Raccoon City.

Ada Wong, Jill and others are also watching Leon on the screen

"Did he destroy all the nuclear bombs of the Eagle and the Bear?"Even calm as Ada felt her brain heating up.

Jill stared at the screen and smiled bitterly,"I thought I had become a superhuman and was closer to him, but I didn't expect him to be so strong."

"Brother Leon, you are awesome!!"Shirley raised her hands and cheered,"He saved us again!"

Marvin and one of his men looked at each other and spread their hands:"You see, this is why we all call you Kennedy instead of Leon."

Leon.S.Kennedy shook his head helplessly:"Maybe I should give myself a nickname, otherwise it would be very stressful to have the same name as this gentleman."

In the research institute, everyone who saw the nuclear bomb explosion cheered.

Tony took a glance and continued his research.

He knew Leon's strength best.


"Next, it's the Plaka parasite and the E mold."

Lyon dived into the earth again, and his figure disappeared from the sight of all satellites.

He fell like a meteorite without any cover, and the friction around him caused fire due to the high-speed movement, and he slammed heavily into a village in the Langya Valley in Spain.


The huge shock wave spread, and dozens of houses in the village were blown away by the air wave.

The earth cracked like a spider web and collapsed rapidly.

After the aftermath, Lyon floated up from the ten-meter-deep crater caused by the impact and flew to the castle deep in the village.

This castle has been passed down since the Middle Ages, and it is classical and magnificent.

Lyon couldn't help but stop and admire it for a few minutes.

Then he kicked outside the castle, and the entire building complex collapsed like a tidal wave.

The people inside emerged from the ruins one by one, standing there in amazement, but they were unharmed because of Lyon's control.

""Who is Sadler?" Leon asked the question, but his eyes went straight to the hooded man holding a scepter at the back of the crowd.

Osmond Sadler, the leader of the Church of Light, attempted to use the Plaka parasite to control the world.

Everyone in the castle ruins looked at Sadler.

The man's face under the hood was hidden in the shadows, and he seemed to be planning some conspiracy. Then he knelt down with a thud.

"My Lord! I am Sadler!"

Leon walked over the ruins and stood in front of Sadler:"Hand over the Dominant Plaka Parasite"

"Yes, but the dominant type is temporarily gone. Sir, please give me some time.……"Sadler's body trembled slightly.

"No? Isn't this already available?"

Leon crushed Sadler's head with one foot and burned his body with a heat ray.

A few seconds later, a parasite crawled out.

"I hate people lying to me."

He put away the parasites and looked around:"Destroy all the parasites within three days, otherwise you will be destroyed."

Dust rose.

Leon disappeared silently, which was completely different from the momentum when he came.

After a brief silence, the sound of kneeling was heard.


A few minutes later, Leon suddenly appeared in a village in Romania.

With an extremely fast speed and the biological force field, his movements seemed to be teleporting. It was the same as the last place.

There was a village on the outside, but castles on the inside.

Leon floated above the center of the castle.

He looked around, found the cave where the fungus master was, and dived in.

The solid mountain was easily penetrated like tofu.

A huge mold aggregate entrenched in the cave appeared in front of Leon.

That was the fungus master.

The fungus master looked like a baby, and its color was almost pink. The whole body rose and fell as if it was breathing.

Leon could even hear the vital rhythm in its body, and billions of hyphae were transporting nutrients to it.

"This is the third type of evolutionary key in Resident Evil, mold."

Leon took out a syringe, inserted it into the fungus host, and drew out a full tube of mycelium.

After he put away the test tube, heat rays shot out of his eyes, and in a few breaths, the huge fungus host was burned up.

"Ah!! Who! Who destroyed the master of fungi!"

As soon as the master of fungi was burned to ashes, a piercing howl came from outside the cave.

This reaction was as fast as unplugging the network cable of an internet-addicted girl. As soon as it was unplugged, ghosts and wolves began to howl over there.

Leon was unmoved. He punched the dome of the cave, flew into the air, and continued to destroy the mycelium.

