From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 231 Top Secret Envelope

"In actual use, mechanical soldiers are still relatively affected by the network."

Director Niu did not go back to the office with Ye Ming, but walked with Ye Ming in the small courtyard inside the wall.

Zhong Lei, as the team leader, followed behind the two of them together with Aita.

"Yeah." Ye Ming nodded.

The battle robot performed very well during the test, but after the actual use...

Let's put it this way, even if the domestic network coverage is excellent, there are always places where the network speed is not satisfactory.

And once the network is interrupted, although the airborne system is also good, and can even be said to be at the top international level, there will be a sense of "sluggishness" coming and going.

In addition, if the current centralized solution is maintained, there is another problem-it is impossible to deploy mechanical soldiers on a large scale-unless you can lay optical fibers while fighting, large-scale network congestion is inevitable.

This is an undeniable fact.

"So, if the stand-in mecha scheme is feasible, this is the technology that will truly change the pattern of warfare." Director Niu turned and stood still, opened the briefcase in his hand, took out a kraft paper envelope and handed it to Zhong Lei.

Seeing the two huge "Top Secret" Chinese characters on the envelope, Zhong Lei was startled.

"Go back to your room and take a look, think about it carefully, and give me an answer in 24 hours."

"Yes! Do you want to watch it now?"


Watching Zhong Lei salute and leave, Ye Ming was stunned.

From the few words just now, he guessed the contents of the envelope, and then he frowned deeply.

Director Niu also frowned, took out the cigarette case, took out one, and motioned to Ye Ming, and after Ye Ming waved his hand, he lit it himself.

Afterwards, Director Niu walked to the corner, found a random corner and sat down.

"Is the code not leaked?"

"No, Liu Jiequan and Tang Haowen are both very obedient, and Liu Jiequan already has his doctoral dissertation, so he doesn't need these as promotion capital. As for the others, they all know the pros and cons after greeting yesterday."

The signal code of the chip was mainly an idea proposed by Tang Haowen, and then worked out together with Liu Jiequan with the assistance of Aita-for this reason, Tang Haowen also secretly did a lot of experiments on himself.

Ye Ming didn't dare to tell Old Tang about this matter.

According to what he knew about Old Tang, although Old Tang was somewhat "indulging" with his son, it was impossible for him to let him die.

"Well, just in case, let the relevant personnel sign a non-disclosure agreement later."

Ye Ming: "..."

"The higher-ups attach great importance to it." Director Niu took a deep puff of cigarette: "Let me ask you again, this, are you sure it's not dangerous?"

"If you want to ask me this way, how should I answer? Anyway, so far, the hybrid chip has been used in the field of medical neurology for more than half a year. The hybrid chip itself has not experienced any adverse reactions in materials and technology. Only a few cases of problems have been reported in Southeast Asia. , but it is all the fault of irregular surgery, and the life of a doctor is too rough."

"Hmm..." Director Niu nodded.

Ye Ming put his hands on his waist and said seriously: "The main thing is that this is a bit too advanced. Cut a knife on the back of the neck of a normal soldier, and then put a chip in it... This is a technology that only appeared in science fiction works."

"Yes, and if this is to be successful, it also means that any bionic mechanical structure can be controlled..." Director Niu looked at Ye Ming: "Gundam can be opened."


"So, don't look for any volunteers, just look for volunteers among soldiers. They are far stronger than ordinary people in terms of belief and will."

Director Niu pursed his lips as he spoke, took the last puff of his cigarette and threw away the cigarette butt.

Not far away, Zhong Lei strode forward holding faith.

Director Niu also stood up.

"The two chief ministers, it doesn't take 24 hours, I can make a decision now."

"Have you really thought about it or is your brain hot?" Director Niu's eyes sharpened: "Zhong Lei, this is a task that can be refused, and after you refuse, it will not have any impact on your future development."

"I understand." Zhong Lei took a deep breath: "I just have two questions."

"you say."

"After the neural connection is made, will there be any problems when we cooperate with Aita to control the mechanical structure?" Zhong Lei pointed to the brain.

Director Niu immediately looked at Ye Ming.

Ye Ming shook his head: "No, the protocol is one-way communication."

"Okay, then the second question... If something goes wrong, is it paralyzed at worst?"

Ye Ming shook his head again: "No, the hybrid chip was originally used to treat paralysis."

"Then I'm fine." Zhong Lei handed the envelope to Director Niu, with endless joy and determination in his eyes: "Come on, I don't know how many lifetimes it takes to be able to drive a mecha in my lifetime!"

Director Niu exhaled lightly and took back the envelope.

Ye Ming looked at Zhong Lei and exhaled lightly.

He reached out and stroked his hair, thinking about how to get Mo Gu to agree to implant electrodes under his scalp.

How about shaving your head first?

When it's over, bang on the head, smash a glass bottle or something?

No...that hurts a bit.


In the following days, Ye Ming focused his work on the Conference on Controllable Nuclear Fusion.

This is an obvious mistake in the country that they want to compete with each other and fight against each other.

It's just that even if you want to "coach" and "differentiate", the technical details revealed by this controllable nuclear fusion still have a bottom line - at most share the relevant technologies of the current Kuafu reactor.

As for the follow-up tritium breeding improvement plan and the idea of ​​helium-3 fusion, there must be no door...

But even with these, Kuafu Heap is so far the only solution that can run stably and even "commercially".

It can be said that China is full of sincerity to share this technology.


Time flies, and soon it will be the 27th.

Silicon Valley, Santa Clara Convention Center.

As a global quantum computer and semiconductor conference, the exhibition center began to be arranged as early as a week ago.

Therefore, people can see Google's quantum computer Sycamore here, as well as Australia's Pawsey, Britain's Aspen... In short, the famous quantum computers of various countries are gathered here.

Of course, it's all models.

In addition, you can also see the strongest chips in the semiconductor field so far, including the strongest products from CPU, GPU, DSP and many other fields, as well as the latest fab process plan.

At the same time, you can also see the new intelligent design tool "Gamma" launched by Same Institute, a new company that has been merged by several EDA companies in North America, based on supercomputing-level centralized AI.

According to Chen Zhikuan, the first person in charge of Same, the former Synopsys and CEO of Synopsys, in the field of chip design, "Gamma" is perfect and capable of everything except that it does not make a "squeaky" voice. chip design work.

In short, in Silicon Valley, in these three days, you can see the latest and most advanced technological crystallization of the entire human civilization!

They are the cornerstones of the current information age.

Irreplaceable and indispensable.


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