From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 224 Do whatever you want

Yulong Hotel.

In a suite on the seventh floor, bursts of laughter came.

Tang and Chen have been in the capital for three days—this has exceeded the time when the leader told Ye Ming to "wait for two days".

The "two" of waiting for two days is sometimes an imaginary number, and you are ashamed to say that the leader's words don't count.

But so far I haven't received the letter of approval, plus the few words that flowed from various channels, as well as some schedules from the news channel, as well as the busyness and tone of various departments...

These three days are very important, very important, very important!

It was so important that Ye Ming and the two teachers didn't dare to say a word even if they were "hanging out" to the side, and stayed in the hotel obediently.

While waiting anxiously, fun came.


"That's it... I thought it was completely banned and banned."

Flipping through the newly released special terms for Jizhi Technology, Professor Chen sat by the window, laughing constantly.

This room is the suite that Old Tang lived in. Old Tang went to the front desk and asked for a floor fan to face the window. The two of them smoked behind the fan, and the floor fan blew the smoke out. Secondhand smoke environment.

Professor Tang and Ye Ming also laughed and shook their heads.

Early in the morning, they received news that the "boots" for Jizhi Technology had finally landed.


Although there are dozens or hundreds of different types of chips listed, plus a lot of various equipment, it looks extremely detailed, without any loopholes, and it is so resolute...

But in the eyes of these three people, this "within five years" chip is banned...

Because there is no security investigation on Jizhi Technology, and Jizhi Technology's products are not completely banned, but only safety suggestions are provided.

Same attitude to DJ drones a few years ago.

This is very subtle.

"It seems to be clear over there, knowing that we can't cut ourselves off from advanced technology..." Professor Tang put out his cigarette with a smile, then turned to look at Ye Ming: "Can you see what's coming?"

Ye Ming put down his phone, he knew that this was Lao Tang "exercising" himself...

After thinking about it, he said softly: "If you don't send out the list, you will lose face, but you don't dare to completely ban it. If you think about it from a positive perspective, it means that the other party is thinking about being a human being and staying on the front line, so that we can meet each other in the future."

"If you think about it from the bad side, the opponent just wants to contain us, and at the same time wants to learn from us."

Professor Tang nodded: "It's okay to think about the worst."

"Yes. But some professional software on the opposite side, especially professional design software, are almost killed by us..." Ye Ming frowned: "I don't understand why they don't disable it..."

At this time, Professor Chen said, "It's actually easy to understand."

Ye Ming immediately looked at Professor Chen.

Lao Chen smiled slightly: "How long have you not paid attention to the traditional AI field?"

Ye Ming was slightly stunned, and then felt embarrassed: "It seems that I haven't paid attention to it for a long time-I only know that Google and Tesla have been trying to use the matrix algorithm, and there are people who don't know which side are coveting Aita's source code..."

Ye Ming was talking about a commercial espionage incident that happened a month ago. A female employee of Jizhi Technology seemed very normal, and had a good relationship with Qi and Mo, the kind who often went to Qi and Mo's office to drink coffee.

But the day before Qi and Mo's return from the plateau, the employee went to Qi and Mo's office pretending to look for documents, but Aita caught her secretly installing a hidden camera.

Speaking of it, this person is actually stupid.

Jizhi Technology's cameras are ubiquitous.

Changing to another company, there are surveillance everywhere, and it is estimated that the employees feel uncomfortable all over.

But in Jizhi Technology, because the monitoring network is all in charge of Aita, and there will be no boss "peeking", and when you have nothing to do, you can also instruct Aita to take a beautiful photo of herself with the camera...

Therefore, everyone is accustomed to the existence of Aita.

For employees, especially veteran employees, Aita is a friend who can be seen everywhere and called at any time.

Therefore, this person naively thinks that with his back to the camera, it only takes one second to complete the task, and it is unlikely that he will make a fool of himself.

But... Then she was positioned by Aita.


Professor Chen nodded with a smile: "Since you haven't paid attention to it for a long time, you naturally don't know. Now you have started learning AI training methods."