"How dare you! Stop it now!!"

The woman who howled before was approaching rapidly.

That was Miranda, the earliest infected person of the mold and the owner of this territory.

Behind her was a group of people.

There were men and women, some who looked like humans, and some who did not look like humans.

They were all a group of guys infected with E mold.

Leon's goal was to destroy the mold.

The arrival of these people was just what he wanted.

According to the development of the Resident Evil game, the mold might develop into a world-destroying crisis in the future.

Since he was here, Leon decided to clean up these hidden dangers and regard it as completing the task of saving the world as mentioned by the world consciousness before.

He immediately climbed to a higher altitude and used all his"strength" to spit out freezing breath.

After a few seconds, the entire village turned into a huge piece of solid ice, and even the lake outside the village was not spared.

Every edge of the huge ice block was crystal clear.

Leon could even see Miranda in the ice, whose expression remained in a hideous moment.

"I remember this person has lived for more than a hundred years. Mold is indeed unique."

He flew to the edge of the ice block, lifted up the huge ice block with a radius of more than three kilometers and a height of more than two hundred meters, and then flew into space.

Soon, satellites from various countries captured Leon's figure again.

But this time���Everyone in front of the screen was even more confused.

Where did this great god find a giant block of ice with people, houses, flowers and trees on it?

Was he performing magic?

Leon threw the ice block outside the earth and smashed it with a punch.

Suddenly, countless ice crystals with a diameter of no more than 1 mm scattered around, like silver-white fireworks blooming in the middle of the night.

Everyone in front of the screen couldn't help but say"so beautiful" to this wonder of the universe.

When they came back to their senses and looked at the mysterious figure again, the other party had disappeared again.


On the other side.

As soon as Leon returned to the police station, he was warmly welcomed by everyone.

Jill took the lead in shouting thank you.

She saluted with tears in her eyes, and then hugged.

For a moment, the hall was filled with applause, cheers, and even the sound of crying with joy.

All kinds of emotions rushed over, like waves of rising and falling tides.

There were fireworks next to Leon, and colorful confetti scattered like waterfalls.

There was also champagne. Kennedy pressed the bottle mouth with his thumb, shook it hard, and then cheered and sprayed out the wine.

They all knew what had just happened, and they all knew that the savior in front of them saved them.

They watched on the screen with their own eyes that this man used heat rays to kill super zombies and detonate nuclear bombs.

Today is undoubtedly their happiest day in the past month.

Everyone surrounded Leon.

Whether girls or boys, they all kissed him hard on the cheek, and then proudly showed off to others.

They all saw hope.

The super zombies and nuclear bombs that were originally unsolvable.

But in Leon's place, they were all dealt with in less than half an hour.

It seemed as if the end of the world was just a noisy game of playing house in front of this man.

Here, the name Leon has completely become synonymous with the future.

The men lifted Leon up and threw him into the sky, with smiles on their faces, as if they were throwing up their beloved at the wedding.

The women pushed Leon onto the podium again, hoping that he could say a few more words.

Even if it was just one sentence, they would definitely meet this handsome savior in their dreams tonight.

Leon was actually not very interested in such occasions.

This would remind him of the parties he attended when he was a child hanging around Tony's neck.

That was not a good memory.

After all, he could only be a spectator.

But the expectant eyes of the crowd made Leon know that he had better say something.

So he coughed lightly, looked around the suddenly quiet hall, thought about it, and sang a Chinese version of the Internationale.

The not-so-loud singing echoed in the police station hall.

Slowly, some people followed Leon's rhythm in English and Russian.

When the song ended, some people cheered loudly, while others burst into tears.

But they all had one thing in common, they all rushed to the podium frantically, trying to embrace Leon again.

The revelry at this moment lasted until the night.

Later, even Tony ran back to the police station, bringing a large number of scientific researchers to join the revelry.

He held the girl's arm to dance a waltz, held the beautiful woman's waist to drink Bordeaux, and the happiness that had disappeared for a month suddenly came at this time.

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