"Psychological development is very important."

Zhong Lei's voice continued to be heard from inside the car: "It's a little exciting that ordinary people have accidentally mastered extraordinary power."

Ye Ming and He Mo took a look: "Then do you need psychological counseling?"

"It's not necessary, and psychological intervention can't talk about anything, you have to know it by yourself."

Hearing this, Ye Ming became curious: "Have you accepted it?"

"I went to the border a lot in the past two years, and I was dragged to chat a few times." Zhong Lei laughed: "But this kind of psychological understanding is completely different from before. If the psychological intervention after the shooting is mainly enlightenment , the intervention needed now should be based on restraint."

"By the way, Professor Ye, I'm suddenly curious...you have all the authority of Aita, right? How do you think about Aita's ability?"

Following Zhong Lei's words, He Mo immediately looked at Ye Ming with curiosity.

Ye Ming was stunned.

This question is obviously not asking him what he thinks of Aita's ability, but asking him about his mentality after mastering Aita's ability.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, and then smiled lightly: "There is so much exciting knowledge in the universe, Aita just pries those unknown tools, or partners."

After a long time, Zhong Lei sighed: "Is this the realm of a scientist?"

"Haha, I'm just a little more curious."

The three of them chatted relaxedly all the way, and the car drove to the high speed smoothly.

At this moment, Aita's voice suddenly broke in.

"Weak GPS signal detected, correcting...has been corrected."

Aita's voice brought the conversation of the three to an abrupt end.

The weak GPS signal is sometimes an antenna problem, sometimes it is an environmental problem, in short, it is very common.

But He Mo glanced out the window and frowned.

"Aita, is there a problem with the car behind?"

"The Beidou for the rear car."

"Can that track GPS satellites?"

"The current GPS satellite group is the following numbered satellites..." As Aita's voice fell, a satellite picture appeared on BYD's car display.

He Mo lay down on the chair and looked at it seriously.

Ye Ming didn't take it seriously, and said with a smile: "You don't think the GPS satellite system is targeting our car, do you? GPS is broadcast..."

"Last year, the fourth-generation GPS was released, using multiple antennas, and it is said that it can designate signals in areas with minimal interference."

"...If this is the case, it can only be said that I am being targeted."

He Mo immediately looked at him with a serious face: "You really think you are an ordinary person all the time? Boss, wake up...Don't you know why Skynet in the provincial capital wants to connect to Aita? Believe it or not Spy satellites overhead?"

Ye Ming stopped talking immediately.

You say that he thinks he is an ordinary person... If you say it, you don't even believe it yourself.

But... If you are always vigilant, do you still want to live?

Seeing that Ye Ming didn't speak, He Mo continued to ask: "Aita, can you invade the satellite and get ground instructions?"

"Advanced authorization required."

He Mo turned to look at Ye Ming.

Aita's invasion requires a very high level of authorization, which is the same level as attacking humans.

It's not that Ye Ming wants to "completely control" Aita in his hands.

Rather, in a sense, using Aita to carry out an active invasion... activates the big killer.

Therefore, even in the face of so many invasions, Aita has never "countered back", but just kept the "evidence" and remained calm.

In essence, Aita should be the builder and maintainer of order, not the destroyer.

(This principle is really important, I hope readers and friends can understand.)

But now... Ye Ming frowned slightly and glanced at the sky.

After a few seconds of silence, Ye Ming exhaled softly: "Try it, and search all the spy satellites above your head by the way."


Because the conversation was cut off, Zhong Lei didn't know what was going on, and soon called. After hearing He Mo's guess, Zhong Lei was also stunned for a moment.

"Boss, I think you should change your car."

"Don't scare me." Ye Ming couldn't laugh or cry: "Then do I dare to go out in the future?"

"Hey, think about how experts with two bombs and one satellite live."


Half an hour later, Aita's voice sounded again.

"The intrusion was successful, and the command is downloading."

"Command analysis."

"Spy Satellite Interference Command Found."

He Mo looked at Ye Ming instantly.

Ye Ming was stunned. He looked at the skylight above his head. After being silent, he pointed his middle finger to the sky.


An hour later, two BYD vehicles drove off the highway.

Two police cars drove up one after the other, escorting the two cars onto the road.

Ye Ming's face was a little ugly until he entered the hotel.

In the hotel, he had a simple lunch, and had a brief discussion with the professors of the Kuafu project team. When he returned to the room, Director Niu, who had a cheerful face, had already sat in his living room. in the sofa.

"Your expression... tsk tsk." Director Niu was holding his briefcase, which never left his body, with a smile on his face.

"Come here." Ye Ming glanced at the drawn curtains, and said angrily, "It's you, try to be stared at by satellites."

"Hahaha...wouldn't you be happy if you let Aita control the orbit and drop them?"

Ye Ming: "..."

After being silent, Ye Ming exhaled softly: "Don't say it, I really thought about it for a second. You know I have a bad temper..."

"Well, I've seen it before." Director Niu smiled again: "But this time, you have to bear with it—you know what killing satellites means."

Ye Ming nodded.

Of course he knew, otherwise he wouldn't be so upset.

"No, I still have to warn you." After a few seconds of silence, Ye Ming frowned deeply, and turned to look at Aita: "Aita, how many satellite images have you downloaded?"

"a lot of."

"Take over my Twitter account." Ye Ming said and looked at Director Niu again: "Is it okay for me to post a few photos?"

Director Niu nodded with a smile: "Send it, when it's time to shine the sword, you still have to shine the sword."

"send photo."



10 at night.

Chris has finished washing, lying on the bed, took out his mobile phone, and is about to play two games.

As someone in charge of cybersecurity, his work and life are always very clear—in fact, his entire team does, working 9 to 5, double during the holidays, and double at Christmas.

It's just that they got off work a little later today, because they locked a particularly big goal, and everyone cheered at that time-although in reality, they couldn't do much.

You can't call in a militia to drop it over there, can you?

But how should I put it... They were locked under the strong artificial intelligence that claims to be omnipotent.

This is very fulfilling.

Humming softly, Chris clicked on the game icon.

But in the next second, the caller ID of BOSS broke his life.

After a moment of hesitation, he still picked up the phone.

"Look at Twitter."


"Let you watch Twitter!" During the phone call, the boss's voice was obviously a bit unfriendly.

"I'm going to rest……"

"Let you see! Fuck!"

The phone hung up mercilessly.

There was a fire in Chris's heart. After a while, he cut out the game and clicked on Twitter.

Then he saw that a popular graphic tweet popped up instantly.

The owner of Twitter is Yeming.

The tweet is just a few words.

"0.08m, really high-definition."

The pictures below are all aerial views from high altitude, and the content of the picture is a scene of a highway.

In the center is a moving car.

The pictures are high-definition and comfortable.

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