"What happened? Why did it suddenly seem like seeing a ghost?"

Tony stopped and looked surprised.

He remembered how Leon looked in the woods yesterday:"Oh, I know, is that world consciousness coming again?"

Leon was stunned for a few seconds.

After coming to his senses, he nodded with a strange expression:"Its meaning is very complicated, but it roughly means that the SS reagent is not enough, it needs the previous infectious evolutionary potion"

"What? It's brain damaged and saying that? Well it doesn't have a brain either." Tony exclaimed.

He felt strange:"So why not use SS serum?"

"Because the SS serum is too stable, it no longer has the possibility of further evolution!"

Leon was speechless:"It wants something that is relatively stable, but has the possibility of evolution or continued mutation."

Tony put his hands on his hips:"What an interesting idea, it wants to keep evolving? It sounds like what Obadiah said when he gave me advice before."

"Will he also give you very complicated suggestions? Like the colorful black ones?"

"So I just ignore him and do what I think."

"Now the case is solved. No wonder he wanted to kill you."

"Maybe, but I can't make a rifle that can heat, cool, and navigate as he says."

"……Strange idea, as expected, the clients all over the world are strange."

Lyon returned to the experimental table:"But fortunately, with the experience of developing SS serum, it is very simple to create a new type of S virus now."

He had no intention of refusing the request of the world consciousness.

After all, if there is a problem in the future, the world consciousness will have to find him again.

If he finds him again, it would be unreasonable not to give him more authority.

By then, it is hard to say who is the world consciousness.

Lyon thought that if he really mastered the biochemical world in the future, it would be nice to extract the world consciousness and keep Jarvis as a companion.

Five minutes later.

The final form of the S virus with an infection mutation rate of only one thousandth was successfully born.

It is almost the same as the initial prototype version, and perfectly meets the requirements of evolving global organisms.

After the new virus was synthesized, the world consciousness was indeed very satisfied.

It exuded a joyful mood, urging Lyon to spread the virus quickly, feeling like a pastoral dog wagging its tail happily.

""Okay, okay, I'll go out with Tony for dinner and then find someone to test the virus."

Leon promised repeatedly, then shrugged at Tony and walked towards the elevator of the institute.

Yesterday's revelry really made most people skip work.

The institute was empty until Leon and his partner left.

There were only a few police officers on duty in the police station.

Leon complained on the way, saying that it would be difficult to manage a country with such a loose official organization.

It was not until he met Jill that Leon learned that it was President Jill who deliberately gave everyone a day off.

The reason was that Leon saved the world yesterday, so today was designated as a new Thanksgiving.

Now Leon had to change his mind and sighed that the new official was very efficient.

However, when he saw Jill, this beautiful woman was actually in a bad mood.


In the former police chief's office

"Um, Jill, what happened to you?"Leon asked Jill, who looked unhappy.

Tony had already left when he saw that the situation was not good, and he didn't know where he was going with the two big waves from last night.

"Shouldn't I be the one asking you, what's wrong with you?" Jill put her right hand on her waist,"You did such a ridiculous thing, but you left me and Ada behind and disappeared for a whole day. I thought you had fled."

"The term"absconding for fear of crime" refers to criminals, so it should not be used carelessly."

Leon corrected:"Last night, you were clearly drunk and arguing about it and decided to be together, so you can't blame me."

"In fact, you were not drunk, you were just tipsy, and you used alcohol as an excuse to do bad things." He added.

Jill blushed and turned her face away:"Even so, even so, you can't leave us two behind"

"I didn't abandon you. I tucked in the quilt when I left."

Leon picked up the paper cup and filled it with water:"I was just doing experiments with Tony in the institute. You didn't tell me that you had a day off today."

"I was wondering why there were so few people here today."

He drank the water in the cup and looked towards the door.


So, Ada , why are you hiding behind the door?

"Of course I was waiting for you to call me in."

Ada pushed the door open and walked in, her steps were still a little staggering.

Her physique was far inferior to Jill's, and she needed some time to recover after being injured.

"After all, I don't want to disturb the private conversation between my boss and my rival." Ada said.

Jill narrowed her eyes when she heard the word"rival":"Shouldn't you pretend you didn't hear it and turn around and leave?"

"Oh, really? I thought Miss President and I were on the same side." Ada sniffed Leon closely,"After all, compared to the two of us who are just starting out, someone's skills can be said to be at the pinnacle."

"Hmm?" Jill was stunned for a moment, then turned his gaze to Leon, thinking that what Ada said made sense,"No wonder I felt so... Could it be that you have other……"

""Ahem!" Leon coughed,"Stop arguing! A president and a director of intelligence are quarreling at a critical moment. How can this country run!"

The two were speechless. This person knows how to divert conflicts.

Leon spread his arms at this time:"So I think, as colleagues, we need to have a good talk together. Is there any problem that cannot be solved by communication? If so, it must be because of insufficient communication."

"What communication? Let me finish asking you questions... Uh, huh!"

"Oh my, you are so impatient, you don't even wait for me." Ada shook her head and followed.


It was another early morning, and Leon woke up in a familiar bed.

He pulled himself together, woke up the two elves beside him, did some morning exercises, and then washed up and left together.

The lobby of the police station.

In stark contrast to the empty scene yesterday, today it was full of civil servants coming and going.

Tony was sitting at a table eating, his eyes were dark circles, his face was pale, and he looked like he had kidney deficiency.

Leon sat over, took a piece of baguette and stuffed it into his mouth.

The taste was hard to describe, but he still chewed and swallowed the baguette after it entered his mouth.

"Tony, did you do bad things with the big waves again last night?"

"Look at yourself, you are obsessed with those things all day long, do you still look like a scientist!"

Leon took the moral high ground as soon as he arrived:"If you continue like this, will you be worthy of Pepper?"

Tony raised his eyebrows:"Didn't I pay her salary this month? I also gave her strawberries a few days ago. Come on, she is not even my girlfriend, how can I be worthy of her?"

"Pepper is allergic to strawberries, Tony." Leon's face straightened.

Tony nodded and ate baguette with milk:"Yes, so she scolded me seriously after receiving the gift."

"You deserve to be scolded." Seeing Tony enjoying his meal, Leon couldn't help but take another bite of the baguette, but it still tasted terrible.

"What about you, do you think I don’t know what you did after the show ended the past two days?" Tony deliberately elbowed Leon,"Are you worthy of the agent sister in your fortress?"

"She is my subordinate, thank you."Leon took the paper cup and poured half of Tony's milk over.

"Oh...my subordinates." Tony nodded.

He raised the milk and winked:"Come on, toast to my subordinates.""

"I really can't do anything about you... Well, I'll toast to your big wave too." Leon clinked his glasses and drank up the milk.

"But I still want to remind you that when you start continuous high-intensity combat, you must first pay attention to your body."

Leon patted Tony's arm and stood up:"We are not the same"

"If I hadn't had my blood drawn yesterday, I would be fine now!" Tony tried to defend himself.

"So it’s different. When I had my blood drawn, I was just as energetic!"

"Hey, you're in good health.……"Tony looked at Leon's departing back and curled his lips.

He was silent for a few seconds, biting the baguette in his mouth, and suddenly stood up and walked towards the research institute:"No, I have to finish the live experiment quickly and inject the serum. This is a different world, and I can't let this kid be arrogant alone."

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