From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 217 The only option for the sea of ​​stars

"Including us, the tritium self-sustainability of controlled nuclear fusion is at an embarrassing level in all countries in the world. Although in the past three decades, scientists have made continuous efforts to increase the tritium recovery rate from 70% to % has reached about 94% of our current rate. But it is obvious that this recovery rate must be infinitely close to 100% to make controllable nuclear fusion a real 1-cent electricity bill.”

Ye Ming briefly talked about the importance of two sentences - of course everyone present knew it, but this meeting report was to be given to the relevant leaders, so he added a few more words. (Actually, it’s for readers to read ^_^)

"According to this operation, it has been verified that our previous tritium breeding program is feasible. But it also verified our previous prediction of the program, that is to say, if we continue to improve the current program, the 95% breeding recovery rate is There's an upper limit."

"Therefore, it is necessary to adopt a new solution that is different from the traditional liquid lithium-containing metal and solid lithium-containing ceramics as a proliferation technology."

As Ye Ming turned the page of the PPT, a new plan appeared on the screen: "This is a design based on the Aita supercomputing that uses lithium silicate spheres for proliferation. In the forecast, a value-added recovery rate of 98% may be achieved."

"If we increase the temperature and control the ratio of deuterium and tritium at the same time, then we can achieve a Q value of 120 times - coupled with the excellent power generation system of the National Nuclear Corporation, if we maintain a 15% gross profit margin, then the grid-connected price can be achieved About 3 cents."

Mr. Luo laughed loudly: "You are wearing such a high hat. If you can't make the 3 cents by then, won't the common people want to settle accounts with me?"

Someone below laughed: "Whispering is also looking for the State Grid, not a power plant."

Mr. Luo nodded: "That's true."

In the end, he said with emotion: "It's a pity that even with 98% tritium value-added, we still can't build a few, unless 99.99% can be achieved."

Ye Ming just smiled: "Anyway, walk on two legs, don't worry."

"Well, don't worry, you continue."

"Okay, after talking about the value-added of tritium, let's continue to talk about helium-3 fusion."

"In the plan announced by NASA, they did not mention the use of controllable fusion reaction as an engine, and they did not think that controllable fusion reaction as direct power is a mature technology."

"Because the product of the most mature deuterium-tritium reaction theory is high-energy neutrons, I think...even if Musk is courageous, he would not dare to let the engine butt spray neutron beams?"

Everyone laughed.

Because neutrons are electrically neutral, they will not be "blocked", so they are fast, have strong penetrating power, and have strong radiation. This is why the previous Tokamak fusion reactor was confined by a super strong magnetic field.

"So we have reason to speculate that the aerospace fusion engine developed by the west just uses controllable nuclear fusion as energy, and it is essentially electric."

"But helium-3 fusion is different. In addition to being used for energy generation, it can also be used as a propulsion engine-mainly to solve high-energy proton radiation, or to dilute high-energy proton radiation."

Ye Ming exhaled lightly.

"I have an immature idea about these two points."

Ye Ming turned to the next page while speaking.

All eyes are on the screen.

This is a very complex surface space formula.

"A month ago, didn't we talk about the confinement wells of different spatial arrays, which would produce unequal super-strong wave fields? Later, I followed this idea and designed a multi-wave field array. Through calculation, the array produces The gravitational field can realize the phenomenon of space membrane.”

Ye Ming pursed his lips, his eyes were extremely bright.

This formula was actually "stealed" by him from the antimatter restraint device!

In essence, it is a "magic modification" of the antimatter restraint device.

"During the ignition stage, the helium-3 plasma plasma will continuously collide with the membrane wall, gaining strong energy and pressure, thereby producing fusion, and because the reaction channel is a curved surface, protons collide continuously, and then raise the temperature to make the reaction continue At the same time, it also captures protons at low latitudes in the curved space to complete proton power generation."

"Finally, when the protons reach the end of the curved surface space, we add a magnetic field to confine the protons, finally complete the deceleration and harmless treatment of the protons, and complete the power push."

After Ye Ming finished speaking, he looked at everyone: "This is the only option I can think of, before humans master the antimatter engine and curvature engine, the stars and seas."

After a minute, the applause paused.

Everyone looked away from the screen.

Anyway, if you don't understand it for a while, then save it for later.

Even if Ye Ming's "immature idea" is reliable - it turns out that his idea has always been reliable.

But there is still the biggest problem, which is the source of helium 3.

Although helium-3 fusion has long been the "ultimate fusion" in the mouth of popular science writers, and the helium-3 on the moon alone is enough for human beings for six thousand years...

However, that was on the moon.

On the earth, helium 3 in nature is approximately equal to nothing.

So how did helium 3 come about?

Building factories on the moon? Develop the moon?

Sounds pretty good, but how to take the first step?

Use the Long March 5 to send machinery and equipment up?

I'm afraid I'm going crazy...

It takes so much effort to build a space station. It takes a lot of money to build a moon factory.

And after it is built, mining, analysis, refining, and transportation are all troublesome.

To put it bluntly, this difficulty is no less than that of humans "immigrating" to the moon.

Ye Ming obviously knew what everyone was thinking.

He exhaled lightly and smiled.

"You have to go up first. Even if you build a workshop, as long as the collected helium 3 can complete the operation of the fusion engine, it will not be a loss. It is not enough to raise a planet, but is it not enough to raise a transport ship?"

Beside the conference table, Professor Huo Liang was silent. After a few seconds, he looked at Ye Ming: "Can Aita complete the control of the entire production process, including collection, analysis, and refinement, with a delay of one second?"

Everyone's spirits were lifted instantly, and they all looked at the prototype machine standing aside.

At this time, Ye Ming was carrying the sensor, and she was Ita.

Seeing everyone looking at him, Ita nodded reservedly and bowed slightly.

"I think, I can."


Three days later, the West formally proposed a plan to form a next-generation technology alliance organization with the G7 as the core—SA, Science Alliance, and the two houses also began to review the five trillion plan.

Affected by this news, the U.S. stock market, which had been depressed for a month, began to pick up.

At the same time, a certain two aircraft carriers began to appear frequently, and military exercises continued.

... (you can fill up other things in your head, anyway, I dare not write)

June 1st.

Ye Ming took Ita and He Mo on the high-speed train to the capital.

He's attending a meeting led by the tech sector on how to deal with "plans for the future."

In the compartment of the train.

Unlike He Mo's excited face, Ye Ming looked helplessly at the push that dominated the headlines of various social media.

——"High-tech helps national defense, the demeanor of the first batch of mechanical soldiers in our army"

This is... isn't it a direct admission that Jizhi Technology is an arms company?

(Ah, just this chapter tonight, four chapters tomorrow...)

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