Leon spent the night in a daze.

Alcohol couldn't make him drowsy, but the drunken faces pressed against him made him give up thinking. In the end, it seemed that all kinds of strange things were happening.

When he saw Ada and Jill next to him the next morning, he understood what was strange.

The two of them were still drunk and sleeping soundly.

So Leon chose to leave the room first after tidying up the corners of the quilt.

He washed off the blood stains on some parts of his body in the shower room of the police station.

He changed into a set of casual clothes.

Then he slowly walked into the underground research institute.

Tony was of course not here at this time.

The last time Leon saw him last night, he was disappearing in the corner with two big waves.

Tony probably won't get up until noon today.

There is actually no one else in the research institute now.

Yesterday's revelry probably made this newly established country press the pause button for a while.

Leon simply started researching alone.

He ordered Jarvis to open Tony's research records yesterday.

Originally, he wanted to take over Tony's results and continue research.

As a result, he was surprised to find that the infection mutation rate of the S virus was reduced to 5% by Tony.

This is actually no different from a true evolutionary potion.

But even for Tony, isn't this progress too fast to be true?

Leon sat down and looked through the electronic records carefully.

It turned out that Tony was stuck in the middle of the experiment, and later attempts to integrate the Extremis virus did not work.

Finally, he had an idea and chose to use his own blood as a medium, and the efficiency of the experiment soared.

It has to be said that the physique given by the world consciousness is a universal material in terms of virus fusion.

Finally, Tony analyzed the changes that occurred when the virus was integrated into his blood.

He successfully fused the Extremis virus with the S virus and reduced the mutation rate to five percent.

According to Leon's naming habits, he called this newly synthesized virus the S2 evolutionary virus.

But the subsequent research was not very smooth.

Even if Tony found the right way, the infection mutation rate of the virus could not be further reduced.

At the bottom of the research record, Tony finally wrote down a conclusion

"The characteristics of viruses are contagion and mutation. If we want to achieve complete and safe evolution, we cannot use viruses as carriers. We need to find new media."

Leon read Tony's message thoughtfully.

"New medium...using mold or parasites?

"No, none of these will work, they are all unstable external objects, we have to find something else"

"But among the things I have come into contact with, there seems to be no other substance that can strengthen the human body.……"

Leon glanced at the serum on the table, and suddenly an inspiration flashed in his mind.

"Wait, Super Soldier Serum, that's right!"

He stood up and slapped the table excitedly,"JARVIS, do you have any forgotten information about Super Soldier Serum in your database? Like a partial formula or something?"

"Master Leon, there is a relevant document in the mainframe of Stark Industrial Park, but it is incomplete. Jarvis replied

"Beautiful! That's what I want!"

Leon couldn't wait to activate his ability to travel through time, disappearing from the spot and reappearing the next moment.

He inserted a USB drive into the computer, and a large amount of super soldier information popped up.

"It seems that there is really no possibility of failure this time."Leon touched his chin.

Time soon came to noon.

Tony came to the laboratory with sleepy eyes.

He wanted to tease Leon.

But after seeing the research direction of Leon, he couldn't sit still for a second. He immediately put on his research clothes and joined the research.

Unknowingly, six hours passed.

In the laboratory, when the giant precision synthesis instrument sounded, the golden solution was poured into a transparent syringe.

Leon and Tony both showed admiration on their faces.

"Look at her, how beautiful she is!" Tony opened his hands like a flower, showing the syringe,"We really did it, at this moment we are simply Prometheus, Leon!"

Leon also said:"It can allow any creature in the world to step onto a new ladder and become a new species."

"It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the fire in Zeus's hand. It is indeed amazing."

He walked to the instrument and picked up the syringe.

"S virus, E mold, Plaka parasite, and desperate virus"

"We referred to the transformation method of the super soldier serum and integrated the mutation factors and evolution factors of these four evolution keys into one."

"Today's new reagents are not contagious and have no side effects; they are just a step in evolution!"

"After the injection, in addition to the comprehensive super enhancement of strength, physique, speed and brain"

"Individuals will also gain virus immunity, super regeneration, limb extension, bacterial control, blood parasitism and manipulation, and the ability to control temperatures of thousands of degrees!"

"It's hard to find a second word to describe it except perfect."

"So how should this serum be named? How about SS Enhanced Serum? After all, it is derived from the S virus."

Leon counted the characteristics of the new serum with his fingers and finally made a suggestion.

Tony felt that the name was neither good nor bad:"It doesn't feel original. It's already so powerful. How about calling it Super Soldier Awesome Extra Large Serum? We have surpassed that old guy Howard!"

"It's not good. I shouldn't have had hope in your naming skills. It's decided to call it SS-type strengthening serum."Leon thought Tony's name was lame.

"Your name is not very good, it has the style of a cheap industrial mass-produced commercial order."Tony immediately retorted

"But it's up to you. It's your serum anyway."

"And... don't tell me that you really intend to popularize this serum to every region of the earth."

Tony frowned:"That will inevitably lead to more crises, more conflicts and contradictions, you must know that"

"Of course not." Leon took out two syringes,"Have you forgotten our previous research results?"

He placed three reagents on the table and explained

"Check these out"

"This is the SS1 enhanced serum that incorporates only the characteristics of the S virus."

"On the right is the SS2 type, which is based on the SS1 type and incorporates the characteristics of the desperate virus."

"Finally, we have the perfect SS3 type that we just synthesized."

"I have already thought about it. I will make SS1 available to the whole world, SS2 will only be injected to trustworthy people, and the last SS3 will be left to you."

Leon patted Tony on the shoulder and said,"After all, the first two serums can be synthesized directly, but the raw materials of SS3 must contain your blood. This serum is destined to be yours alone."

"Wow, to be honest, I'm almost crying when you say that." Tony tilted his head back.

His expression was exaggerated,"If you hadn't sucked 400cc of my blood in one breath before, I would definitely cry."

"Don't say that, that's all for the experiment. Come on, I'll take you to eat some delicious blood-replenishing food." Leon put his arm around Tony's shoulders.

"Delicious? You mean the sticky cereal in this doomsday siege? Tony was not impressed by the food in Raccoon City.

"You said it's the end of the world, but you still want to eat more……"As Leon was speaking, a wave of movement suddenly descended upon him.

His expression gradually became strange.

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