"Ah, I remember now!" Tony pretended to be enlightened,"So, you can travel through other worlds?"

"Yes, that's right."Leon ignored Lao Deng's pretense. This guy just forgot

"My God, you are such a little genius, now the theory of parallel worlds, or the theory of different worlds, has been proved by you!"

Tony was startled, then his expression became sincere and earnest:"When you travel through the world, you must take me to experience it once!"

"And! If you want to find kryptonite, you have to take me with you!"

Tony knew that he couldn't persuade Leon anymore, so he chose to join in:"At least when you are turned into an ordinary person by kryptonite, I can take the opportunity to kick you a few times."

Leon was used to this kind of awkward concern, and after thinking about it, he didn't refuse directly:"Let's talk about it then!"

"Okay, let’s stop talking about the pursuit of power for now!"

Seeing that Tony still wanted to say something, he changed the subject:"Let’s go back to the house first, and we have to talk about what I said before, those things I have wanted to do for a long time!"


Half an hour later,

Leon and Tony sat around the workbench in the laboratory.

Tony, wearing a bathrobe, listened to what Leon said with a more and more serious look on his face.

"I came back this time, and I only want to do three things."

Leon raised his finger, as if to ask Tony to help him kill three people.

"First thing, deal with Obadiah."

"This goal has been achieved. I have always emphasized to you that he has problems, and this time it has been proven."

"The second thing is to deal with the Ten Commandments Gang! They kidnapped you, so I will help you kill them! I will start the action tomorrow."

"The third thing is to investigate the truth of our parents' death!"

The first part was fine, but when it came to the third thing, Tony couldn't sit still:"The truth? What truth? Didn't they die in a car accident?"

Leon couldn't just say that he knew the murderer was Bucky the Winter Soldier.

There was no basis for this, and he couldn't produce any evidence.

Besides, his target was not just Bucky.

Only the entire Hydra would be worthy of him showing his strength.

"I have always been doubting it."Leon put his hands together and supported his chin, very deep.

"I wondered if it was really a car accident, why I, who was the most vulnerable, didn't die, but they did."

"Leon, that's because the car caught fire and they couldn't get out. You were thrown out, and your neck was wrapped twice with a baby wrap." Tony's thoughts were unexpectedly clear at this time.

But he actually had an impulse in his heart, and he wanted to believe everything Leon said immediately.

Maybe he had been waiting for someone to tell him,"Your parents' death was not an accident" for a long time.

Eighteen years ago, when the couple died, he was out of town and was having a quarrel with Howard.

When he received the news of the death, he was still thinking that he would go back to Los Angeles after a while, because the old man's face at home was really annoying.

Until someone handed him the envelope with the death notice.

He realized that some things were gone forever.

How he wanted to vent, he had endless anger in his heart towards himself, and even towards the death notice.

Over the years, Tony has accepted the fact that his parents died, and has developed a habit of never accepting anything from others.

But in his heart, perhaps he has always been longing for someone to tell him

——The death of his parents was not an accident.

This way, he might be able to seek revenge on the murderer.

The anger hidden under the playboy's appearance towards his past self could also be vented.

But the more this happened, the more Tony realized that he had to investigate everything thoroughly and not to affect innocent people.

In the caves in Afghanistan, he learned not only the armor, but also the respect for life.

"On the surface, it looks like this, but there is another possibility!"

Leon stared into Tony's eyes:"The baby was going to die anyway. The cloth wrapped around his neck had already taken his life, but the murderer who faked the accident scene and left didn't know that the baby had Kryptonian blood in his body!"

Leon couldn't figure out why he could survive the accident before.

The controlled Winter Soldier couldn't have the idea of respecting the elderly and loving the young, unless he made a mistake. But how could a killing machine like that make a mistake? It wasn't until he awakened his Kryptonian blood that Leon realized that it wasn't the Winter Soldier's mistake that saved his life, but the blood hidden in his body.

Although he didn't awaken, it also gave him a stronger vitality, thus surviving the disaster.

Leon's words pierced Tony's mind like lightning.

"You, you mean……"His head was rumbling.

Leon didn't care about Tony's loss of composure and continued,"When I was a kid, I also thought this conjecture was unreasonable."

"Obviously, all parties have agreed that it was an accident, so why am I still speculating?"

"But after awakening my ability, I knew that guess might be correct, and it was the truth that I subconsciously believed!"

"Although the memories of the accident were not retained by my immature brain at the time, they left marks in my subconscious."

"During these few days since I came back, I haven't given up investigating this matter... I have found out the truth, Tony!"

"Are you telling the truth!?"Tony stood up quickly, his pupils gradually dilated, and began to reveal surprise and anger.

Leon's tone did not change:"My super hearing found them! The murderer is one of theirs!"

"Who are they!?"Tony already believed it, his tone was as cold as a knife.

"Hydra!" Leon finally gave the answer

"Impossible! Hydra has already died out, that is the last chapter in history!"Tony subconsciously questioned.

He completely believed what Leon said, but still found it unbelievable.

"They are dead, but only temporarily. If you cut off a head of Hydra, two will grow back. They have been 'resurrected'!"

Leon directly revealed:"I have checked a lot of confidential files of confidential departments in the past few days."

"Discover the behind-the-scenes of the world's major international official organizations"

"There is a secret organization unknown to the world that takes orders from the International Security Council."

"They are called the Strategic Homeland Defense Attack and Logistics Agency, which I will call SHIELD for short, and their headquarters is located in New York"

"The predecessor of this organization was the Strategic Science Corps established by our father and others."

"In the Paperclip Project after the end of World War II, they recruited some talents left in Germany after the demise of Hydra."

"And these talents have never lost their loyalty to Hydra!"

Tony could already guess what happened next:"So these people later lay on S.H.I.E.L.D. and resurrected Hydra?"

Leon nodded:"Yes, that's the fact. Hydra wants to assassinate our dad because they want to infiltrate S.H.I.E.L.D., and dad is one of the leaders of S.H.I.E.L.D., so they are in the way!"

Tony sat down slowly again, pursing his lips:"How many Hydra people are there in that S.H.I.E.L.D. now? Does the director know about it?"

The next second, Leon's words made him stand up again:

"There are over 10,000 people in SHIELD, most of them are Hydra. The former director was also a Hydra, but the current director is not, but he is more Hydra than Hydra."

"What?"Tony exclaimed,"So this organization is basically affiliated with Hydra?"

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