From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 223 No need to point fingers

The leader terminated the afternoon meeting.

This unusual behavior made Ye Ming even more uneasy.

Director Niu kept calmly telling him not to panic, it was not a bad thing.

But this kind of comfort... can only be said to be better than nothing.

So when he returned to the hotel, Ye Ming couldn't wait to call Professor Tang.


"Old Chen and I have also been notified to go to the capital."

On the phone, Professor Tang's voice was much calmer: "Old Chen is coming towards me now, where are you now?"

"I'm going back to the hotel."

"Okay then, let's have a video conference, use Aita."


Ye Ming then hung up the phone, rubbed his temples, and asked Aita to start the projection.

A minute later, Professor Tang appeared in the projection, and within ten seconds, Professor Chen's figure also broke into the screen.

"Stop talking nonsense, you are at the scene, what did the boss say specifically, and under what circumstances did he say it?" Professor Tang looked at the camera, and although he frowned, his expression was still calm.

In contrast, Professor Chen frowned a little deeper.

"Well... Actually, I didn't say anything, I just demonstrated Aita's office ability."

Ye Ming pursed his lips, and then described the situation at the meeting.

Tang and Chen listened quietly, and then, Professor Chen asked: "What else? In all your speeches, did you say anything before, and what did you say?"

Ye Ming was stunned: "It's just drawing a big cake for the leader and blowing it up."

"What cake are you painting? How do you brag about it?"

Ye Ming thought for a while, then twitched again.

When he was painting cakes, he was full of emotions and in full state, and he took everything for granted...

But now, the emotion has long passed...

You let him reappear, and he himself feels a little embarrassed.

However, seeing that the two professors were very serious, Ye Ming had no choice but to use the form of a summary statement to say what he said at the meeting, including that he was the first to be called by the leader and told the two.

Gradually, he saw strange expressions on the faces of the two professors.

"Is it blowing too much?" Ye Ming asked carefully.

The two looked at each other, then shook their heads at the same time.

Professor Tang sighed with a smile: "Ye Ming, it seems that your cake, plus Aita's amazing performance afterward... the boss always listened."


"Actually, this is no cake." Professor Chen had already moved a chair and sat down, then he popped out the cigarette case, threw one to Professor Tang, and ignited the fire with a click: "It was originally an established technological development. fact."

"That's right." Professor Tang nodded: "It seems..."

Seeing Professor Tang pondering, Ye Ming said depressedly: "Teacher, what did you say..."

Professor Tang was amused: "Can you let me organize the language?"


"Ye Ming, let me ask you, is your desire for money great? How big is it? You have to be honest, liking money is not a shameful thing."

Ye Ming: "...Of course I like money, but I don't have time to spend it."

Professor Tang laughed: "Indeed, you are busy all day... Then let me ask you this, if Jizhi Technology is to be controlled by state-owned assets, what can you accept?"

Ye Ming took a breath.

Sure enough, the teacher and his guess were the same.

After a few seconds of silence, Ye Ming said softly: "Actually, I fully promote Aita's entry into all walks of life, and to realize mankind's march toward great harmony...National forces must be coordinated."

Professor Tang nodded.

"Actually... I'm really not interested in how many shares I have, how much money I have." Ye Ming exhaled slowly: "I said before that what I don't want is for someone to hold back, whether it's an opponent or one of my own. So... "

Although Ye Ming didn't finish his words, the meaning was self-evident.

His goal is to push technology to a future era that human beings were once out of reach and only dared to imagine.

Under this goal, everything is just a cloud, and all stumbling blocks are his "enemies".

Professor Tang and Professor Chen exchanged glances.

The two laughed at the same time.

In Jizhi Technology, the two of them have not provided any real core competitiveness of Jizhi Technology except for the few million they invested at the beginning.

But that doesn't mean they're useless.

As Ye Ming's teachers, of course they have the responsibility to escort this student all the way towards the goal - Ye Ming has envisioned the future world in front of them more than once.

This world is also what they, as scholars, identify with, recognize, and pursue!

Then, block the gun for Ye Ming and offend others...

Naturally they should do it.

The boss asked the three founders of Jizhi Technology, who hold more than 70% of the shares, to gather in the capital. Naturally, they want to discuss... how to make Jizhi Technology, which has the unique AI of "Aita", achieve the greatest benefit of the country civil.

"There is no problem with the redistribution of benefits, but no one can point fingers, right?"

Ye Ming nodded heavily.

He was worried that someone would point fingers.

How happy he is now... The two teachers are just like the two old nannies, everything is well arranged.

He also does whatever he wants in the company, keeps his promises, and has nothing bad to say.

It can be said that the pinnacle of life is nothing more than this.

But if there is an airborne, who else's roof should I be under or something, then it's no fun.

"You can stay at ease for the past two days, and don't go to Twitter to make trouble. That birdman Pompeo is so stupid, you should tear yourself apart from him."

Ye Ming: "..."


Three days later, the white house.

The big mouth of the former Mr. GWQ led to being kidnapped by public opinion, and even the whole country was put on the wall by a company...

It is embarrassing to say.

In the past three days, rounds of hearings have been held, and rounds of reports from technology companies have been heard-to be precise, crying complaints.

Especially several EDA companies known as the pearls of the semiconductor industry.

After Jizhi Technology released the authorization of hybrid chips last year, which must be used in Jizhi EDA, their stock prices began to decline all the way.

And with the computing upgrade of Jizhi Technology, after Aita began to fully launch the smart chip design, the stock price fell to the bottom.

You know, two years ago, they were still stuck with the hands of mainland high-end semiconductors!

The gap brought about by this... can be imagined.

In addition to EDA companies, the same is true for several major mathematical software.

In the past, relying on powerful data and simulation capabilities and 40 years of experience, they were absolutely dominant in the computer field, and there was no substitute for them.

It can be said that they are the big sticks of the past.

But with Aita going online, in the mainland...they have completely lost their power.

Not only that, after it announced the establishment of the SA alliance, Jizhi Technology quietly started the limited test of Aita's simulation capabilities.

Compared with MATLAB... Aita is at the crushing level in terms of capability and convenience of input and output.

Not to mention those companies engaged in AI.

This year, they have been pressed and rubbed on the ground.

As the birthplace of the modern computer.

Silicon Valley knows better than anyone how much disruption and destruction a strong AI will bring.

So, after three days of hard discussions.

A separate ZC for Jizhi Technology is freshly released.

"For the sake of national security, the sale of the following technologies and products to Jizhi Technology is restricted."

The list includes CPUs, GPUs, SOCs, RF chips, DSPs, FPGAs, BPUs, DPUs, NPUs, TPUs, VPUs in the last five years...

In short, it is all the computing cores.

It even includes storage!

(Chatting in the group delays time... blame them.)

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