"Leon Stark." Leon nodded to the two and introduced himself."You'd better leave here quickly. The zombies will come over if they hear the noise."

"Aren't you going to the subway station with me?"Oh, I understand. Brother Stark, you are the one sent by the higher-ups to solve the problem, right?"

Carlos couldn't help but touch the armor:"I didn't know that the technology of this country is so advanced. Those people are really hiding deep!"

Jill seemed to think so too.

She looked at Leon with much kinder eyes, as if she saw her comrade-in-arms.

She stretched out her hand:"I have been in the Delta Special Forces. Which unit are you from, Leon?"

Leon shook hands with her with his arm wrapped in armor.

"You have misunderstood me," he said."I am not from your country, nor from your world."

"World? Are you saying that we are not in the same class as you?" Jill frowned.

"Literally, I come from another world."

Leon let go of his hand,"I'm not here to clean up Umbrella's mess."

"It was the consciousness of your world that hired me"

"It lets me help save the world"

"So you guys should leave quickly and try to gather as many civilians as possible. I may send you some T virus vaccines later."

After saying that, he turned around, found the direction of Raccoon City Hospital, and prepared to fly over.

Carlos laughed and shouted from behind:"Hey! Brother Leon, are you kidding? How is another world possible? Do you have any evidence?"

Although this handsome boy with instant noodle hair has some funny attributes, he is no longer at the age to believe in passionate stories about saviors from another world.

He felt that the mecha warrior in front of him might have PTSD from the war and was mentally ill.

"The person hired by the world consciousness... means the savior?"Jill's eyes also became strange.

She thought of the teleportation just now, and her heart was a little shaken, but she quickly denied it.

The savior from another world, how could this be possible!

She thought about it and felt that Leon was probably joking to keep it secret.

At this time, Leon flew straight up

——However, he did not activate the thrusters on the armor.

He had not used the armor for a long time, and he had been thinking about many things.

For a moment, he even forgot to activate the thrusters, and habitually used the bio-force field to fly up.

So the several-ton iron shell flew lightly in the air, and Leon's voice came out, as if it had been suffocated by a can.

"I don't have to prove it, Carlos."

"You don't need to believe me, and I don't need you to believe"

"Just do what you were doing before, maybe you can save more people."

Leon looked around in the air.

"Also, you should go, the zombies are surrounding us!"

Gill and the others didn't notice that the Iron Armor had opened Newton's coffin and floated there.

They looked around and saw that there were indeed groups of zombies limping towards them from the corners of the streets.

"We have to go!"

Jill's face turned serious, and he did not forget to ask Leon

"What about you, where are you going? Maybe we can help you later!"

"I'm going to the Raccoon City Hospital and the police station. The underground passage of the police station leads to the Umbrella Laboratory. If you need serum, you can find me there."Leon said.

He thinks that plot characters like Jill and Carlos should be very important to the world consciousness of Party A's boss.

So he doesn't mind providing some help.

"Umbrella's laboratory?" Jill wanted to ask more.

But Leon suddenly stopped him with his hand:"Wait a minute!"

He moved his ears:"There are a lot of things crawling nearby... Well, it sounds like wireworms climbing.""

Wireworms? Aren't those things parasites? How can there be sounds when they crawl?

Jill and the others had question marks in their heads.

"Should we take him with us? He looks mentally ill and might get into an accident if he's alone." Carlos whispered.

"Uh, but Leon seems to be quite sober."Jill and Carlos thought differently.

She thought Leon was probably speaking some kind of code. Professional special forces personnel all have codes.

It's just a pity that she and the Umbrella guy next to her were not Leon's informants.

"The sound is there."Lyon suddenly turned around in the air and looked at the location of the tyrant's wreckage.

The originally dry bones there had turned into a bulging mass of black matter.

Countless black threads less than one millimeter thick extended from the mass of matter, covering the ground and crawling towards the zombies in the distance.

There was no sound in the process, just like rain flowing over the ground of a city.

"There really are wireworms! ?"Carlos exclaimed

"Wasn't that a code just now?"Jill exclaimed

"This tyrant is still alive!" Lyon judged

"Huh?"Leon raised his eyebrows. Why are Jill and Carlos talking so strangely?

The brain circuits of these characters are different from those of normal people.

The point is that the tyrant is still alive.

But one of them is paying attention to the iron wire worms, and the other is thinking about some messed up codes.

It's really strange. Maybe she has mental problems because of fighting too much.

Leon remembered that in the game, Jill had just experienced a biochemical leak two months ago.

At this point in time, she still has a shadow in her heart and can't sleep all day.

So she really has mental problems.

"Tyrant?"Gill and the others woke up from their dream and their faces suddenly changed."It's still alive!?"

Puff! Puff! Puff!

As the two were surprised, they heard continuous falling sounds from all directions on the street.

They looked over and saw that the zombies who were walking over were falling in groups.

Groups of black silk threads wrapped them and then quickly absorbed and digested them.

"Damn it! It's absorbing other zombies, stop it!"Jill quickly pulled out his gun and fired.

However, the firepower of the pistol was insignificant at this time.

Carlos also fired, but it was also useless.

Leon watched this scene in the air, but did not join the attack of the two.

He was a little confused. Does the tracker-type tyrant in the game have such a strong vitality?

Well, well, he didn't know.

After all, he always used the plug-in Fengling Yueying when playing games. No matter how strong the BOSS is, he will die with one shot.

"Let me see how many stages you can transform into, like Frieza."Leon folded his arms in the air.

The Tyrant absorbed the zombies very quickly.

In less than a minute, the dark mass grew to eight meters long and three meters high. The huge body was like a leech, occupying most of the street, blocking the way of Jill and the others.

"What the hell is this thing!"Jill gritted his teeth,"Leon! Do you have any other ideas?"

At this point, she could only hope that the most powerful mecha warrior among the three present could perform a miracle.

She thought to herself.

Leon is so mysterious.

Although he would claim to be the savior of another world, maybe he really has a way to deal with the terrifying creature in front of him.

""Stand back, let me do it!" Leon's voice came from behind, sounding so calm and confident.

At this moment, Jill suddenly had an illusion of being extremely relieved.

She thought of the generals she met during the military training, and thought of a word - the style of a great general!

Could it be that Leon was a senior general in the army?

Jill looked back with doubts and saw a scene that she would never forget in her life.

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