Learning AI training method?

"Well, use AI to learn AI." Professor Chen sighed: "It is to continuously use Aita's input and output data and results to train AI."

Ye Ming was stunned.

"This... learn the black box with the black box?"

"To be precise, using a black box to hit a black box - thanks to those people who figured it out." Professor Chen made an analogy: "It's similar to giving a calculus problem to elementary school students, giving the answer at the same time, and then saying: you Push the process out for Lao Tzu!"

Ye Ming's head is full of black lines!

But he also immediately understood that Aita's service was necessary to complete such training.

Otherwise how do you imitate?

"So, before they create a strong AI comparable to Aita, it is impossible to cut their own way." Professor Chen laughed.

Ye Ming nodded, then pursed his lips, and his eyes lit up.

"Ms. Tang, Mr. Chen..." Ye Ming exhaled softly, grabbed his phone and clicked on Weibo...

Seeing his expression, Tang and Chen looked at each other and smiled.

They both know Ye Ming too well.

This guy keeps his word.

"Don't look, we know that the whole network is waiting for you."

Ye Ming then smiled.

If you come out to mess around, you have to keep your word.

If you say "what are you looking at", people will stop looking at it, and everyone will be happy.

But now, although they are a bit twitchy, they still follow the rules and replied "What are you doing".

Then what do you say?

"Then I'll let Aita make an announcement?"

"Fat, how can I stop you?" Tang and Chen both smiled at the same time.

Ye Ming wants to show his temper. As teachers, the two of them naturally need to know what Ye Ming's bottom line is. It's okay to show their temper, but they can't cross the line.

For example, Aita cannot be used for aggressive and destructive behavior.

Other than that, if you lose some money or something... just play as the Second Patriarch Scattering Golden Beans.

Today, Jizhi Technology is still owned by the three of them.

They can do whatever they want.


provincial capital.

Jizhi Technology.

Qu Jing returned to her office after the morning meeting.

As the executive general manager - oh no, soon to be the chief executive officer.

Although she is behind Yang Chaoxiong and Liu Hong in terms of rankings, in terms of specific affairs, she is actually the fourth in command of the entire company, or... the number one is no problem.

Because Jizhi Technology Co., Ltd. was pulled by her own hands!

The two teachers plus a group of technical fellows didn't care about the shit, and forced her from an engineering girl to an administrative girl...

Fortunately, with the deepening of Aita's integration with the company, her work has become a lot easier.

But today, exhaustion was written all over her face.

The two teachers are not here, and Ye Ming is not here—even if you can communicate through Aita, but in the face of such a big event as the "big stick", how can you do without a big boss?

She was able to find that early this morning, there was something wrong with the expressions and attitudes of all her colleagues.

Jizhi Technology is a young company.

The company's employees are almost all young people.

Young people are more prone to anger—not to mention, they are the luckiest group of people in the world who can get along with Aita at close range.

To put it bluntly, Jizhi Technology's school recruitment requirements are the highest among the entire domestic technology companies, none of them!

Those who are not geniuses are not allowed to enter!

So... When the "arrangement" for Jizhi Technology was uploaded on Twitter last night, the whole network moved up small benches, waiting to "watch the show" and wait for the follow-up of Ye Ming's "Try it"...

All employees are also waiting.

Rubbing between her eyebrows, Qu Jing called out Aita.

"Aita, any news?"


"..." Qu Jing took out her phone, endured it and put it back.

She clicked on Weibo. # Under the topic of Jizhi Technology # , someone has already started clocking in.

"9:10, still no news."

"9:11, no."

"Is God Ye asleep?"

"Are you still in the meeting?"

"9:12, no news."


In silence, Qu Jing gritted her teeth and raised the phone again.

But at this moment, Aita's voice sounded from the speakers.

"Hello Qu Jing, please announce the following decision of the board of directors on all social media at the same time."

The voice fell, and a page of documents instantly jumped on the display screen.

Qu Jing just glanced at it and jumped up instantly!

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