From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 218 The opponent is an alien

"Our photographer still has two brushes! A dozen robot soldiers can capture the aura of thousands of troops."

He Mo held up his phone with a proud expression on his face.

"Well, great."

"Look, the comments are all swiping, and the army's big brother has finally risen."

"Well—but you shouldn't be in the army, right?"

"Haha, they're all throwing ham on the ground, that's okay—you see, the navy and air force are crying."

"Also, this street fighting advances, this infantry coordination, tsk tsk..."

On the screen, the use scenes of mechanical soldiers from different theaters and situations are mixed and cut together.

In street fighting, the mechanical soldiers are not afraid of the enemy's cold guns, directly use the ground and air to cooperate, use multiple sensors to simulate a three-dimensional battlefield that flashes quickly, and then issue orders to the entire team. After a few seconds, the KB molecules are completely emptied .

On the plains, the mechanical soldiers and human fighters cooperated with the tanks advancing at a constant speed, and at the same time acted as command nodes and centers, commanding the troops to move forward.

In the jungle, it showed a variety of ways of traveling and tactical actions, and used terahertz radar (high-precision wide-band, strong penetrating power) to accurately find out hidden enemies, and judged in communication with soldiers The local trap...

On the plateau, it is not afraid of the severe cold, works hard and walks on every inch of territory.

In the quick response, it stretched out the gun from the speeding vehicle and accurately hit the target a hundred meters away...

In the last shot, from bottom to top, a dozen or so mechanical soldiers were silent, walking towards the setting sun in the twilight with neat footsteps.

Ye Ming smiled after watching the video.

Although he didn't ask how many robots Jizhi Technology has produced, it is just an idea to know that all the business of Jizhi Technology depends on Aita.

Let's put it this way, as of today, Jizhi Technology has delivered no more than 50 robot soldiers.

It's not that the military can't afford it, but that the company's production capacity is really not enough-these are all made by hand.

Jizhi Technology's assembly plant located in the high-tech zone, the current production capacity has been squeezed to the limit by Aita, and she never "talks about human feelings". As long as the parts sent by the supplier exceed the error, they will be returned without any discussion Makes the supply of the industrial chain extremely tight.

Many suppliers have expressed that the future manufacturing industry may be completely taken over by Ita.

There are only 50 units, but the promotional video cuts the feeling as if all mechanical soldiers have been installed, and the next step is to completely replace human soldiers.

You know, shooting is shooting, and editing is editing.

The same material can be edited to be extremely warm-Ye Ming knows a scene where a robot soldier lifts up a small flower that was accidentally stepped on and showed a very confused expression-if this scene is edited, It will be much less aggressive, and will be very lovable.

But no, which means that the upper level has been pissed off by some small actions, especially from the military.


"It's so cool." He Mo put down his phone, still unsatisfied: "It makes my blood boil."

Ye Ming looked up, and saw that He Mo's face was flushed.

When He Mo saw Ye Ming looking at her, she patted her cheeks embarrassingly, and then turned her head to look out of the car window - the night had fallen quietly at some point.

"Would you like something for supper?"


"Then watch a movie or something?" He Mo looked at Aita who was quietly sitting on the side charging: "How about watching a movie?"

Aita replied quietly: "The network is not enough to support online movie playback."

He Mo smiled: "Okay, then I'll just find a book and read it?"

Ye Ming nodded, and asked casually: "Physics or mathematics? Have you finished reading the tight Riemann surface that I showed you last time?"

"I read novels!"

"...Okay, as long as you are happy."

Ye Ming swiped bilibili as he spoke, and he gave up after finding that he was stuck in a long loading process. Instead, he dropped his phone and lay down on the fully reclined seat, intending to take a nap.

The high-speed train they took this time was only opened last year, and it took 10 hours from 7:00 pm to 5:00 am the next day.

Days of fatigue made him fall asleep quickly, but it didn't take long for the biological clock in his body to make him open his eyes.

Since moving into the Brain-Computer Center, there is no roommate's noise, no more tasks to focus on, and his biological clock quickly adjusted his sleep time to 1:00 am to 8:00 am as he wanted.

After opening his eyes, Ye Ming took out his phone, glanced at the time, and found that it was exactly 0 o'clock in the morning...

"It's over... I guess I won't be able to fall asleep later."

Ye Ming felt upset for a few times, and then turned his head to look at the opposite side, only to see that He Mo also fell asleep under a thin blanket.

Carefully propped up, Ye Ming put away the thin blanket on his body, went to the toilet, and lay down carefully when he came back, took out his mobile phone and checked, and found that the network was fine, then checked Zhihu.

Unsurprisingly, issues related to the promotional video are once again on the hot search.

"What do you think of the mechanical warrior promotional video released by our army? What impact does this have on future warfare?"

After clicking on the question, there are already thousands of answers.

According to Zhihu's usual practice, following this kind of answer, a clever one-sentence answer is very popular.

for example.

"It has been verified again, fighting for war is fighting for money."

"I don't want to see this, I just want to see what the mold looks like."

"Mold? Take it away, next."

"Our military unilaterally announced that our military's opponents are aliens."

Of course, there are also some high-quality answers among them, such as a veteran soldier wrote.

"This reminds me of when I was serving in the plateau, facing the wind and sand all over the sky, I was thinking, what if I could control the robot to do these things?"

"As soldiers, we are willing to endure hardships and hardships. It is definitely not that we like to suffer hardships and hardships. It is because the environment makes us have to endure hardships and hardships, and we have to sleep on our swords and raise soldiers for thousands of days."

"But if mechanical warriors can replace human soldiers in large numbers, let's not talk about the combat effect, but replace it with casualties. It is an absolute bargain."

"So, I am very envious of the comrades who have received the mechanical warriors, come on!"

In addition, several well-known international scholars analyzed the problem from the perspective of future warfare, saying that this will lead to changes in the way of fighting in the future, and even lead to the iteration and upgrade of the command system.

After swiping for a while, Ye Ming quit Zhihu, thought about it and clicked on Twitter.

He still has a Twitter account.

Although there is no certification, after the last Sita press conference, he used his Twitter account to repost and comment on a long post by a well-known big V in the AI ​​field, and then this repost was reposted to the top by the company's little girl who is in charge of operating overseas accounts .

So... his number of fans increased greatly.


Ye Ming held up his mobile phone and looked at 404 speechless for a while.

After thinking about it, he took out the sensor.

"Ita, good evening."

"Good evening."

As far as he could see, Ye Ming saw the mechanical body on the opposite side move slightly.

"Keep your posture, He Mo is sleeping."


"Don't, oh, help me connect to Twitter."

"Okay—are you still on the train?"

"Yes, the network is not very stable, just right now."

"Okay - connected."

Ye Ming nodded with a smile, and opened Twitter again.

Not surprisingly, the word mechanical warrior has become a hot search.

After clicking in, the first item made him frown slightly.

"Since Aita and Jizhi technology have been used in the military, I suggest that the government implement a comprehensive system of Jizhi company..."

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