"The next ability... well, that's it. It's already been tested, Tony." Leon spread his hands.

"Finished the test?"Tony seemed to have heard some good news, and he suddenly became energetic and straightened his back again.

He enlarged the chart on the computer:"I thought you could give me a whole page of ability catalog."

"A whole page? No matter how you put it, it can't be that exaggerated." Leon flew towards Tony.

"Why not?"Tony said in an exaggerated tone,"I remember you said that you have all the abilities of Superman."

"I thought you were going to show the ability to reverse time like in Superman 1, or to heal wounds with heat rays."

Leon landed in front of Tony:"Don't be ridiculous, how could I have such an ability?"

"You said that you have all the abilities that Superman has."Tony emphasized,"I still remember the confident expression on your face when you said this in the garage!"

Leon was speechless. This time he was hit by his own boomerang.

Who made this world without the Man of Steel Superman played by Henry Cavill?

Other Superman in movies and TV shows are much more powerful than Henry Cavill.

So the one he was comparing himself with in his mind at that time was actually Henry Cavill.

Leon sighed,"Okay, I take it back. In fact, I just have the abilities of a Kryptonian."

"The reason why Superman is so strong is because he is the protagonist in the comics"

"His fellow Kryptonians are not as powerful as him."

"And so do I."Leon walked to the computer and checked the records.

"Don't look at my rapid increase in strength now"

"I guess, in fact, this level is not far from my limit."

Tony thought this was a very interesting topic:"Really? In fact, this is reasonable. A species of life that can reproduce should not have the ability to evolve infinitely."

He touched his chin with his hand:"Perhaps we can do a simple experiment and build a model to estimate your future growth curve?"

"This is what I want to do," Leon agreed happily,"but I'll need your help with the subsequent tests."

"No problem for me." Tony took it all.

Leon smiled and patted Tony on the shoulder:"Thanks, Tony"

"But now, it seems that we have to go back home. There is still a basement waiting for us to repair."

"Damn it, you shouldn't have mentioned that basement. I'm already imagining how angry Pepper is." Tony looked up at the sky, where countless raindrops were falling.

"How about this, Pepper is yours, and the basement is mine"

"I don't like this deal very much, but it's a deal!"

At night,

Leon used his icy breath to solidify the last part of the rebuilt wall.

He wiped the cement on his palm onto his jeans.

""Huh... It's over!"

He leaned against the wall and looked around, very satisfied with his achievements tonight.

The damaged basement with holes all over it now looks brand new, and even the paint has been repainted.

It can only be said that the productivity of superpowers is high!

After confirming that there was no problem, Leon went upstairs.

He walked into the yard, took off his jeans casually, and dived into the swimming pool.

After swimming dozens of times, he emerged from the water, threw his hair behind his head, leaned against the edge of the swimming pool and looked up at the stars. The swimming pool was misty on a summer night, and the sound of waves hitting the shore was refreshing.

Strings of water droplets on Leon's body gathered into streams and flowed down his chest, making every inch of his muscle lines look particularly clear.

"Are you exhausted? Congratulations, you have been promoted to the Stark family's decoration boy. From now on, the family doesn't have to worry about decoration problems anymore."

Tony's voice suddenly appeared behind him.

Leon said without turning his head:"It's just this time. Next time if you break something at home, Tony, you have to fix it yourself."

Tony handed over a glass of red wine:"Then it's your turn to face Pepper next time. She just left and kept nagging me, saying that I only cause trouble at home and urged me to go back to work in the company."

"She is right, you should go to work, Tony."

Leon couldn't help laughing:"Which company's president would stay at home like you and not show up at the company? Such a company will sooner or later lose money and go bankrupt."

Tony shook the red wine:"Maybe there is such a president next to me?"

"Screw you, I will find a successor soon, unlike you."Leon also took a sip of wine.

The conversation between the two ended here.

The swimming pool became quiet, with only the sound of the night wind and the water flowing.

After a while, Tony also jumped into the water with a splash.

After swimming a few laps, he stopped beside Leon with a slight breath and looked at the starry sky like him.

"Lyon……"Tony suddenly spoke, and then there was no further news for a long time.

"What? Just say what you want to say, why are you being so shy?"Leon saw through Tony's thoughts.

Tony shrugged:"I just think that maybe we two brothers should have a good talk."

"Why do you suddenly want to talk? What is this, Tony's sudden concern? Did I scare you today?"

Tony nodded:"You did scare me, but you didn't scare me."

"I just really didn't think that your power would become as outrageous as it was today."

He paused, and said while drinking red wine:"That has exceeded the limits of worldly understanding!"

"The power of one punch is equivalent to 3.6 million tons of TNT. No one in this world can stop you from doing anything!"

"Including me." Tony was amazed.

He looked at Leon's sculptured and perfect body:"You are too strong! If someone else participated in today's test, they might even be too scared to sleep tonight!"

"So can you?" Lyon asked directly

"Of course not! I'm your dearest brother!"

"Even if you peed on me when you were two years old, I would still take you to the dance to see the beautiful girls!"

"How could I be worried and afraid just because you've become stronger? I'll only be happy for you!"

Tony was very sincere.

Leon knew that Tony never lied, because no one had the right to make him lie.

Besides, Tony's tone was so gentle at this moment, like flowing water, that people naturally chose to believe it.

"I know that you, Leon, have never been someone who likes to do whatever you want by relying on power, authority, money, etc."

"After all, in these eighteen years...almost nineteen years, you have never used the money and the admiration of others to do anything bad."

"Just like me!"Tony did not forget to bring his own

"So I want to ask you if you have any plans for the future?"

At this moment, Tony really looked like an old father who was taking great pains to teach and guide his son who was about to enter the society.

From his words, it can be heard that he was afraid that Leon, who suddenly gained power, would lose his balance like a nouveau riche.

Even though Leon felt that this concern was a bit of a belittlement of him.

But he had to admit that Tony's concern after putting aside his arrogance was indeed touching.

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