"That's not the case."

Leon pointed to his ears."Based on the intelligence I've heard in the past few days, the people in charge of SHIELD are fine for now, and the people in Hydra are just the backbone and elites."

"Just the backbone and elites?" Tony was speechless,"How different is this from the whole group? The organization founded by my father was handed over to the enemy by those idiots!"

He paced back and forth beside the workbench:"No, Leon, it is our responsibility to solve the problems left by the old man. We must destroy this organization!"

"I agree!" Leon had no objection,"Anyway, I can't stand the fact that this organization has no strength but always fantasizes about being the savior."

"And this is also in line with my revenge plan."

Leon waved his hand at the holographic projector, projecting a picture of Nick Fury.

"Nick Fury, the current director of S.H.I.E.L.D., has a strong desire for control and wants to take control of the entire world's security issues."

"He does sound like Hydra, wait, why isn't he Hydra?" Tony asked

"I don't know, maybe his former director was worried that he would threaten his position after joining the organization."

Leon waved his hand again, and a file package popped up on the screen.

"This is the list of Hydra members inside SHIELD that I have sorted out and packed. I have put all the evidence and identities in it."

"Tony, you find a way to send this file to Nick Fury and make them mess up first."

"Remember not to let Jarvis do it alone, or they will trace it back."

"Then when they are done with the chaos, we will release these documents and expose Hydra completely."

"By then, the whole world will spontaneously stand against Hydra."

"We can take this opportunity to find out the truth behind our parents' death, whether it's evidence or the murderer, we need everything!"

Leon showed an unfriendly smile:"And in the process, I will show my strength to the world."

"How to show it?"Tony was stunned.

"Force them to use weapons of mass destruction, intercontinental missiles, hydrogen bombs... anything will do!"

"Then I went up to resist a missile with my body, and then destroyed one of their military bases with one punch."

Leon poured himself a glass of water:"This not only shows the defensive power, but also the offensive power, and also shows my attitude of showing no mercy when I take action!"

"I guess, after that, even if I go in and out of the house in a Superman uniform, no one will dare to mess with me."

Tony imagined the scene of Leon being bombed by missiles and opened his mouth:"This...isn't it too risky?"

"Don't worry, I'm not in a hurry to die. I will act only when I'm sure. Besides, can't I hide if I can't withstand the missiles?"

Leon said, taking out a box from behind him.

"I want to become stronger, but I am not ready to die...Tony, take a look, this is the uniform I made, how is it?"

He opened the box and took out a Superman uniform with gold, blue and red interweaving.

This uniform does not have the traditional underwear outerwear link, the whole body is dark blue, with a golden inverted pentagon with an S logo on the chest, and a red cape fixed on the shoulder.

"Superman's suit is made of Kevlar fiber, bulletproof, soft, and most importantly, handsome."

Tony couldn't help but comment even though he felt heavy in his heart,"It looks good. I'm glad you didn't wear your underwear outside. And this S, I remember it means hope, right?"


No , it now means Stark, the initials of Stark."S":"Starting tomorrow I will wear this uniform and go to Afghanistan to destroy the Ten Rings. From now on I will be Superman."

"You seem to have forgotten me, I will go with you!" Tony pulled Leon seriously,"This is my own trouble, I have to solve it myself"

"But you still have to execute our plan."Leon pointed at the projection,"I think you should be very impatient to find out the truth."

Tony shook his head:"But that doesn't affect me from going 10,000 kilometers away to deal with some hateful thugs while investigating the truth."

Tony has been paying attention to the Ten Rings Gang these days. Those guys have great influence from Afghanistan to the Middle East.

Within their sphere of influence, ordinary people face the suffering of being oppressed and plundered every day.

Even if Leon didn't say it today, Tony would soon choose to disintegrate this gang.

"Well, but we must be cautious about SHIELD and try not to be traced back to us in the early stages, as that would mean a lot of trouble."

"I'll listen to you." Tony looked at Nick Fury's face on the projection and asked,"But I'm curious, you should be able to find the base of Hydra, why don't you just do it?"

Leon shook his head:"The top leaders of Hydra have prominent identities in countries around the world, and those bases belong to them. If I do it directly, I might be manipulated by the public opinion, and be labeled as a dictator, a war provoker, etc."

"Although I am not afraid, after all, even if I face that kind of situation, at most I will just have to do it a few more times."

"But if you can use your brain to avoid trouble in advance, why wait until the trouble comes and then have to solve it?"

Tony nodded in approval:"I know you are a man who doesn't like to be passive, just like me."

Leon ignored his nonsense:"The reason why I want to show my strength to the world is also for this reason"

"After all, I can't stop using my superpowers forever. My identity will be discovered one day."

"And when my identity is exposed, the first thing all forces will do is to test me!"

"However, others have begun to test the waters and show their intention to invade. Can I still endure it?"

"But if I go directly to their door, they will not give up, whether it is to maintain their power or to avenge their own people."

"In the end, I might have to destroy most of the world's armed forces before I can return to a peaceful daily life."

"In this case, I might as well make a plan, pull out a world enemy, and directly show all the power in front of the global forces that is enough to scare them!"

Tony couldn't help but applaud:"Good idea, you made the right choice, Leon"

"Thank you for the compliment, I just don't like being disturbed in my normal life."

Leon put away his uniform:"That's all I have to do, but I've told you everything, now you can finally rest assured, Tony."

Tony smiled:"I'm not worried either... By the way, let me ask you a question, why do you want to dress up as Superman and dress like a...pajama baby? Forgive me for being blunt, do you want to be a superhero?"

"No, I just like Superman, but I won't be a righteous hero like him."

Leon left with the box in his arms:"Maybe I will be a hero who helps others when he sees injustice, but do good things and save the world? Forget it."

Tony shook his head behind him:"That's a pity, I have even thought of the name of our hero team, Super Iron Brothers, what do you think?"

"I think it's childish!" Leon's voice disappeared in the corridor,"It sounds like two kindergarten babies!"

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