Jarvis' subsystem notified Jill and others early.

When Leon and Tony flew to Raccoon City, all the old acquaintances were already waiting outside the city.

Today's Raccoon City is very different from when he left.

A circle of steel fences with wires and spikes surrounds the entire city.

Thick coal smoke is floating over the city, and it smells very pungent.

As soon as Leon landed, Shirley rushed out from the crowd.

"Brother Leon!" The little girl jumped onto Leon and hugged him with tears in her eyes."I was always worried that you wouldn't come back, but Sister Ada said you wouldn't abandon us. You, you are finally back!"

"Sorry, sorry." Leon rubbed Shirley's head,"I've been away for too long. I promise, I'll take you with me this time."

Jill and Ada Wang also came over.

"You're talking about leaving right after you got back? Boss, how about killing that world consciousness before you leave this time?"

Wang Ada was wearing a windbreaker and a band-aid on his face. Although he was in a mess, he still looked elegant.

""Leon, welcome back. I didn't expect the world consciousness to cause such a disaster. It's really hard to describe." Jill also had a complicated expression.

She was wearing combat uniform, but her aura was different from before, with a bit more fierceness and decisiveness.

The experience during this period made her grow into a qualified leader.

"Do you think our world is hopeless? Is there no way?……"Jill pursed her lips and wanted to ask for help, but she didn't know where to start.

"Alas... Let's not talk about this, Mr. Lyon. I didn't expect to see you again when the world has become like this. But you are still so energetic, it's really gratifying."Director Bud greeted with a smile.

Jarvis has told them all the truth.

Everyone present felt that the future was bleak.

But this did not affect their gratitude to the sunny man in front of them.

Lyon's eyes swept across the faces in front of him.

Marvin, Bud, Elliot... None of the familiar people were missing.

Obviously, in the past month, it was the world consciousness that secretly helped.

Otherwise, how could these people who were cannon fodder in the original work survive in a more serious global crisis?

"It's just saving a world, it's not a big deal."

Leon opened his arms and hugged everyone:"Don't be so sad, I promise that the children will still have quiet desks in the future, and the world will still have bright sunshine."

"I created the virus, how could I not solve it?"

Of course the world must be saved.

Not only because of these people in front of him.

But also because the world consciousness descended again just now, and offered him a price he couldn't refuse.

——The authority to control half of the world, plus the ability to self-lock genes.

Leon has not come into contact with the former authority, and can only say that it sounds very impressive. The latter ability to self-lock genes is tailor-made for him by the world consciousness, which allows him to actively control the stability of his own genes.

With this ability, he will be more controllable when conducting Kryptonian bloodline research.

And in the future, he will be able to actively block his own genes to prevent the outflow of genes.

Specifically, when blood and hair leave his body, they will automatically lose all genetic information that he does not want to flow out.

For Leon at the moment, such an ability is no less important than strengthening his strength.

To be honest, Leon does not want to clean up the mess of this radical world consciousness.

But there is no way, it really gives too much.

More importantly, the premise for these rewards to be issued is that Leon successfully saves the world and promotes biological evolution.

Otherwise, the world consciousness cannot give it even if it wants to.

It gives rewards not based on what Leon wants, but on what it has.

"What do you mean?" In the eyes of everyone present, there was something called hope.

"Let's go in and say,"By the way, let me introduce you, this is my brother, Tony Stark. He came here just to take a look."

Leon pointed to the iron lump beside him and introduced him. Only then did everyone realize that there was a person in the golden red armor, and it was not another Jarvis.

"So you are Mr. Lyon's brother! I have heard of you for a long time!"

"Your brother is so great, you must be an excellent person too."

A group of people immediately surrounded Tony and spoke well of Leon.

Tony was speechless and his mouth twitched.

This was what he couldn't stand the most!

And these people got one thing wrong!

They should have said - it turns out that Leon is your brother, no wonder he is so excellent!

Tony decided that he must give these natives of the other world some shock from the genius.


The Raccoon City Police Department has now become the capital office building of the Republic of Colorado.

As the leader, Jill works here every day, or sets out from here to eliminate zombies. In the police station conference room.

Bud, the director of the National Virus Research Center, and Marvin, the director of the National Security Bureau, and others all sat at the bottom. Leon, who was standing in the main seat, felt a little disillusioned.

To him, it was just a few hours of absence.

As a result, the former small police officers and small directors have all become national figures.

Although the country has just been established and the population is only a few hundred thousand, most of them are still huddled in the small city of Raccoon City.

But it is still somewhat uncomfortable.

"The main problem now is that we have no means to stop the nuclear bomb that the White Bear Country is about to launch!"

Jill analyzed from the side,"In addition, the number of zombies migrating from other countries' territories is still increasing, and our defense pressure has been rising."

"Especially the super zombies, except for me and Iron Armor, no one in Raccoon City can resist them."

Nowadays, there are more than 40 countries in the territory of Eagle Sauce.

Almost every state has a new official.

The exchanges between states have suddenly become international negotiations.

It is really weird.

Jill looked at Leon:"What to do next is up to you, Leon, to decide."

"Let me think... the solution is actually very simple. I will destroy the nuclear bomb and then kill the super zombies."

After understanding the general situation, Leon made a decision directly:"Great efforts can make miracles happen. I will solve these problems before tonight."

"But if you want to save the world, ordinary zombies are the biggest problem"

"Even if we can produce the corresponding antiviral serum, it will still be a long-term problem to solve them."

For example, in India, almost 80% of ordinary people have died or turned into zombies.

If the nearly 1 billion zombies were not without intelligence, they would have occupied the world long ago.

How can ordinary people fight them?

Not to mention the zombie birds, zombie rats, and zombie insects that are now all over the world.

"There is only one way to reverse the situation."Leon put his hands on the table,"Study the updated S virus and turn every ordinary person into a superhuman!"

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