From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 216 The Demeanor of a Genius Scientist

As soon as he entered Ye Ming's office, Director Niu's hearty laughter resounded through the ceiling.

"Hello, Academician Pan, Academician Pan is really flourishing hahaha to be able to come."

Academician Pan was chatting and laughing happily with Ye Ming, but now his eyes were wide open, as if he had seen a ghost.

"Niu Jianjun, this doesn't seem to be your house, does it?"

"Hahaha, I borrow flowers to offer Buddha, and I borrow land to be the master." Director Niu smiled and pulled up a chair by himself to sit by the coffee table: "If you don't believe me, ask Professor Ye if I came before you."

Ye Ming watched the fire from the side...watched the fire from the other side.

Before, when he saw Director Niu not meeting Lao Pan with him, he knew there must be something wrong.

So he didn't mention that Lao Niu was here with Academician Pan.

Unexpectedly, Director Niu ran out by himself and sold himself.

But Ye Ming is not easy to get along with, he immediately nodded with a smile: "I thought Director Niu went upstairs to inspect the work, and you two know each other?"

"I know it, how can I not know it? But I know it."

Although Academician Pan was laughing, Ye Ming could still hear the strong resentment in his words.

It's not easy to ask, so he just wants to be his own landlord, just greet the two of them.

Fortunately, we have already finished talking about business with Academician Pan, and Academician Pan has a tight schedule, and the principal will come over soon - it is said that he is going to talk about double-appointment of academicians, and then jointly build the Quantum Academy.

So after a short chat, Academician Pan stood up and said goodbye.

After sending Lao Pan away, Ye Ming also knew why Lao Niu was not liked by others.


"I said why academician Pan was a little reluctant. It turns out that you shook them..." Ye Ming shook his head while laughing.

With the assistance of Ye Ming, the quantum supercomputing of Academician Pan embarked on the road of "quantitative change for qualitative change". By using the logic circuits of traditional computers to connect multiple or even massive quantum computing units, the impact is extraordinary. , In one fell swoop established the "dominant" position of Academician Pan's team in the field of quantum computers.

This "quantitative change seeks qualitative change" road is also the most popular road for quantum computers at present.

Even the West, after solving the circuit design, is currently relying on quantum wells to pile up a large number of quantum computing units, striving to obtain a "qualitative change" earlier.

Frankly speaking, it also gave the relevant departments a lot of encouragement.

But with the birth of Aita... coupled with a comprehensive evaluation of Aita and confidence in Ye Ming... the relevant departments gave up "wasting" energy on quantum computing that has not yet formed a system, and turned to He fully embraced Aita, and bet his treasure on the provincial government's side.

You said, how could Academician Pan have no resentment towards Lao Niu?

"You are also responsible." Director Niu said "shamelessly".

"Don't talk nonsense!" Ye Ming immediately said: "We still count on Academician Pan and the others to build us a computer room—the relevant technology and hardware craftsmanship are all in their hands, and I can't even find a place to cry if I offend them." no."

"Haha, don't worry, Lao Pan is a sensible person, he can understand clearly."

"When you say that, it seems to be the case."

"Well, then I'll leave. Tell me if you have anything to say." Director Niu stood up, glanced at He Mo and smiled, "You can tell He Mo directly, He Mo is a good girl."

Ye Ming: "???"

He Mo: "???"


May Day is coming to an end soon.

With the quantum computing team of the University of Science and Technology of China stationed in the Provincial Jiaotong University, it also means that the construction of the Quantum Computing Center of the Provincial Jiaotong University has officially started.

Soon the interior of the quantum center computer room became a "construction site".

But in this construction site, even if the handymen are all masters, the specifications are indeed a bit ridiculously high.

And on the day when the construction started, Provincial Communications also released a low-key but somewhat ostentatious news through its official account and official Weibo.

"Through active preparations and with the approval of the higher authorities, the school has set up the School of Quantum Computing, adding majors in Super Quantum Computing and Super Artificial Intelligence. At the same time, a new School of High Energy Physics is established. Students are welcome to sign up."

Below are two pictures.

One is a photo of Ye Ming and Academician Pan shaking hands, and the other is a photo of Ye Ming and Academician Luo pressing the controllable nuclear fusion ignition button at the same time.

These two pictures... can be described as very chicken thieves.

What's even worse is that the school directly likes, replies and pins certain messages.

"Shoujiao means: Do you want to appreciate the demeanor of a genius scientist? Then come and pay me!" - the reply was a shy expression.

"If nothing else, I'll just ask God Ye if he will attend class?"——"Yes!"

"Let me just ask, is 700 points enough to take God Ye's class?"——"Enough!"

"Will Aita be in class?"—"Guess!"

Well, I guess these are trumpets raised by Dong Xuanxuan's gang.


Time passed, and soon it was May 21st.

A message from the news network once again awakened the memory of the Internet that was only three days old.

"As of today, the Kuafu project has been operating on its own for 30 days, successfully completing the first phase of the test mission. The reactor will stop responding today and enter the second phase of the plan."

As soon as the news came out, it once again triggered heated discussions on the Internet.

Countless people have speculated that the second stage, is it the official power generation?



Ye Ming and Academician Luo stood together and pressed the stop button at the same time.

Enthusiastic applause followed.

"Let's go, let's have a meeting."

Then a group of professors flooded into the conference room.

The main seat is Academician Luo, Ye Ming and Professor Chang Wendao are sitting opposite each other on the left and right sides, and Professor Huo Liang of the Provincial Jiaotong University is next to Ye Ming.

This seating position also shows the positioning of the entire large project team.

The state leads, and then the provincial and Xijiao contribute the most.

Of course, everyone knows that Ye Ming's contribution... cannot be calculated with common sense.

"I'll be in charge of the beginning." Professor Luo said with a chuckle, "The main job is still to be introduced by Professor Xiaoye."

Ye Ming is not used to people calling him Professor Ye, but the rules are not easy to mess up, so everyone added the word "small" in front, which sounds kind and respects his identity.

"Okay." Ye Ming was not too humble, but stood up directly and walked to the front of the whiteboard.

"In the first phase, we completed a self-sustaining operation that lasted one month."

——The so-called self-sustaining operation, in controllable nuclear fusion, refers to using the heat of fusion itself to complete the continuous reaction without using a circulator for heating.

"This means that as long as the reactants are available, the reaction can continue to be converted into energy continuously."

"But the current situation is that the deuterium-tritium reaction, although deuterium is the price of cola, but the price of tritium is sky-high... and the current domestic production of tritium is not enough to maintain a controllable nuclear fusion reactor. Therefore, our next task Just two."

"First, optimize the tritium value-added module. Second, take the lead in completing helium-3 fusion."

Following Ye Ming's voice, everyone's eyes were full of joy and emotion.

Optimizing tritium value-added is currently the only way to increase the Q value and reduce the cost.

And helium-3 fusion...

Let's put it this way, helium-3 fusion is still a theory today.

Because according to the existing pressure conditions, it needs 8 billion degrees to light it.

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