With the arrival of dawn, the news of Ye Ming's battle with Pompeo on Twitter was instantly pushed to the mobile phones of domestic users by various big data.

Even if the Internet giants "hate" Jizhi Technology so much, they have to admit one thing.

Ye Ming is traffic.

Not to mention, this time Ye Ming and Aita "go to sea" to fight, and then set a new record on Twitter.

As He Mo said, the whole world knows that Ye Ming asked Lao Mei to give it a try.

Similar to the line drawn a few years ago. only……


Ye Ming ended the phone call with Professor Tang, stood up after swallowing the last sip of milk, and walked out of the hotel with Director Niu.

Old Tang's phone call was in his guess, but he didn't expect that Old Tang could really bear it... he didn't call him until half past eight.

"It sounds like your teacher doesn't care about you?" Director Niu looked at the phone in his hand and asked with a smile.

Ye Ming coughed.

He was indeed a little embarrassed.

Old Tang didn't blame him on the phone, he just asked him if he was a bit self-deprecating when he stayed up in the middle of the night and ran to fight with an ignorant person like Pompey...

Professor Tang didn't mention anything about the storm he was about to face.

"Jizhi Technology is not short of money. We just sell Sita and the supply is in short supply. It doesn't matter whether Laomei's business is done or not." Ye Ming shrugged: "I don't have any other pursuits, and I can't be a little small." Getting angry?"

"Hahaha, you can have it, you must have it. Young people should have a little temper. If you don't like it, just spray it! How can you have so many worries?"

Ye Ming laughed loudly.

He knew why he liked this short and chubby Director Niu - he was so good at talking!

The car passed through the traffic all the way, and soon drove into Yuyuantan South Road. After passing the inspection, He Mo and Aita stayed in the reception hall, while Ye Ming entered the venue with Director Niu.

Although it was only 8:50 at this time, most of the people participating in the meeting were already seated.

This meeting is not a report meeting, but a discussion meeting, so it is in the form of a conference table.

In front of the large oval conference table are the names of the participants.

Ye Ming was startled when he saw a few names he had heard often.

It seems that the rules of this meeting are far from being as simple as those organized by a department...

Sure enough, when he looked at the name at the front of the conference table, his eyelids twitched.

And... Since he entered the door, he also saw that the leaders who had already seated and experts and professors from various fields gave him meaningful smiles.

Ten minutes later, with several leaders entering the venue, the meeting officially began.


"...The current form of technological development has become increasingly clear. It can even be said that the fourth industrial revolution is taking place. The future bill and the SA alliance in the West are targeting the next industrial revolution."

The leader's eloquence is very good, and he just glanced at the manuscript paper for a while before he started talking.

"And how we should deal with it next, how to adjust the plan, so as to grasp the existing advantages and at the same time shorten the distance with the advantageous industries of developed countries, is the focus of our discussion today."

"You are all experts from all walks of life and in various fields, please speak freely."

The leader picked up his teacup and took a sip.

Although what he said was to let everyone speak freely, in fact, his eyes fell on Ye Ming.

Not only the leader, but everyone's eyes are on him.

Everyone knows... Today's meeting is mainly to hear Professor Xiaoye's opinion.

This young genius who created Aita and led the realization of controllable nuclear fusion has allowed the entire country to step into the fourth industrial revolution.

Moreover, unlike ordinary scientists who only devote themselves to scientific research, Ye Ming...not only has made extraordinary achievements on the road of science, but also has unrivaled sharpness on the road of technology realization.

In just two years, Jizhi Technology has transformed from a small workshop-like enterprise into a technology giant with more than 2,000 employees and an output value of nearly 100 billion.

A company with such an output value has less than 3,000 employees, can you believe it?

Below, Ye Ming was looking at the speech in his notebook.

Because it is a confidential meeting, wireless devices are not allowed, and laptops can only be connected through network cables.

Sensing the leader's sight, Ye Ming raised his head, and saw the other party smile at him: "Professor Xiaoye, come, let's all listen to your opinion."

Ye Ming coughed lightly, and when he was about to be polite, Director Niu beside him took the lead in applauding.

Amidst the applause, Ye Ming stood up helplessly.

"Just sit down, today is a discussion meeting, everyone can speak freely."


After sitting down, Ye Ming looked at the notebook, adjusted his breathing and raised his head.

"I agree with the leaders that we are in the midst of a great change to the technology of the future."

"According to the future bill, they will focus on supporting and exerting efforts in the fields of controllable nuclear fusion, AI, quantum computing, aerospace engines, and semiconductors."

The leader nodded slightly.

"Then we will follow what they say."

