After the two landed, Tony took off his armor and let Jarvis play freely.

"The story begins after Master Leon left.

On the morning of September 29th, after you left,

Miss Jill Valentine and Sheriff Marvin led the police department to search for survivors in the city.

By night, the entire city was cleared, and even more than 90% of the zombies were eliminated.

But as you warned,

Umbrella Corporation discovered the abnormality of the city.

They airdropped 6 Tyrants into the city, but fortunately, they were all killed by serum bombs in the end.

In order to avoid more serious attacks, Sheriff Marvin decided to take everyone to leave Raccoon City overnight.

The team of more than 10,000 people left in a mighty manner, and even the military that set up checkpoints outside the city did not dare to stop them.

The empty Raccoon City also made all parties lose interest.

After several special teams were sent in but found nothing, no one paid attention to this suddenly dilapidated city.

A day later, everyone who couldn't wait for you to return temporarily went their separate ways.

Jill, Marvin and other police officers were abruptly transferred to the New York Police Department.

Miss Shirley and Mr. Bud chose to leave with your newly recruited subordinate Ada Wong.

Other survivors were also officially resettled - although the compensation they received was not good.

However, after everything stabilized, Miss Ada Wong was attacked by the HCF organization because she did not submit the G virus.

So she asked me to take Shirley and Bud and hide with her in the countryside of Canada.

There, I connected to the Internet and made all the evidence of Umbrella's crimes public."

Jarvis said as he projected the video shot by the armor, with pictures and text.

During the period, Tony couldn't help but comment that Leon had a good eye for finding a girlfriend this time.

After listening, Leon frowned:"Although there have been some twists and turns, it's all developing in a good direction. What happened later?"

Jarvis replied:"The incident happened on the morning of October 1st

——A biochemical crisis broke out in New York City and quickly spread to the world.

But then Miss Ada Wong infiltrated Umbrella Corporation and connected me to the intranet.

We found the real reason.

The crisis that swept the world seemed to originate in New York, but the root cause was actually in Raccoon City.

Everything started in the early morning of September 30.

When Marvin, Jill and other police officers led the survivors out of the city.

A special Umbrella worker who was mixed in among them quietly stayed.

This worker was called Hank.

He sneaked into the underground research institute alone, with the task of recovering the G virus.

Fortunately, all the viruses and vaccines in the institute were destroyed in advance by Mr. Bud.

Hank returned empty-handed.

However, when he left the institute, he was bitten by a rat that rushed out of the sewer.

And this rat went to the laboratory you destroyed half a day ago after we left the institute.

It was infected with the prototype of the S virus."

Jarvis projected a surveillance video.

In it, a mouse entered a collapsed laboratory and came out again soon after.

The time marked was 11 o'clock in the morning of September 29, less than an hour after Leon left the world of Resident Evil.

Jarvis continued:

"Hank didn't take it seriously after being bitten.

He killed the rat and left Raccoon City and went to New York.

On the evening of September 30, Hank arrived in New York.

On October 1, Hank went to Umbrella's New York branch, but his condition was very poor."

In the surveillance video projected by Jarvis, Hank, still wearing combat uniform, staggered into the office building.

The video began to speed up.

Ten minutes later, screams came from the building, and the crowd rushed out like a tide.

Soon, explosions occurred in the building one after another, and a three-meter-tall behemoth rushed out in the flames.

It was covered in blood and howled at the sky.

The guns and cannons of the Umbrella combat troops could not kill it, but made it mutate again and again, becoming stronger.

Even those who were splashed by its blood began to become like it, with twisted bodies and mutations...

The surveillance screen flashed and jumped to two hours later.

There was already a dense group of zombies in front of the Umbrella Building.

Various used heavy weapons were scattered randomly on the ground.

But the monster that Hank turned into at the beginning was still standing among the zombies, with scarlet eyes.

"Hank mutated inside Umbrella Corporation, and it quickly infected everyone it met.

According to the base number calculation, the probability of the infected becoming a zombie is more than 98%.

Those who survived the infection and did not become zombies would also fall into a coma and be quickly eaten by zombies.

The crisis quickly swept across New York.

The final survival rate of local residents was even less than one thousandth.

Jill and Marvin, who had just arrived at the New York Police Department, escaped New York with difficulty that afternoon with my remote support." Jarvis switched the video material and projected New York engulfed in flames.

"However, this is just the beginning.

After the situation in New York became irreversible, the military began to use high-powered weapons.

But the physical fitness of these zombies is more than twice that of before infection.

Even among every hundred zombies, a monster like Hank will be born.

These monsters are extremely tenacious.

Even if they are hit by a 125mm tank gun and only half of their heads are left, they can still survive.

To kill them, you must use a blanket bombing.

However, the number of these monsters is too large.

Among the millions of zombies in New York, there are tens of thousands of such monsters, and they are even increasing.

Because ordinary people will be quickly infected and assimilated as long as they smell the blood of those monsters.

Finally, seeing the situation getting out of control, the Eagle side used nuclear weapons."

Tony was shocked:"Nuclear weapons?"

Jarvis said:"Yes, at 19:30 on the afternoon of October 1st.

Three nuclear bombs landed over New York, opening the prelude to world chaos.

After that night, New York was razed to the ground.

But the people of Umbrella have obtained the supreme evolutionary ladder.

They extracted the virus from the zombies.

After repeating the experiment, they found that although there would be a super zombie among every 100 zombies, there would also be a survivor among every 100 infected people who could maintain their sanity and not turn into a zombie.

——These survivors will fall into a coma after being infected, but they will be no different from ordinary people after waking up.

