Twitter, Facebook, ins, Weibo, Zhihu, bilibili...

On all social media with certain influence and scale in the world, under the official account of Jizhi Technology, a bilingual announcement appeared at the same time at 9:15 East Eighth District time.

"Jizhi Technology Board Resolution No. 20240601"

"Jizhi Technology is a technology company that aims to benefit all mankind, but unfortunately, at the beginning of its establishment, the company encountered a dilemma from the GPU core ban."

"Difficulties have never been the main reason for blocking the advancement of technology. After overcoming difficulties, Jizhi Technology has completed the launch of multiple businesses such as hybrid chips, EDA, Aita, Xita, and autonomous driving."

"We naively believe that sharing our achievements will touch the nerves of some forces and bring the world back to the path of a common destiny for mankind."

"Unfortunately, an announcement four hours ago shows the futility of our naivety."

"In view of the naked and undisguised discrimination and suppression shown in the announcement, the board of directors of the company has made the following decision."

"One, completely stop artificial intelligence services in the United States, including academic exchanges and Theta robot services."

"Second, completely stop the sales of semiconductors in the United States, including Jizhi EDA, and multi-type hybrid chips."

"Three, Mr. Ye Ming authorized our company to cancel all personal patent authorizations for the following semiconductor companies. See the list below."

"Even in the face of all kinds of difficulties and dangers, Jizhi Technology's original intention remains unchanged, and it will continue to serve all mankind as its mission. The company will later launch computer programming functions based on super artificial intelligence, as well as educational service functions for individuals. Stay tuned."


New York.

Pfizer Bio.

Wells, who was working overtime to design chips, picked up his coffee.

For a month, he and his colleagues have been designing a hybrid chip based on the motor nerves of the arm.

Once the chip is completed, paired with their newly developed bionic robotic arm, it will allow short-limbed people to perfectly integrate with the bionic arm - in the preliminary test, it can already achieve 95% of the flexibility of a normal human arm without any sense of lag .

As a biopharmaceutical company, they were able to break into the field of chip design... of course, it all depends on Jizhi EDA, or more precisely, it is Aita integrated in Jizhi EDA.

Strong artificial intelligence is indeed extraordinary.

As long as you follow the rules, she can perfectly generate the circuit layout for you.

Moreover, the speed is super fast!


After taking a sip, Wells put down the coffee cup, took a light breath, and called softly into the microphone.

"I am here."

Hearing Aita's voice, Wells felt a burst of joy in his heart.

"Generative Design."


"The design is complete."

Wells smiled with satisfaction. No mistakes, to a large extent, it means that the simulation can also pass.


But this time, Aita didn't answer right away.

Five seconds later, Aita's voice sounded again.

"Mr. Wells, hello."

Wells was slightly taken aback.

As the chief architect, he has the highest authority granted by Aita in Pfizer, and he was entered a long time ago. But... Except for Aita calling herself on the first day, she was working efficiently in the form of question and answer most of the time.

This kind of "have something to say to him" posture is the first time in several months.

"Hello, Aita."

"Sorry, Aita will stop the service in the area where your IP is located in 24 hours, and the relevant data has been saved. Do you want to continue the simulation?"

Wells was taken aback.

"What's the matter?" he cried aloud.

"Sorry, Aita is in your area ZC, and will not be able to continue to provide services."

Wells narrowed his eyes!

He instantly thought of the confrontation that had been raging on Twitter the other day.

Cold sweat broke out from his forehead instantly.

He took a few big breaths, grabbed his phone, and clicked on social media.

The resolution of the board of directors of Jizhi Technology immediately came into view.



Yulong Hotel.

Ye Ming put down his phone.

The two professors, Tang and Chen, looked at him and kept shaking their heads.

Although they left 24 hours for the user to continue the service of Aita, and only used the IP fence to stop the service...

The meaning of the IP fence is that the service is only stopped for the IP in a specific area, but as long as you physically run to other places, you can still continue to use it.

This is also an opening. Make money...and don't be fooled.

But how to put it, this matter will definitely affect the goodwill.


"It's not enough. But we can only do this now..." Ye Ming was still unsatisfied: "Made, when the quantum computer goes online, it will be their ultimate doom."

"Don't panic, the country still exists." Professor Tang said with a chuckle, "We are the stars of tomorrow. We have been slapped in the face, and the country doesn't show up. How can we have the nerve to invest in us?"

Just as he spoke, the phone buzzed.

Then, the door was also knocked.

A group of people headed by Director Niu stood outside the door with wide smiles.

"Three, please."

The three looked at each other and stood up at the same time.

Professor Tang took a deep breath and looked at the several people with obviously different temperaments behind Director Niu. He endured it and looked at Director Niu.

"Director Niu, where is it?"

"Anywhere I can think of."

Director Niu smiled. Although he said it very implicitly, the three of Ye Ming realized it in an instant.

This battle...

Seems like a really big deal.

Ye Ming took a deep breath, and looked at Director Niu: "Where is Aita?"

"Very good, I'll return it to you when it arrives." Director Niu smiled narrowly: "You don't think the bosses will covet your prototype, do you? Or do you think we'll disassemble the prototype?"


The prototype was taken away yesterday, and then stayed in Ouchi.

Just now Ye Ming contacted Aita and asked her to control the prototype, but was told that the network was disconnected there.

Obviously, it is estimated that Aita connected to the Internet when she was taken to the "demonstration" yesterday, and she should be disconnected from the Internet the rest of the time.

"Let's go, the leaders are still waiting."

"Okay, let's go!"


after one day.

Following an announcement yesterday morning, the domestic Internet fell into a brief carnival.

On all social media, the most repeated sentence is: "Ye Ming is a real man".

The Internet has no memory, but it has memory.

Everyone remembers, just a few years ago, when another company that has led advanced communication technology and was hailed as a rising star was knocked down by a stick, what was the reaction.

No, no response.

——If you have to say yes, it is to ask for perfection.

I almost knelt down.

No, it's already kneeling down.

But still to no avail.

And the subsequent Internet companies were forcibly "expelled"...the performance is also hard to describe.

If the country hadn't come forward, I don't know what it would be like kneeling down.

Happiness is all about comparison.

Jizhi Technology was the first to jump out and say "no".

But amid the excitement, everyone became curious again...

Jizhi Technology is so tough as a company.


Therefore, while waiting, Jizhi Technology announced the second board resolution.

"—Jizhi Technology ushered in equity reform, and welcomes new rural cooperative insurance, pension insurance, medical insurance, unemployment insurance, work injury insurance, maternity insurance and other funds to invest in our company."

And an inconspicuous announcement was "quietly" announced on the homepage of the relevant department.

The state launched anti-monopoly investigations on companies such as Microsoft, IBM, Oracle, and NVIDIA.

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