"First of all, we are already ahead of the controllable nuclear fusion. Half a year later, the world's first commercial reactor will officially generate self-sustaining power. In order to achieve this goal, we have proposed an improvement plan based on the current technology and achievements, so as to increase the Q value to More than 100."

"I dare not say how long we can lead, but at least five to ten years."

Everyone laughed and clapped their hands.

After the applause stopped, Ye Ming smiled slightly: "Secondly, AI and quantum computing seem to be two fields, but in our case, they are actually just one field."

"At the end of this year at the earliest, and at this time next year at the earliest, we will be able to complete the construction of a quantum computer with 1 million quantum computing units." Ye Ming pursed his lips and took a light breath.

"According to the current common understanding in the field of international quantum computing, to realize the quantization of classical problems—that is, to use quantum computers as classical computers, the only way may be to use the black-box thinking logic of strong AI."

"To make an inappropriate analogy, the quantum computer is a perfect digital brain, and the use of it now is just a glimpse of the leopard, not just in case."

"Only a truly strong artificial intelligence can master this brain."

"And, from the very beginning, Aita was designed to adapt to quantum computing." Ye Ming pursed his lips, making no secret of his "arrogance".

"It's not a question of how many years ahead, but... the birth of Aita is a miracle—in fact, we have tried many transplants, but we have not been able to reproduce Aita. Director Niu should know this best."

Director Niu smiled and sighed beside him, and spread his hands again.

They have indeed made many attempts with Jizhi Technology.

The result is naturally... As Ye Ming said, after copying the code, it just doesn't work.

"As for the aerospace engine... I dare not give a specific time, but the Kuafu Project is already preparing a new project team, and the next step is to build a real helium-3 fusion engine."

The leader was taken aback when he heard the words, he glanced left and right, and asked later, "Why didn't you see the report?"

Ye Ming coughed: "A week ago, we just finished the meeting and just finished drawing the cake... still doing verification and calculation... I guess there is still some time to submit the project report."

"Haha, I'll just say it." The leader laughed: "Continue!"

"Actually... except for semiconductors, we are all leading. And semiconductors..."

Ye Ming took a deep breath.

"Many people underestimate the miracle that can be born after the superposition of the realization of controllable nuclear fusion and the launch of strong artificial intelligence."

"When Aita is connected to the quantum computer, all the cutting-edge industries of semiconductors will be destroyed and shuffled. At present, there are 10,000 graphics cards, 100,000 workstations, 1 million servers, 10 million, 1 A supercomputing cluster of 100 billion, or even 10 billion... in front of Aita, which can continuously increase quantum wells and upgrade computing power, is nothing but clouds."

"At that time, we only need one sentence to make Aita render a movie in one second, let Aita solve the turbulence problem, and let her meet the graphics and logic computing needs of the world."

Ye Ming pursed his lips and looked at the void in front of him.

What appeared before him was a future world that he and Ita had envisioned countless times.

"At that time, Aita can control all networked production tools—even if those tools cannot be intelligently networked, they can be replaced by robots—she will always be precise and never make mistakes."

"By that time, global energy will no longer be a problem. Energy forms such as oil, coal, natural gas, and shale gas will evolve into raw material resources. Covenant energy will be empty talk, and our world will be like spring all year round."

"By then, the concept of large energy consumers will no longer exist, and the cost of related industries will be greatly reduced."

"By then, agriculture will also move towards refined management, from ground to three-dimensional, and food will no longer be a problem."

"By then, traffic will be extremely smooth, because all vehicles will be driven by AI."

"At that time, all human beings will be well-educated, and will no longer have to worry about food and clothing, high or low, or unemployed—whether farmers, workers, civil servants, craftsmen, clerks, astronauts, etc. All professions are a life choice and will be respected."

"By that time, the motivation to support people's efforts will no longer be material desires, but the pursuit of interests and missions."

"Of course, human footprints will also travel across the star field..."

As Ye Ming kept saying "prediction" and "yearning" for the future.

Including the leader, everyone looked at him quietly.

"This day is actually coming."

"And, I'm going to do my best to make it happen."

Ye Ming took a deep breath.

"So, I hate that when that day is coming, there are still people trying to stop it in isolation. To the point that..."

Director Niu looked deeply at Ye Ming, and after a moment of silence, he chuckled softly: "Actually, they are grouping together to isolate themselves, aren't they?"


The leader's eyes sparkled and he smiled slightly.

"So, they are self-inflicted and cannot live."

"Yes." Ye Ming pursed his lips again, and frowned slightly: "I just don't know...if they choose to fully decouple..."

"They dare not." The leader looked at him with a smile.

"But what if it is specifically aimed at Jizhi Technology?" Director Niu asked this question for Ye Ming.

"Then let's start with Microsoft, Oracle, IBM, HP, Dell, Intel, AMD, Nivdia..."

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