From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 220 Your line is the country's line

Under the glare of the light, He Mo bent over and looked down at Ye Ming.

She had a playful smile on her face.

"woke up?"

"What time is it?" Ye Ming was sleepy, and subconsciously wanted to check his phone.

"Four forty--Did you have a good time last night?"

With a muddle in his head, he saw the playful and inexplicable smile on He Mo's face, and he was instantly excited.

"Fuck? I didn't do anything!"

Speaking of which, Ye Mingteng stood up and checked his belt.

Seeing his actions, He Mo was stunned for a while, and Xia Fei blushed instantly: "Damn it! What are you thinking about?"

"Then what did you ask?"

"What I'm asking is, last night you rubbed the former Mr. GW Qing on the ground and asked if you were happy!"

"..." Ye Ming shook his head vigorously, and the scene of yesterday came to mind instantly.

"Hey, if you want to ask like that... that's actually not enough."

"That's enough, you, you are the first person in charge of a company who dared to say to a former...current congressman who still has a certain amount of political influence: There is something you can try..."

He Mo sat at his feet, stared at Ye Ming and said seriously: "Now your tweet has become the most popular tweet on Twitter, with more than 1 million likes and hundreds of millions of views. "

Ye Ming's eyes widened instantly: "Fuck? I thought Twitter was going to block my account... What happened?"

"Not only did you get more than 1 million likes, but since you posted that tweet, you have gained more than 5 million followers, which is a new record..."

Ye Ming: "..."

"As of now, that tweet has more than 50 million comments and more than 20 million retweets."

Ye Ming: "..."

"During those four hours, it caused three brief Twitter crashes."

Ye Ming: "..."

"Now, the whole world knows, let Lao Mei try."

Ye Ming: "..."

"Flying dragon riding on the face, you directly pushed Lao Mei to the wall."

He Mo spoke slowly, with a smile on his face.


Ye Ming fell into a momentary daze.

But in an instant, he understood what was going on.

He turned his head to look at the mechanical body sitting beside him, and the robot under Aita's control was also looking up at him.


"I am here."

"Have you answered every one of them?"


Ye Ming took a breath slowly, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

It has been a year and a half since Aita was born.

In the past year and a half, there has never been a public test.

Although countless people are calling, Jizhi Technology has always been: technology in hand, stable like an old dog.

Disdain to let Aita talk to ordinary people.

Now, the only person that ordinary people can get in touch with Aita is Sita, who is a smart housekeeper for locating family members. She can only communicate in natural language, and can communicate with three or two people at the same time.

It is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to chat with Aita by typing on a certain social software.

But last night...

Ye Ming asked Aita to take over his Twitter account.

So, after she replied to the first comment with the suffix "Aita", within half an hour, Internet users in North America flocked to her when they were fishing.

They regard Ye Ming's Twitter account as a testing platform for Aita, the most powerful artificial intelligence at present.

"Don't you read your private messages?" He Mo reminded him with a half-smile.

"I don't watch it... I didn't turn it off. It seems that the default is to allow attention to be able to post." Ye Ming patted his forehead, dumbfounded: "It's over, Aita, are you still taking over?"


"Are you the data stream that takes over directly?"


“…Tweet a tweet saying you’re going to work, we’ll talk about it next time.”


"By the way, Aita, you didn't answer any technical details, did you?"

"I invoked Theta authority."

"Very good, worthy of praise."

"You're welcome."

Ye Ming looked away.

He Mo's expression was still weird: "Are you happy?"

"I'm upset now."

"Well... Actually, it's even more annoying. I guess it's Old Tang and the others... You're such a hot mouth..." He Mo laughed: "I'm curious, what will you do if they really want to try it?"

Ye Ming was stunned.

"Who are you representing?"

"At three o'clock in the morning, I was woken up by a phone call. Who do you think I represent?"

Ye Ming frowned slowly, and after a few seconds of silence, he said softly: "Actually, I know, according to the habit of playing politics, first let some wind out, and then look at the reaction to test."

"So, I just acted a little tougher yesterday."

He Mo smiled.

"But you didn't expect to make such a big fuss, and then directly pushed the opposite side against the wall?"

Ye Ming nodded, and said calmly: "Yes, I really didn't expect it."


"If you come out to mess around, you must keep your word."

Ye Ming calmly said: "People keep making big and small moves, and comprehensive negotiations will be a matter of time. I told Lao Niu before that because all our technical services rely on Aita, the domestic substitution rate can be quite high. It's a big deal. Godson."

"Then what?"

"Then I cancel the authorization of all hybrid chip architectures, take back Jizhi EDA, prohibit the export of hybrid chips, and then..."

Ye Ming was silent for a few seconds and then exhaled softly: "We'll talk about it after the meeting."

He Mo: "..."

Ye Ming smiled and asked back: "How much resistance do you want to see?"

"It's not that I's that people all over the country are watching." He Mo raised his mobile phone: "Although it's midnight, the news of your bullying on the Internet still spread to China and became the top trending search."

"You know, a few years ago... there was an interview that was broadcast live on the whole network." He Mo bit his lip and said softly: "Since you provoke public opinion, you must be careful of the backlash of public opinion."

Ye Ming's eyes were fixed. Of course he knew that the live broadcast on the whole network two years ago... Then he breathed out lightly.

"Well, I know - how about I first announce that the encryption currency has been cracked to suppress the shock? Then declare the encryption of the SWIFT international settlement system invalid?"

He Mo's eyes widened instantly: "Damn it?!"

Ye Ming stood up and laughed.


Ten minutes later, the train pulled into the station.

As soon as he got off the bus, Ye Ming saw Director Niu leading three people to greet him personally at the edge of the platform.

Director Niu's expression was exactly the same as He Mo's.

It's all the kind of half-smile, but it's just a weird expression.

In short, it seems that Ye Ming has poked something terrible.

Then he waited to see the expression of the good show.

When the car drove onto the airport expressway, Ye Ming finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"Director Niu, your expression makes me panic... What's wrong?"

"I didn't sleep to pick you up in the middle of the night, don't you feel any guilt?" Director Niu sat side by side with Ye Ming in the back seat, with his legs crossed, looking at Ye Ming in the occasional flash of light .

Ye Ming: "..."

"Now the White House is holding an emergency hearing to discuss the handling of Jizhi Technology."

"Then what?"

"The leaders of at least eight departments woke up no later than you."

Ye Ming: "...meaning, I stabbed someone?"

"Hahahaha!" Director Niu laughed heartily.

"The line you draw will be the line of the country in the future." After laughing, Director Niu said seriously.

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