From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 219 Threatening You, So What

The owner of the tweet is Pompeo, former GWQ, No. 4 figure, who is very good at inciting "public opinion", has an extremely tough attitude, specializes in bad ideas, and has a particularly loud voice.

Ye Ming looked at the tweets and found that the following were all fans of this person, not only clamoring to fully ZC against Jizhi Technology, but even said that the militia would come directly.

This... well, it seems that the Kouhe party is everywhere.

Seeing these hilarious words, Ye Ming felt a little better, and planned to skip it directly, but unexpectedly, as soon as he refreshed, this person sent another tweet.

"If it is not contained, the civilized world will be threatened by the evil mechanical army."

"No, it has become a threat now!"

"In order to defend our freedom and values, it's time to unite! Boycott Jizhi Technology, boycott Aita!"

Under the tweet, there is also a picture of a red-eyed robot, which looks very evil at first glance, brutally slaughtering women and children in the ruins.

Ye Ming's eyebrows instantly raised!

A wave of anger rushed straight to his forehead!

He took a deep breath and typed quickly.

"Is there something you can try?"

After replying and quoting, Ye Ming took a few breaths. He really wanted to find someone to talk to, but he was holding his phone, but he didn't know who to turn to...

In the end, he could only roar angrily in his mind: "Fuck! This stupid pen!"

"Ye Ming cursed someone." Ita laughed grinningly.

Hearing Ita's voice, Ye Ming calmed down a little. He took a few gentle breaths and then let out a long breath: "It's a little angry."

"You rarely feel angry."

"Yes." Ye Ming was silent for a few seconds: "But some people say that Aita is evil, do you think I should be angry?"

Ita was furious: "The one who beat his mother!"

Hearing this, Ye Ming was taken aback, his mood suddenly improved, and he laughed silently.

But immediately, a reply prompt popped up on the phone.

Ye Ming refreshed, and saw that his tweet had more than a dozen replies soon.

One of them belonged to Mr. Pompey.

Obviously, as a former "executive", this Mr. Big Mouth must be able to confirm that this unverified account belongs to Ye Ming.

Therefore, Mr. Pompeo is also very straightforward.

His reply was extremely provocative.

"Mr. YeMing, can you represent Jizhi Technology? Are you provoking my country?"

Ye Ming's nameless fire flared up again. Although he knew that this guy was provocative, he still couldn't restrain himself and typed quickly.

"Can you represent your country? If you can't represent it, please shut up and find someone who can. Also, I can represent it."

After clicking send, Ye Ming saw that there was no message showing a successful reply.

At this time, Ita's voice sounded again: "Ye Ming, are you sure you want to send and translate? Your tone is very unfriendly."

"What kindness do you want in a tearful tone? Send it!"


Seeing that the message was sent successfully, Ye Ming stopped chatting with Ita, and just swiped quickly.

Undoubtedly, his answer immediately attracted countless replies.

But Ye Ming didn't even look at it, he just stared at Pompey's account.

After a while, Pompeo's reply came again.

"Whether I can represent is irrelevant, I just want to confirm one thing, Mr. YeMing, are you threatening my country? Sanctioned you, what behavior do you want to take?"

"I said, you can try."

Ye Ming replied again.

After a few seconds of silence, Ye Ming ignored the gentleman and put down his phone.

He took a deep breath.

"Ita, help me type and then translate."


"Mr. Pompeo, I don't intend to belittle your understanding of science and cutting-edge technology."

"But obviously, your scientific literacy is not enough to support you to recognize where the world has reached now."

"You are stuck in the Cold War pattern of the last world, thinking that the rise of one party can only be accomplished by bloody plunder and the occupation and squeeze of the living space of others."

"It's already 2024, please don't hold Thucydides anymore."

"Jizhi Technology is a technology company determined to let AI serve all mankind. Our butler robot Sita has spread all over the world, bringing warmth to countless families."

"Multi-functional robots - war robots in your mouth, we have never banned the export, and we welcome all countries to come to order."

"As long as you are willing to send money, I can arrange the order immediately."

"But I believe that you don't dare. Because your short-sightedness only stays on the territory on the map, on the color and skin color in your eyes, and you never look to the top of your head, to the vast starry sky and the future, So you don't see all of humanity as a whole, as a group."

"You even think you're superior."

"You want to use your brute strength and dominance to maintain your superiority."

"But I tell you, don't think about it!"

"Do you really think that Jizhi Technology is the chrysanthemum factory? Provincial Jiaotong University is those schools that you have forced so that you can't even use MATLAB?"

"I tell you, it's a big mistake!"

"If you don't believe it, you can try, you can try to lobby your country."

"I am waiting for you."

"Hehe, evil... Aita has received more than 3 million intrusion attacks and more than 10 billion access denial attacks since it was launched - these sources are all from your country!"

"Aita has the ability to track all attacks, and has the ability to counter all attacks, but she has never used it—is this evil?"

"Of course, given what you've always liked to do. I think you can say anything that happens."

"For example, announce that I am a KB member? Then a missile will come over?"

"Tell you, from today, from now on, even if I fall, it will be on your head!"

"Twitter, I'm yeming, if you don't want us to terminate all cooperation, don't mess around. I'm not threatening you—you are also involved in those attacks!"

"In the end, my account will be handed over to Aita to take over, and she will automatically reply within 24 hours."

Ye Ming looked at the texts that kept popping up on his phone, and he took a long breath.



"Great! You hand over the account to Aita."

Ye Ming put down his phone and quickly adjusted his mood.

Even if you just close your eyes, that's fine.

It's getting closer now, and I'm going to have a meeting with the bosses of multiple departments in the morning, and I'll doze off then... that's boring.

In the ear, Yita's voice came softly: "Ye Ming."


"The sensor needs to be upgraded."

Ye Ming opened his eyes when he heard the words.

He knows that with the increase of Aita's computing power, the ability is getting stronger... Relying on the existing traffic, it is no longer enough to support Aita to fully take over Aita.

Also, the quantum computer is about to come online... well, well, it's already under construction anyway.

Once the quantum computer is online, Aita's computing power will be completely liberated!

It's kind of impossible to say not to worry.

In the world Ye Ming knows, only one digital life of Ita is enough.

After a few seconds of silence, Ye Ming nodded slightly: "Well, I'll discuss it with Mo Gu when I go back."

After speaking, he closed his eyes again.

Regardless of what waves his tweets will cause.

Tear it, who is afraid?

(Ask for recommendation tickets, monthly tickets)

Sorry for the lateness. .

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