After Tony asked, he was worried that Leon would be disgusted, so he even took the initiative to make a joke.

"For example, if you really become Superman and save the world, you can drag all the nuclear bombs into outer space and destroy them.?"

"Or find a few more girlfriends and pass on your powerful superman genes.?"

"Come on, tell me, you don't look confused at all, you must have your own ideas, come and satisfy my curiosity!"

Tony coaxed

"Anyway, if I had this ability, I would date ten cover girls in one night, and then fly out of the earth to the solar system to see if there are any aliens or something, and it would be best if I could meet a few more alien beauties!"

Leon laughed dumbly, this is indeed what Tony would do

"There are probably no beauties on alien planets, only alien facehuggers waiting for you."

He also joked along.

"I am different from you. I don't have that many ideas. I will just live the same way as before."

"I used to be the second young master of Stark Group. I met smiling faces everywhere I went, and the whole world showed me kindness."

"I have become stronger now, but these things will not change. I have no reason to do bad things, don’t you think?"

"Yes, that's very well said, kid." Tony nodded, his eyes full of satisfaction that"my kid has grown up."

Leon took a deep breath:"Tony, if you look at me like this again, I will definitely spank your butt with the slippers that Pepper just bought!"

"I'm just your brother, don't always think of me as your son, OK?"

Tony was not happy about it:"Leon, you are always so sensitive, come on, maybe we can clink glasses to make you feel like an adult."

"What you said, I am not an adult, how can I be you?"Leon clinked glasses with Tony, but did not fall into the trap in Tony's words.

He continued:"I haven't finished what I said just now"

"While I don’t plan on changing my daily routine, I will also start treading a different path!"

"What road?" Tony stood up straight in the water.

"Chasing the path to becoming stronger."Leon drank the red wine in the glass.

"That's it? But you are already strong enough!"

Tony was shocked.

"There is no kryptonite in this world, and there is no one you can't beat, so why do you want to become stronger?"

Leon smiled and said,"There is no kryptonite now, but there will be one in the future."

Tony did not comment:"Then how do you plan to become stronger? Continue to bask in the sun?"

Leon shook his head

"Of course I have to bask in the sun, but there is a limit to how high I can reach just by basking in the sun!"

"So I plan to improve my strength from many aspects!"

"Learn some magic, some qigong, and some scientific knowledge"

"Then when I have enough knowledge, maybe I can improve the upper limit of my body by studying genes!"

The bright moon was reflected in the water, and Leon gently clenched his fist in the water.

"Gene research? Super soldier serum like Captain America's?" Tony had a bad feeling,"That thing shouldn't be of any use to you, right?"

"It’s really useless, but what I want to study is my own genes!"

Leon looked at Tony:"It’s the genes of Kryptonians!"

Tony was stunned for a long time, his face changed:"Are you sure you want to do this?"

"In the comics, those who study Kryptonian genes all end up creating Doomsday!"

It can be seen that Tony has indeed read a lot of DC comics recently, and he knows Doomsday.

"That is a biological weapon of the Kryptonians, it only knows how to kill and will only bring destruction to the world. Even Krypton itself cannot control that power!"

Tony's face was serious:"This is not an easy road, nor a broad road!"

"If the genes of Kryptonians were so easy to study, with so many super brains, every Kryptonian would have become a god long ago!"

"Leon, maybe you should think about it again. You don't need to study genes. There are many ways to become stronger. I can find them with you!"

Leon shook his head:"I will try other ways, but I will not give up starting from genes and improving my strength fundamentally."

Tony washed his face in the water with a headache.

He now seemed to be a parent facing his rebellious teenagers. His mind was full of persuasion, but he didn't know where to start.

"So, Leon, have you ever thought about what would happen if something unexpected happened during the research and you became Doomsday?"

Tony guided him and said,"As I said just now, no one on earth can stop you, you can do whatever you want."

"And if you become Doomsday, what will happen to the earth?"

"Is there no other ending except destruction?"

"You're going a bit extreme, Leon.!"

"this……"Leon stared at Tony in a daze, lost in thought.

In the original movie, Tony is actually a rather radical person.

He will never back down when it is time to forge ahead, and he will stick to his decision when faced with a major choice.

Just like the birth of Ultron and the Civil War of the Avengers.

Part of the reason these events happened was that Tony's character was too radical, and he would never look back once he made up his mind.

And now, even such a radical person like Tony actually told him that he was a little extreme!

This forced Leon to start reflecting on whether he was indeed reckless for the sake of power.

"Okay, I admit that studying Kryptonian genes directly is a bit extreme."

After a long while, Leon nodded slowly, letting Tony breathe a sigh of relief.

But the next second Leon changed the subject:"However, after I get some kryptonite, I will still start this research!"

Tony's eyes widened:"Wait, kryptonite? There is kryptonite in our world? Are you kidding?"

"Of course we don't have it in our world." Leon gave Tony a strange look,"I'm talking about going to the DC world to get some kryptonite."

Tony was confused now:"To DC... No, no, are we going to start talking about what we dream about at night now?"

"……I'm serious." Leon shook his empty glass.

"I have a feeling that my time-travel ability should allow me to travel to the DC world."

"So when I get kryptonite, I'll put it in your hands. If I really become Doomsday, you can take care of me."

Tony ignored the second half of Leon's words.

He was confused:"Let's not talk about kryptonite first. Time travel? Do you have this ability? Does the DC universe really exist? Although theoretically it is indeed possible……"

Leon was very upset:"I remember telling you on my birthday that I had awakened my Kryptonian bloodline and the ability to travel through time and space, but you didn't believe any of it?"

In fact, Tony never believed that Leon had awakened his Kryptonian bloodline. He just thought that he had a genetic mutation and became stronger by basking in the sun.

It was only when Leon came back from the universe this time and showed more and more abilities similar to Superman that

Tony believed it.

However, another ability of time travel that Leon mentioned at the beginning was long forgotten by Tony.

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