From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 232 Carrying a Sharp Weapon

The third floor of the convention center.

Musk frowned and looked at the crowd below.

The report and discussion conference will not start until the afternoon. At this time, most of the experts and companies from the field of quantum computers and semiconductors, like them, are either visiting the exhibition or preparing documents.

The crowd is dense and the atmosphere is very strong.

Many Internet celebrities and technology enthusiasts engaged in short videos and live broadcasts flocked here, excitedly and exaggeratedly putting this top technology event of all mankind on the Internet and introducing it to everyone.

Everything looks great.

"Obviously, I messed up this time." Musk turned to look at an old man beside him.

"Obviously." The old man was wearing glasses and had gray hair. He leaned against the railing and looked down.

"Bill, how is your investigation going?"

"I have completely quit Microsoft." Gates, who is nearly seventy years old, smiled slightly: "You should ask Satir about this."

"I can't talk to him." Musk muttered.

"What about you and Ye?" Gates looked with interest at this young man who was no longer young and also his "successor" richest man.

The two richest men appeared here at the same time, of course not for reminiscing about the past.

Rather, the Silicon Valley under our feet is really in danger.

Don't look at the excitement below, the display is also the most advanced technology and achievements in the world.

But they all know that under the strong artificial intelligence on the opposite side - if it is only strong artificial intelligence, it is actually nothing.

The main reason is that the wind has been released over there.

They hold the key to applying quantum computers to classical problems.

This key is strong artificial intelligence.

Logically, this makes sense.

Quantum computers can only complete specific tasks through specific algorithms since the theory was proposed.

No one has any idea to completely quantize the classical problem.

Even if there is an idea of ​​connecting hundreds of thousands or millions of qubits in series through logic gate circuits, and seeking qualitative changes, this order of magnitude is still far worse than the current chip with hundreds of billions of transistors at every turn. far away.

Because under the existing framework, quantum confinement wells cannot be as small as transistors—there is something called the Yeming limit, which determines the minimum size of confinement wells.

Then the only "way" is to let the black box fight the black box.

Add the unthinkable strong artificial intelligence to the quantum computing unit, and let it use it heuristically.

The terrible thing is that now Jizhi Technology... oh no, it should be said that that country has mastered quantum computer technology and strong artificial intelligence at the same time.

Once they achieve the fusion of the two...

All the prosperity in front of me will be like a mirror image.

And the common feeling of the two people before was "fucked up" because...they were in the crowd and didn't see many people from other than English-speaking regions.

It seems that the group of people exposed to top technology are not stupid.


Hearing Gates ask Ye Ming, Musk fell silent, he pursed his lips, and finally exhaled.

"He's a very realistic guy."

Gates was suddenly surprised.

Although he resigned from Microsoft, it does not mean that he has stayed away from the technology circle.

He has been paying attention to Jizhi Technology.

Whether it is based on the business launched by Aita, the Sita robot launched, or the controversial mechanical warrior, it all shows that Ye Ming is not a "real" person, but a person who wants to change reality and the world.

From this point of view, several of them should have a common language.

"He said he had no interest in Mars."

"...I'm not interested in Mars either."

"You see, this is the problem." Musk turned to look at Gates: "Why, you don't go to Mars?"

"I'm old, and I'm afraid of dying on the way."


"By the way, are you short of money? If you don't have money, I can invest."

"Haven't you always been bearish on Tesla?"

"It is also bearish now, but Jizhi Technology does not allow investment, what can be done?"

Gates put his hands on the guardrail and let out a long breath.

"They're on a very dangerous path."


Provincial payment, brain-computer center.

Two cars stopped at the entrance of the brain-computer center.

After a while, the Ita prototype painted in white and a "Sita" robot painted black walked out of the building at a constant speed.

If you look carefully, you will know that this Theta robot is not the real "Theta Butler", it is a little taller and stronger than Theta.

In fact, it is a combat robot with specially treated outer armor and battery packs - just disguised as the harmless "Sita".

Behind the two robots, Ye Ming, He Mo, and Zhong Lei came out in a file.

Afterwards, He Mo, the prototype machine, and Ye Ming boarded the first car, while Zhong Lei boarded the second car.

After a while, the car started automatically, slowly drove out of the school gate, and then drove along the avenue to the high speed.

"Zhong Lei, how do you feel?"

He Mo and Ye Ming sat side by side in the back row. She turned her head and watched the car behind keep following at a constant speed, and said to Aita who was sitting in the driver's seat ahead.

"It feels like I'm driving myself." Zhong Lei's voice came from the speaker of the prototype: "I confess, sometimes, there is really an inexplicable sense of power."

Ye Ming and He Mo smiled at the same time.

More than ten days ago, after Zhong Lei signed the document, the medical school immediately arranged the operation.

With skilled experience, this kind of nerve anastomosis has been compared to minimally invasive... In just two weeks, Zhong Lei's wound has basically fully recovered.

In his words, this wound is not as good as being bitten by a dog when he was a child.

The day before Ye Ming attended the Global Conference on Controllable Nuclear Fusion, he had to follow whatever he said. Then the medical school went over it and determined that as long as he didn't do strenuous exercise, he was fine.

So, for the first time, he took his exclusive battle armor on the way to perform the mission - he named it Xiao Hei.

The name is very sloppy, and it sounds like a house dog, so that Ita was very angry, and secretly "ordered" Aita to make Xiao Hei's voice a little ugly.

Of course, Ye Ming saw through her tricks directly.

Ye Ming is the one with the highest authority.

As Zhong Lei said, thanks to the intervention of strong artificial intelligence, whether it is feedback or operability, Zhong Lei has the flexibility to control "Xiao Hei".

And this kind of feedback also brought him a "bursting feeling" of confidence.

It's that feeling of holding a hammer in your hand and seeing everyone as a nail.

"Then pay attention to the control power." Ye Ming said with a smile: "You are the first person with normal nerve anastomosis, and all your feelings are very important."

"Yes, I know."

He Mo was a little curious at this moment: "By the way, you touch the gun at any time, how can you feel this way?"

"When you touch a gun, you know that the gun is a tool. This is different, because you feel that the power is your own."

After a pause, Zhong Lei said a little embarrassedly.

"How should I say it? Maybe it is."

"The kind with a sharp weapon in his body and the intention to kill himself."

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