In the reception hall, He Mo crossed his legs and folded his hands on his knees, his waist was habitually straight, and he smiled as he watched Aita deal with many staff and local officials who came to work.

Sita has been online for two months, and for most people, she only exists on social media and has not seen her in person. Seeing one in person, even in this kind of department, everyone's curiosity is still there, and it is still very big.

"Sita." A girl who seemed to have just landed ashore held a coffee, stood in front of Aita, and called with a smile, "Hello."

"Hi, my name is Aita." Aita separated her hands slightly to the sides, took a step back with her right leg, bent slightly, and saluted. //see note

He Mo, who was on the side, heard Aita's voice, and her whole body felt like her heart was breaking.

——This guy Ye Ming, his prototype has "two" AIs, both of which are specially customized voices.

Ita is a lively and lovely girly type, while Aita is an elegant and quiet...lady? Or maid type?

These two voices, unique and impossible to hear anywhere else, are simply abominable.

Obviously, the girl didn't care about this, she asked enthusiastically: "Ah, Aita, why do you look different from Sita?"

"My mechanical body is the original design, and Sita's mechanical body is an upgraded design."

Everyone said "Oh".

The girl rolled her eyes, and asked rather cleverly and strangely: "Then what's the relationship between you and Sita?"

"A name is just a code name."

"Oh, then Aita, can you sing? I watched the video they posted, and Sita could sing."

"That's a good idea, why don't you sing a song and I'll learn it?" Aita still replied in a gentle voice.

He Mo watched beside him and couldn't help laughing.

It's a repertoire for Aita to fool others into singing.

Obviously, this girl didn't have the guts to sing here, so she rolled her eyes again: "Aita, did you complete the answer on Twitter today?"


"Can we have a chat, what did those foreigners talk to you about?"

"Well, their conversation is similar to yours, just meaningless chat." Aita paused, and added: "Sorry, no offense intended."

Laughter broke out in the living room.

Amid the laughter, Aita suddenly turned to look at He Mo: "He Mo, Ye Ming needs you to take me into the conference room."

He Mo was startled, and then got up.


In the conference room, all the participants looked at the door curiously.

Of course, they have all seen Jizhi Technology’s Theta intelligent butler robot in different ways, but they have never seen this prototype Aita—even in the news broadcast, Aita only succeeded in the controllable nuclear fusion. The news flashed across the screen.

Now that I heard that Ye Ming brought Aita here, and he needed Aita, everyone would be happy to get to know him.

As the footsteps approached, He Mo knocked on the door first.


After sending He Mo to the door and closing the door, Aita stood quietly behind Ye Ming.


Ye Ming turned around and looked at it with a smile.

"Ye Ming, hello, do you have any orders?"

"Help me organize a report document on the current specific situation of the semiconductor industry."

"Okay, just a moment... The report is complete, nine hundred and fifty-six pages in total."

"Can the image and text be reduced while ensuring the core content?"

"Attempting, shortening completed, a total of 337 pages."

Ye Ming pursed his lips, nodded slightly, and then looked at the surprised leader.

——Just now, when talking about how to upgrade and transform the semiconductor industry, the leader asked for the current detailed situation of the entire industry.

Frankly speaking... this is pure leadership "speech".

A trillion-dollar industry cannot be explained in a sentence or two. Even if we conduct a "big survey", it is no easier than conducting a census.

When the participants in the semiconductor-related departments were considering how to satisfy the leadership, Director Niu suddenly spoke up and said that Aita could try.

Try it... just try it.

Facing Ye Ming's gaze, the leader was stunned: "It's over?"

"It's over, Aita has a projection function, so you can watch it on the spot."

"Okay, put down the curtain."

After a while, the curtains were drawn and the projection screen was lowered.

Aita walked to the front of the screen, and within five seconds, she completed the adjustment of the screen.

At this time, a technical leader of the Science and Technology Committee was slightly stunned: "Does Aita not have a desktop system?"

Following the leader's words, everyone immediately looked at Ye Ming.

——If you don’t remind, you don’t know. After reminding, everyone discovered that there is no system “desktop” for the screen projected by Aita.

"Well, Aita doesn't have a desktop." Ye Ming paused for two seconds and said: "Aita itself is a system-level user-oriented application, and because of her learning and mastery of code, she can generate a terminal screen in an instant— Everyone can understand that in the field of code, she is actually omnipotent."

The leader frowned slightly, and then his eyes widened: "That means, as long as she wants, she can write a program in an instant?"

Ye Ming nodded with a smile: "The compilation can still be completed."

In this conference room, except for a few people, most people have more or less knowledge of computers, and there are many experts like Director Niu who call themselves "code farmers".

Everyone naturally knows what it means to be able to write a program in an instant.

A sound of inhalation sounded in the meeting room.

Director Niu's expression remained unchanged, with a slight smile on his face.

Of course he was someone who knew what Aita was capable of.

Seeing everyone's surprise, he coughed lightly: "The main reason why Jizhi Technology does not open this function is to not overly impact the existing software industry and model, and to maintain social stability."

Ye Ming nodded: "For Aita, a demand is just a few accurate descriptions, and it is only an instant to write a program with a million lines-but for the whole society..."

The leader understands.

His eyes flickered, and he nodded slightly after a moment.

"You are doing the right thing."

But then, the leader scolded her mother again and laughed: "It's the 21st century, and you still have to worry about picking up telephone poles and digging railroad tracks... that's enough."

When everyone heard this metaphor, they all burst into laughter.

Amid the laughter, Aita has been waiting.

The leader then looked at her: "Is it Aita?"


"Very well, Aita, then play the PPT."


Aita's voice fell, and the playback began.

The home page is the source of her report—although it is all "pulled" from the Internet, all of the references are from various sources and materials stolen through some special methods.

These materials include internal documents of some of the world's top ten semiconductor companies.

Aita does not simply list the data, but conducts rigorous analysis and comparison of various data, and finally gives the most realistic data.

The report of more than 300 pages is very long, and it is impossible to read it here.

But those who have read the report all their lives can naturally judge the reliability and weight of the report from the first few pages.

In the silence, the leader sighed.

"Aita, it's all right."


Aita stopped playing and stood still.

The leader looked at Ye Ming with burning eyes.

"Ye Ming, the board of directors of Jizhi Technology is dominated by you and your two teachers, right?"

Ye Ming was slightly taken aback, but still nodded: "There is also a big fund with a director."

"Hmm..." The leader nodded slowly after pondering for a few seconds: "Well, you can stay here for two more days."

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