The meeting was over.

Jill stayed in the former director's office to handle matters.

Marvin and others accompanied Leon around the city and went to the underground research institute.

They had previously dug a skylight above the research institute and built a new elevator that could go directly to the main entrance of the facility.

Everyone took the elevator down

"I don’t think I can eat hamburgers in this world anymore." Tony complained to Leon in a low voice:"The virus has made this place go back to the Middle Ages. Even the streets are full of people sleeping, and the stench of excrement is everywhere."

"So, you regret following me now?" Leon also asked in a low voice.

"Regret?"Tony looked like you were kidding,"What does this word mean? Sorry, I don't know this word."

His big eyes were full of seriousness:"Since I'm here, I have to do something for this world, just to wash away your sins."

"Don't be ridiculous, can you blame me for this? I didn't know the world consciousness would be so exciting."Leon retorted

"It was just a joke, but I did have to do something, did you forget? I am Iron Man! Tony stressed.

"Okay, Iron Man, what do you want to do, work on a new suit of armor here?"

"Study your S virus prototype!"

"Are you kidding me again? Your research fields are energy, materials and machinery!"

"Am I a jokester?"

"……Well, let me ask you a few questions about biochemistry."

Leon asked a few questions in the field of biochemistry that he thought were cutting-edge, but Tony answered them all fluently.

"You actually answered all of them? When did you secretly study for a PhD in biology? How come I didn't know about it?" Leon was surprised.

Tony shrugged and said,"After you said you wanted to study Kryptonian genes, I studied for a few days."

"Only a few days? Then you're a genius."

"Do you think you are the only one who learns things quickly?"Tony shook his head indifferently,"Learning speed is only the basis of becoming a genius, kid."

Leon suddenly realized that Tony's learning speed was not much slower than his super brain.

The other party was indeed worthy of Thanos's evaluation of"a person cursed by knowledge".

After the elevator arrived at the institute,

Tony pulled Leon into the laboratory.

In the research of the S virus, Tony got started very quickly.

Often before Leon finished explaining the previous sentence, he even thought of the content of the next three sentences.

For the first time, Leon felt the fast understanding ability of a super brain in others.

The two discussed and experimented.

When one of them burst out with inspiration, it always inspired the other.

Their inspiration is like the left foot stepping on the right foot, constantly spiraling up.

Director Bud and his assistants who were assisting next to them were all in a state of confusion, staring at each other with big eyes, not understanding why there are such perverted people in the world, and two of them at once.

Half an hour later, a tube of orange reagent came out.

"The S virus prototype vaccine can form antibodies to block virus infection and can be effective through the air, but it will also make the strengthening effect of the S virus prototype disappear."

Tony touched his chin and said,"It's enough for now. Hey, you take it and use it for experiments on mice!"

Leon also held a bottle of golden reagent.

"The S1 virus has been successfully improved, and the mutation probability after infection has been reduced to 70%, and the strengthening effect remains unchanged... but it is still a long way from the final goal."

He took out the suitcase he brought with him.

After opening it, he took out the desperate virus and the USB flash drive

"Tony, try to see if you can fuse the Extremis virus with the S1 virus first."

Leon took off his white lab coat,"Further improvement of the virus requires other references, I'll go find some, and destroy some nuclear bombs by the way."

"Then you have to speed up, I'm afraid that in a few hours, even the perfect version of the S virus will appear on this table."

Tony stared at the bottle of golden virus concentrate.

After in-depth research, he clearly realized that this virus can indeed be called the ladder of biological evolution.

Tony already thinks it's worthwhile to see such a creation.

What's more, he thinks it won't take too long before he can create a truly perfect virus.

By then, maybe they brothers can really promote the evolution of the whole world, which makes people excited just thinking about it.

"I hope so. I hope you can create the final version of the S virus directly."

Leon was not worried about Tony's infection.

With his special physique, Tony no longer had the possibility of becoming a zombie. No matter how infectious the virus was in the world of Resident Evil, it could only make him stronger now.

Leon left the underground research institute and soared into the sky.

He accelerated in the air, and after five seconds he broke through the atmospheric escape layer and floated in the universe.

His sleeves fluttered silently in the void, and his super vision covered the entire world, locking onto the super zombies on the surface one after another.

Judgment is coming!

Two heat rays, like a punishment from heaven, landed on the ground from outer space.

For the earth of this era, it is simply the most deadly space-based weapon in science fiction movies! The super zombies wandering aimlessly on the ground, suddenly Suddenly, it was enveloped by the blazing heat from the sky.

Tens of trillions of cells in its body wailed together, and were blasted into the most primitive molecules in an instant.

The red beam of light that reached the sky plowed on the ground.

It was like God holding chopsticks and stirring the world.

Wherever it passed, the world collapsed and the ocean evaporated.

In the territory of the Indian Kingdom, millions of super zombies roared to the sky, as if to challenge the punishment of God, but they were instantly reduced to ashes in the beam of light.

The whole world began to focus on the two beams of light that were like divine punishment.

Watching it sweep from the Pacific Ocean to the Indian Ocean.

And from South Asia all the way to Africa.

It also blasted deeper gullies beside the Great Rift Valley of East Africa.

Wherever it passed, the sea was divided and the clouds were broken, just like Moses stretched out his rod to the sea, and God parted the sea.

When the whole The whole world was plowed by two beams of light.

The divine punishment that fell from the sky gradually died down.

The evil people who stirred up trouble felt as if they were falling into the abyss, and the refugees in dire straits crawled on the ground and prayed.

At this moment, they all believed in the existence of God.

But Leon's actions did not stop there.

He used twenty minutes to deal with tens of millions of super zombies on the earth.

Next, there are nuclear bombs waiting for him.

He twisted his waist and dived into the earth.

People in this world don't deliberately use lead to block prying eyes.

With a glance, Leon saw all the storage locations of nuclear bombs on the earth.

He went through mountains and dived into the sea. Bases that were strong enough to withstand nuclear explosions could not last long in front of him.

A few minutes later, Leon wrapped the upper Ten thousand nuclear bombs from Eagle Sauce and White Bear were pushed into space together.

It was not until hundreds of thousands of kilometers away from the atmospheric exosphere that

Leon used heat rays to detonate all the nuclear bombs.

Brilliant fireworks exploded in the universe, and invisible penetrating radiation and electromagnetic pulses spread in circles.

Countless satellites witnessed this scene together at this time.

Leon turned his back to the earth, his figure swaying in the firelight, like a god who looked up and down at the sky and picked up everything.

When he turned back, he did not use the bio-force field to cover his face. Half of his cheek was illuminated by the firelight, and the other half was covered with sunlight.

Countless screens around the world were recording Leon's face at this time.

This face, which looked like it was carved by a knife and an axe, was deeply engraved in the minds of countless people in front of the screen.

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