Leon floated in the air, looking at the tyrant who was only a skeleton on the ground.

He also felt that the other party should be completely dead this time.

"The vitality is indeed very strong. Haha, T virus, another direction of life evolution?……"

He turned and began to think about the help that the world consciousness asked him for.

The world of Resident Evil takes a completely different path from him in terms of supernatural powers. Kryptonians have all their powers in themselves, and all their powers come from their own cells and blood, and of course, the yellow sunlight. Resident

Evil uses biochemical power to amplify itself.

According to the plot of the game.

Basically, it can be divided into three categories: viruses, parasites, and fungi.

Each of the three categories has its own origin.

Among them, the most prosperous is virus technology.

Its origin is very interesting.

——In ancient times, a flower called Stairs of the Sun was born in Africa, which gave birth to a brilliant civilization there.

However, this civilization was lost in history.

In the 1960s,

Spencer, Marcus, and Edward, the founders of Umbrella, discovered this plant again in Africa.

They extracted a strain called"Progenitor Virus" from the Stairs of the Sun flower.

More than a decade later,

Marcus successfully combined the Progenitor Virus with leeches to develop the"T Virus".

During this period, Edward discovered that Spencer had the intention to harm him, so he secretly built a base in Antarctica, and used the genes of his ancestors to cultivate two offspring, where he developed"T-Veronica virus".

And William Birkin, Marcus's student and Spencer's spy, developed a variant of the T virus, the"G virus", in an underground laboratory in Raccoon City.

These three viruses are the main strains in the early stages of the Resident Evil game world.

What else is there?"T-Fear virus"、"T-Abyss Virus"、"C virus"……It has not been developed yet.

In addition to viruses, the rest are parasites and fungi.

There are fewer branches in these two evolutionary paths.

In terms of parasites, the main one is a parasite called Plaka.

It appeared underground in the Langya Valley Mountains in Spain hundreds of years ago and is an ancient parasite.

Unlike viruses, it can strengthen the host while allowing the host to retain some of its sanity.

So later many forces used Plaka parasites to control biological weapons.

As for fungi, it is a kind of mold with a black appearance that originated from the underground of a village in Eastern Europe.

It is also named"E mold".

The earliest appearance of E mold was also hundreds of years ago.

This mold can store the genes, consciousness and memory of many organisms.

Even after many molds gathered together, a baby-shaped mold called"Mushroom Master" was born.

This big mold can link all the memories and consciousness stored in the mycelium, like a network repeater.

And humans infected by mold will not only greatly improve their physical fitness, but also retain a relatively complete rationality.

However, their consciousness is connected to the mushroom master, and they will be restricted and dominated by higher-level infected people.

Ethan, the protagonist of the seventh and eighth generations of the game, and his daughter Rose are the perfect fusion of E mold.

However, Rose was born more than 20 years later, which is too far from the present time.

Leon sorted out the general situation of the biochemical crisis world in his mind.

He had some ideas about how to ask for help from the world.

【Gift, salvation, doomsday, evolution, creatures, more、#%@*&……】

【The gift refers to the invisible enhancement he has obtained.

【"Salvation, Doomsday" should be the literal meaning.

The world of Resident Evil has experienced several world-destroying crises, but they were all successfully overcome in the original work.

The biggest crisis was probably the"Chaos" that carried the C virus and could infect the entire world in the sixth generation of the game.

The creature called Chaos is very ordinary in strength.

But the virus it carries can infect the entire ocean in a short period of time, and then infect the whole world.

Of course, that has nothing to do with Leon. After all, it is very simple for him to solve these crises now. Just kill the people who are causing trouble in advance.

But Leon is a little confused about this.

If the so-called doomsday refers to various biochemical crises.

Then it should not be the world consciousness that asks him for help.

After all, even if all humans and other creatures die, the earth can still continue to revolve around the sun safely and steadily.

However, it seems that we cannot immediately make a final conclusion on this.

What if the world of Biohazard is the same as some Marvel worlds.

There are rules similar to the"Spider Web Incident"

——That is, once some important people die or not die, the world will have a chain reaction and be destroyed.

Then he can understand the motivation of the world consciousness to ask for help.

After all, according to this theory, if humans perish, the world will also be destroyed.

However, Leon felt that the real reason should not be so weird.

He temporarily suppressed his doubts and continued to analyze.

The remaining entries

【Evolution, biology] It's not hard to understand.

Probably to let him help promote global biological evolution.

This fits the theme of Resident Evil.

He sighed when he played the game before.

He said that all kinds of weird things can be brewed in Resident Evil.

Viruses and molds.

It's simply not a way for people to survive.

But now the game has become real, and the world may have instinctive consciousness.

Everything has another explanation.

——In order to promote biological evolution, the world has taken the initiative to breed these dangerous but highly potential species.

Various viruses, fungi, and parasites can merge and mutate with each other, which is very consistent with the goal of evolution.

Perhaps the two words [evolution, biology] are what the world mainly wants him to help with.

As for the last [more], Leon couldn't quite understand it.

He closed his eyes and tried to feel the emotions shared by the world consciousness.


He found that the information about the [more] part was full of encouragement, expectation, and impatience.

He thought about it.

He felt that this was probably the world consciousness telling him that after he completed his request for help, he would give him more feedback.

"Well, even the world consciousness knows how to make big promises these days." Leon tapped the metal visor with his fingers.

"But since there is still follow-up feedback, I have to be more serious.

Although he still doesn't know what the gift he got before is,

Super Brain has a vague intuition that the gift will be of great use to him.

"First, as the first step to saving the world, let's solve the Raccoon City crisis to practice."

He stopped the armor's propulsion system and landed on the ground.

"In the original novel, there is a serum for the T virus in the hospital. I can use that serum to try to reverse engineer a more widely used antidote."

"There is also Umbrella's underground laboratory. The G virus there cannot be left alone. It is needed to promote biological evolution."

While Leon was thinking, his armor was gently knocked.

"Hello?" Jill walked to his left, staring intently at the Ark reactor on the chest of the armor.

"It's amazing that such a compact armor can hide so many weapons."

"I haven't introduced myself yet. I'm Jill Valentine, a member of Stars. May I ask who you are? Are you a secret operator from the military?"

Carlos also came over:"Wow! Man! You were so handsome just now. You killed the big black guy in seconds after he turned into a dog!"

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