"Jarvis, take off your armor."

Jill heard Leon's voice coming from inside the mecha.

""Yes, young master."

A second voice seemed to appear in the mecha, and Jill thought she was hallucinating.

However, after the second voice fell, the mecha's thrusters suddenly spewed flames.

Then the iron scales opened one by one, revealing the man hiding inside.

Jill's mind went blank when the thrusters began to spew flames.

She suddenly realized that the mecha just now was floating as if there was no gravity at all.

No propulsion device was used at all!

This is simply... like a ghost!

Jill felt creepy, and a chill instantly ran up her spine to her mind.

But this chill was soon replaced by horror.

——Leon's visor popped open, revealing a face with a high nose bridge, thick eyebrows and deep eyes.

His hair was scattered, and each strand was clearly defined.

His temperament was as lazy as the afternoon sun.

The first thought that came to Jill's mind was that this man was a Greek statue that had come to life.

But Leon's clothes were very casual. He wore a rock-gray knitted wool sweater on the upper body, khaki work shorts on the lower body, and half of his legs were exposed, wearing a pair of brown high heels.

Now he didn't look like a serious and muscular statue. Instead, he looked like a student who yawned and went out to buy breakfast in the early morning of summer vacation.

If everything ended here.

Jill would still think that this handsome man in front of him was an elite warrior who was a little out of tune.

But after the mecha was opened.

The man named Leon actually flew up directly!!

Jill and Carlos opened their mouths in horror, cursing a generous thank you, with expressions as if they had seen God.

They watched Leon fly into the air, his lazy temperament became sharp, and his black pupils jumped with scarlet light.

The mecha closed up on its own, emitting flames and hovering nearby.

"I originally wanted to get along with you as an ordinary person!"

"But this tyrant has been resurrected again and again"

"Now that things have come to a point, I’m laying my cards on the table!"

"In fact, the armor is just my seal!"

Leon folded his arms and floated in the air. The loose shorts that reached his knees also showed his arrogant demeanor.

In front of him, the giant leech that had expanded to ten meters away suddenly exploded and shot out countless thick tentacles.

Those tentacles cut through buildings, covering the buildings as if they could reproduce infinitely and dyeing them with their colors.

In the center of the tentacles.

The original upper half of the tyrant's body was preserved.

But now it has become huge again, standing in the middle of the street like a small building.

Now it has no legs, only one The two claws were nearly ten meters long, and the head had become like a leech with sharp teeth.

The Tyrant officially entered the third stage.

Having been"killed" twice, all its hatred was on Leon.

As soon as it had grown its body, it stretched its neck forward and roared at Leon. A strong wind blew out of its mouth, sweeping across the street, and the cars were swaying and shaking.

The strong wind blew in his face, and Leon frowned.

He had no intention of breathing in the Tyrant's bad breath.

His figure suddenly moved sideways and appeared below the Tyrant.

""Shut up!"

Leon shouted in the air, his figure instantly broke through the sound barrier, and punched the tyrant's head from bottom to top.

This punch seemed to be a light blow.

But the tyrant's head, which had been reborn with great difficulty, could not even hold on for a single blow.

It instantly shattered into countless fragments like a balloon explosion.

Even its body was not spared.

——Leon wrapped the tyrant with a biological force field, making its entire body bear the force at the same time.

So with one punch

, the tyrant's body and the buildings fixed by the tyrant's tentacles all rose from the ground and shot into the sky.

Large pieces of black biological tissue, carrying a group of tall buildings and roads, broke through the speed of sound and flew in the air.

Leon did not stop, and continued to chase and punched again.


The earth-shattering force exploded in the air.

It was as if a meteorite fell from the sky.

All the buildings, the tyrant's body, and the zombies were shattered into countless debris in an instant.

Jill and Carlos on the ground felt as if they had lost a memory.

Because they just blinked, no, they didn't even blink.

As a result, all the buildings within a dozen meters around broke through the sound barrier and flew into the air!

Looking around again, there was only a bare, barren and shriveled ground left.

Large areas of asphalt and cement on the ground also disappeared, revealing the deep sewers underground.

At this moment, the two were at a loss.

They found that they seemed to no longer recognize this once familiar world.

Jill stared blankly at Leon who had become a tiny dot in the sky.

There was no thought in his mind at all, and all his brain capacity was used to feel shocked.


Without any sound, Leon, who was as far away as a tiny dot, suddenly appeared in front of the two the next moment.

"Sorry, seeing how strong and biologically beautiful the Tyrant's body is, I accidentally used too much force.

The big boy in baggy shorts laughed and waved to the two.

"Although it caused some damage to the city, it doesn't matter anyway since the residents here have already become zombies."

"Let's separate here. Goodbye, Jill, and Carlos, remember to collect the civilians!"

After saying that, Leon flew up again and waved to the armor beside him:"Let's go, Jarvis, we're going to the Raccoon City Hospital!"

"Master Leon, do you need me to put on your armor?"

"Why wear armor? I wore it before because I was worried about encountering kryptonite and the red sun, but there is nothing in this world that can hurt me, so I don't need to wear it."

"OK, Master."

"Let's go, take the bag Tony gave me and follow me!"As soon as

Leon finished speaking, he disappeared from the spot.

With his current strength, he can accelerate to hundreds of Mach in one second.

And as long as he wants, under the coverage of the bio-force field, the noise caused by high-speed movement can even be smaller than the sound of the wind blowing naturally in the city.

Before Jill and Carlos could wrap their heads around Leon's words, the figure had disappeared from their sight.

There was only the wind blowing from afar, blowing up a thin layer of yellow sand on the ground.

"Uh, he just left like that?" Carlos was stunned.

"Well, it seems so. Jill is not much better.

"He really is the savior, right? He must be."

"I don't know... maybe"

"Did he just say he was going to the Raccoon City Police Department?"

"Seems to be right……"

"So what should we do now? Should we go to the subway station?"Carlos rubbed his cheeks hard.

"Go!" Jill looked away.

She showed a serious expression.

"Just now Leon told us to rescue civilians. I have to follow him to the subway station and keep an eye on you Umbrella people!"

The scene just now was still replaying in her mind.

Although she didn't see any details of Leon's actions.

But the figure in overalls kept appearing in her mind.

In comparison, it seemed that other things seemed insignificant.

While the two were talking, the debris in the sky fell down, like a gray rain.

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