Because of the perfect integration with the virus, they will even gain immunity and become extremely powerful, agile, and wise! There is a man named Albert Wesker in Umbrella.

After being injected with the virus and surviving, his strength reached 20 tons and his speed reached 150 meters per second.

So Umbrella called the virus extracted from these zombies the Ascension virus.

Later, after the man named Wesker became stronger, he quickly took control of Umbrella.

At that time, I had already announced the evidence of Umbrella's crimes, and they were being wanted by countries all over the world at the same time.

But Wesker didn't care about it, but directly launched his human evolution plan.

——That is to say, the Dengshen virus was released all over the world.

London, Berlin, Monaco, Moscow, Tokyo...

Umbrella is a global pharmaceutical company.

They have branches in almost all countries.

These branches are still capable of releasing the virus even when facing wanted orders.

So on October 8, European time.

Overnight, the Dengshen virus, which can be transmitted through the air, spread to most parts of the world.

Within a few hours, the capitals of hundreds of countries fell one after another.

Five days later, the White Bear Country abandoned the Eastern European border, moved all the survivors to Siberia, and established a temporary capital on the frozen soil.

Most cities of John Bull and Gallic Chicken fell, and the temporary command post moved to the air defense base.

What defeated them was not the strength of the zombies, but the infection efficiency of the virus and its own loose management system.

By October 14. The only country in the world that was still intact was the Rabbit Country, which had strict customs and strong mobilization capabilities.

All their soldiers wore protective clothing and fought on the southwest and northern borders.

They successfully blocked the virus at the border.

October 15.

More and more superhumans who survived the virus were noticed.

Because of the existence of such a group of people, the situation of various countries resisting zombies has changed.

October 16.

The whole of Eagle Sauce was caught in a zombie crisis, and the economy was completely shut down.

On this day, Texas declared independence.

On the one hand, the military's bombing of New York destroyed the hearts of the people in this country.

On the other hand, a group of superhumans stood in the foreground, took power in the artillery and speeches, and formed a new official.

October 17.

Sixteen states, including Florida and Louisiana, declared independence.

It was also on this day that Jill, Marvin and others, who had been traveling around the states for several times, were trapped in a small town in Missouri.

After receiving the rescue signal, I rushed to help and eliminated the zombies around the town.

October 18.

Jill and others returned to Raccoon City in Colorado with my help.

At the request of Ada Wong, I went to Canada to take Bud and others to Raccoon City.

Everyone gathered again.

October 19.

Ada Wong made the information he had investigated public.

Everyone knows that the Dengshen virus is actually the prototype of the S virus developed by Master Leon.

That day, Jill took the initiative to ask me for the original virus liquid and injected herself in the wild.

She survived.

And because she was injected with the original virus liquid.

She became a stronger existence than ordinary superhumans, with a strength of more than 30 tons and a speed of more than 200 meters per second.

October 23.

Colorado, led by Jill, declared independence, with its capital in Raccoon City.

By this day, most of the southern states and counties of Eagle Sauce had become independent, and only 7 northern states still supported the old official.

October 27.

A force called"Family" took control of the power of the old official of Eagle Sauce.

They dropped a nuclear bomb on Moscow and London, which had already fallen.

The reason was to eliminate zombies and save mankind.

October 28.

White Bear Country dropped a nuclear bomb on Washington, also for the reason of saving mankind, and the old official of Eagle Sauce failed to intercept it successfully.

In the early morning of October 29.

That is, in the early morning of this day.

The old official announced that it would launch a nuclear strike on the temporary capital of White Bear Country.

The White Bear Country also announced that it would launch a nuclear strike on the capitals of the independent countries in the Eagle Sauce.

There are still five hours before they launch dozens of nuclear bombs at once."

At this point, Jarvis finally stopped.

But Li Tony's brain was shaking uncontrollably.

He was trembling with his heart and liver, and he looked at Leon with shock.

"Is this the virus you developed?" Tony's pupils trembled,"You've only been here for twelve hours, and you almost destroyed a world?"

Leon's face turned black:"I developed the virus, but I also destroyed it!"

"I destroyed all the virus containers and the lab, and even used X-ray vision to confirm that there were no living creatures around the lab."

"Not even a spider!"

"Where did that mouse come from?"

"And what a coincidence, after it was infected, it didn't bite anyone, but just wanted to transmit the virus to Hank with incredible precision and be beaten to death?"

"This is the work of the world consciousness! It messed itself up, and now I have to clean up the mess!"

Lyon connected the emotions shared by the world consciousness before, and he understood.

【Leave, evolve, lose control, gift, save! Gift! Save!! 】

Leave refers to his departure.

Evolution refers to the world consciousness pushing for evolution.

It seems that the world consciousness thought that he would never come back after he left.

So in order to continue to promote the evolution of creatures around the world.

As soon as he left, he quickly drove a mouse away and ran to the ruins of the laboratory to breathe in the air there.

After all, the S virus prototype can survive for 6 hours after it escapes.

Leon estimated that when he destroyed the container���A part of it was released.

But there were only a few strains floating in the air at most, and even if someone went in, they would be able to leave safely.

But those strains were all inhaled into the mouse's lungs and multiplied wildly in its body.

And after it inhaled them, it immediately ran out of the laboratory, just to wait for Hank, the destined person.

You said that this matter was completely caused by the world consciousness, can it be blamed on him?

"I really didn't expect that this world consciousness is still a radical faction." Leon rubbed his forehead,"Forget it, let's go to Raccoon City first, and then we'll see what to do next."

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