However, before the mecha warrior could answer, a roar came from the other side of the street

"Hey! Bastard! Look over here!"

Jill turned her head and saw a rocket flying towards the tyrant.

Someone actually had a weapon of mass destruction!

She felt safe.

The rocket hit the unguarded black man and exploded instantly on him.

The tyrant's body was stiff in the firelight, and he looked seriously injured.

However, a second rocket was immediately fired from the other end of the street, causing secondary damage to the tyrant.

Most of the block was illuminated by the flames of the explosion.

Even the tyrant, who was two meters six tall and invulnerable to swords and guns, bent his knees crookedly and knelt on the ground under two consecutive rockets.

"Are you all right?"The man who launched the rocket dropped the launcher and ran towards the two.

He was wearing the green uniform of the Umbrella UBCS troops, and his fluffy black curly hair swayed with his movements.

He looked very sharp, with the tough temperament of a professional soldier.

"I finally caught up with you. My name is Carlos and I’m here to save you!"

He ran to the two of them and said,"That monster should be dead."

"Come with me, I'll take you to the subway station, where our Umbrella emergency forces have built a shelter to send the survivors out of the city."

"Umbrella!?" Jill, who had just breathed a sigh of relief, suddenly became excited when he heard this.

"Are you kidding me? You are the one who made Raccoon City what it is now! Will you protect civilians?"She was indignant.

The cause of the outbreak of the biochemical crisis in Raccoon City was the leak of a virus from Umbrella's underground research institute.

It was a strain called the T virus.

After infection, it will increase the strength of the patient's bones and muscles.

But it will also make the patient's skull brittle, the body eroded, and produce a crazy desire to eat flesh and blood and spread the virus.

After the virus leaked,

Umbrella simply gave up the city and even used it as a testing ground.

The reason why the city fell was not only Umbrella's instigation, but also the official connivance.

Originally, after the Eagle officials discovered the abnormality, they planned to send troops to support.

But there was a guy named Simmons in the military committee, who proposed to wait and see, and take the research results of the virus into public ownership.

So the military forces finally surrounded but did not attack.

They only restricted the entry and exit of people in Raccoon City, but did not send people into the city to clean up the zombies.

Carlos was not aware of these things.

Faced with Jill's questioning, he was completely confused.

"What are you talking about?"Carlo felt that Jill was making a fuss.

He stepped back a few steps:"Well, you don't have to believe me, but now the only way to leave the city is to take the subway. It's up to you whether you want to keep up... Uh, and this guy, what's this on you?"

Carlos only noticed at this time that the second person next to him was wearing a handsome steel armor.

He looked like an unlucky mecha warrior actor who had just finished filming a science fiction movie and encountered a disaster as soon as he left the set.

Jill also turned his head and looked over:"Yes, mecha warrior, I also want to ask, you……"

Before she could finish her question, she was interrupted again.

Thump! Thump!

The dull sound of a hammer hitting the ground rang out in the distance without warning.

"Don't worry about me, I'm not on the same path as you guys." The mech warrior took a step forward.

The two looked in the direction he was going.

The tyrant who had been lying on the ground in the distance had regained his mobility at some point.

The flames on his body had long gone out, and he was now slowly getting up with his hands on the ground.

The dull knocking sound was the sound of the other party supporting himself with his hands on the ground.

"Hey, this must be fake. How can he still move after being hit by two rockets? What kind of monster is this?" Carlos muttered to himself.

"Have you never seen anything like this?" Jill asked

"I only know that it is looking for something, with a very clear purpose, and will not give up until it achieves its goal."

Carlos said,"You two, we should go, this guy is completely invincible!"

The mecha warrior suddenly laughed and said,"According to what you said, is it a very loyal man?"

""Ah? Loyalty?" The two were stunned by the sudden joke.

The mecha warrior ignored them and took off the travel bag on his back and threw it aside.

Then, he actually flew up!

"Thank you for the generous gift!" Jill and the other man were stunned.

This iron lump actually spewed flames from its back and feet and flew up?

I thought the mecha warrior was just dressed in a sci-fi style.

Who would have thought that he really had sci-fi ability!

Jill thought of his previous flash and was even more shocked.

The two of them were so shocked that they kept swallowing their saliva, but they did not forget to run to the bunker and stick their heads out to observe the battle between the mecha and the biological weapons.

"Fuck, I feel like I've traveled to a movie!" Jill's eyes widened.

The mecha warrior flew in the air and stretched out his hands to the tyrant.

As the sound of energy gathering full of technology rang out, he actually ejected energy lasers from his palms!

Two lasers fell on the tyrant like thunder.

Just a glance, it easily penetrated his chest.

The tyrant's slow pace suddenly stopped, and soon flames burned on his body again, and his huge body collapsed with a bang.

"Is that... solved? It should be impossible to stand up again."Jill was indescribably shocked.

However, just as she finished speaking, the Tyrant with two holes in its chest, its tall body suddenly began to crumble inch by inch.

Its jet-black bulletproof"coat" could remain intact even under rockets.

But in just a few breaths, the"coat" was shattered to pieces.

Its body tore and swelled at the same time, like a soap bubble that could self-replicate.

In a few seconds, the two-meter-six-meter-tall Tyrant grew three times larger.

It became like a canine, its hands and feet turned into claws, and its limbs and back protruded with bone spurs like fish fins.

It crawled on the ground, panting heavily.

The rumbling panting sounded like an old train steam engine burning coal.

"The Tyrant is really ugly in this form."The virus and parasites in the body are completely out of control, and it has reached the brink of destruction." The Tracker

Tyrant can maintain its sanity thanks to a strange parasite in its body.

Its current appearance is the result of the parasite going out of control and its limbs regenerating and multiplying crazily.

Although its strength has greatly increased, its sanity has also disappeared.

"Stop changing your form and end it soon."

"If you are the only one transforming, it will make me look stupid."

The mecha warrior put down his hands, but the next second, small missile heads popped out from his shoulders, arms, waist and other places.


All missiles fired!"

Dozens of flames ignited, and small missiles drew arcs and approached the second form of the tyrant.

The tyrant sensed danger, and kicked off the ground with its powerful legs, leaping onto the wall like a praying mantis and firmly fixed itself on it.

It tried to use its high mobility to avoid danger.

But the missiles fired from the mecha warrior had their own tracking effect.

One after another, the small missiles turned in the air and chased after the tyrant.

It was the first time that Jill saw the tyrant running away with his head in his hands, and even then he couldn't escape successfully.

Boom! First the first missile hit the tyrant.

Then came all the remaining small missiles.

Explosions followed one after another.

Although the momentum was not louder than when a rocket exploded.

But each small missile seemed to hit the tyrant's vital points, causing great damage to its body, and it staggered and roared.

When the last small missile exploded.

The tyrant's body was left with only charred bones, leaning against the wall lifelessly, without any movement.

"This time he should be really dead."

Jill looked at the dead tyrant, and then at the mecha warrior in the air, with amazement in her eyes.

This is simply a mobile arsenal! It's so cool!

When Jill was training in the army, her blasting ability was the best.

At this moment, she just thought that the mecha warrior in the air was too handsome, it was simply shining.

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