been made.

But the more you try, the more you feel "desperate".

Even at the Quantum Computer Conference held in Silicon Valley a while ago, Musk openly stated that super AI plus quantum computers is the future.

The world was in an uproar when the words spread on social media.

Ye Ming didn't pay attention to what the foreign people think, anyway, the domestic people are very happy.

Because Jizhi Technology has both aspects.

In addition, Ye Ming has also stated in various public occasions that Aita will make perfect use of the computing power of quantum computers...

As a result, the domestic quantum computer team has become uncomfortable.

People all over the country are waiting for the completion of the Quantum Computer Center of Provincial Communications...and this center happened to be the main construction of Academician Pan and others.

You said it was all right.

Of course, Ye Ming fully believes that Academician Pan is a true scholar who can do everything to make the quantum computer completely classic, but... such things as killing oneself by oneself... right?

Therefore, every time Ye Ming would greet him at the gate in person.

Even today's high temperature of 33 degrees is no exception.


After Academician Pan got off the car, he was so hot that he was sweating, so that he changed his mind immediately when he stepped into the door: "I won't go to your office, lest I have to run out to catch the heat after a while."

Ye Ming laughed, and stretched out his hand to the data center building next to him: "Then let's go directly to the computer room, where the central air conditioner is already in operation."

"Well, I'm just here to see the front line today, and remind me." Academician Pan smiled and looked at the back of Ye Ming's head: "Is your wound not a problem?"

"Except for the ugly hairstyle, everything is OK—how about I recite pi for you?"

Academician Pan laughed out loud.

Ye Ming's head was broken and stitches were stitched, these scholars who often hold video conferences with him must not be able to hide it, and everyone is really worried.

Walking into the computer room, the sweltering heat outside disappeared instantly.

To build a quantum supercomputing center is not a simple installation. It not only needs to build the operator's equipment and bandwidth interface first, but also needs to establish a high-temperature superconducting environment-only superconducting lines can perfectly perform quantum computing. real computing power.

After the layout of the high-temperature superconducting circuit is built, a vacuum environment must be built, and finally the photon confinement well will be the turn.

The data center has a total of four floors from the outside, but after entering, there are only two floors.

The first floor is seven meters high, and it is mainly used for various network equipment and optical signal processing equipment in the data room. In order to shield interference, a shielding layer of nearly half a meter is installed on the roof of the first floor.

The second layer, which is also the third layer from the outside, is the real body of the quantum computer.

Ye Ming accompanied Academician Pan up the seven-meter-high spiral staircase to the second floor.

What is going on on the second floor is the first step, the layout of high-temperature superconducting circuits.

After greeting the members of the construction team, Academician Pan left the person in charge of the construction, Professor Gong Hai, by his side.

Professor Gong was also a member of the USTC team.

"It looks like the first phase is almost finished." Academician Pan looked at the construction progress and said with emotion, "It's not easy."

"It's okay." Professor Gong didn't say much, just smiled.

"It's mainly because of Professor Gong's hard work." Ye Mingshun praised: "It seems that the first batch of restraint traps will be launched on the National Day."

"Well..." Academician Pan nodded, then pondered for a few seconds and then said softly: "But Ye Ming, I want to remind you that the operating environment of quantum supercomputing is really harsh, especially for hundreds of thousands of people like you. Thousands of orders of magnitude..."

Ye Ming nodded: "I understand, so the construction site next to it is also speeding up."

"It's not about the construction site,'s impossible to drive a heavy car two kilometers away."

Academician Pan frowned slightly: "These things really can't be calculated or simulated. You can only know it when you experience it. This month, the level of constraint wells has reached 800,000. Then we often make mistakes. ...we always thought it was a design or assembly error."

"But didn't we receive the leader a while ago? After a few streets were closed, it happened that the wind and sea were calm."

"Later, we paid attention to the traffic control data and found that when heavy vehicles pass by at night, it is easy to report errors."

Ye Ming: "..."

Academician Pan looked at Ye Ming: "We have considered using maglev to support the computing core...but the magnetic field of maglev has interference. Unless you can solve this...otherwise..."

He Mo had been listening quietly from the sidelines, and then interrupted: "Does that mean it's best built in a mountainous area? A place away from the urban area?"

Academician Pan glanced at He Mo and smiled slightly: "Yes! It's better to stay away from the crowd and go to no-man's land."

Ye Ming frowned slightly.

He must know that quantum computers are very harsh on the operating environment, but he did not expect... to be so harsh.

It seems that quantitative changes can not only cause "qualitative changes", but also weaken the fault tolerance rate.

"Anyway, I just want to remind you." Academician Pan smiled and joked: "Don't talk to me when you have problems, saying that we repaired you so-so..."

Ye Ming coughed and laughed: "That definitely won't happen."

Having said that, what Academician Pan said was indeed a problem.

Do you really want to drill into the deep mountains and old forests?

Silently, Ye Ming looked at the superconducting circuit that was about to be built.

Indeed, magnetic levitation is a very good solution - although relative to the floor, magnetic levitation will actually be the only relative, but as long as the magnitude of the movement is small, there is no problem.

The main reason is that the strong magnetic field of the maglev will slightly interfere with the confinement field.


In the silence, Ye Ming's eyes gradually lit up.

"Academician Pan, how about we build an anti-gravity field?"

"Huh, huh?" Academician Pan almost bit off his tongue: "What the hell?"

"I said, let's try to see if we can create an 'anti' gravity field—in fact, the strong YE field is slightly changed."

Ye Ming chuckled.

He said it a little harder.

Of course, this is not a real anti-gravity field, but a gravity-stabilized field.

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