"Right now, I can't find any testing equipment that can fully withstand your full-strength punch!"

"We have to change our approach and use multi-dimensional data to estimate the approximate value!"Tony always has a flexible solution.

"What do you want me to do?" Leon asked

"Exerting force in the air shouldn't affect your condition, right?"

"It doesn't matter, I have a bio-force field!"

Tony adjusted all the equipment and said on the radio

"Then you fly up and push that tester down like Superman pushes an asteroid!"

"This doesn't test your punching strength, but it does test your pushing strength."

"We will test your punching speed later, and then we can let Jarvis combine the data to roughly calculate your punching power."

"Good!" Leon soared into the air, turned upside down in the air, and placed his hands on the iron pier.

"I'm going to start exerting my strength!"

"Remember to use your best efforts!"

"Of course!"

Leon's eyes condensed, his muscles bulged, and he pushed down with all his strength.

Tony responded quickly.

Almost instantly, the number on the screen jumped to nine digits, which scared him.

And the data was still rising rapidly, until Leon in the distance roared, then it stopped growing and began to fluctuate up and down.

"It's OK!" Tony's voice was trembling.

"call……"Leon exhaled from his chest,"What is my thrust?"

Tony swallowed his saliva:"370 million kilograms, which is 370,000 tons. Jarvis predicts that your single-arm strength should be between 140,000 and 190,000 tons."

"So high?"Leon couldn't help but be surprised.

This number is really not low.

The steel man Superman who just appeared in the DC movie was set to have a strength of only 800,000 tons.

Although that was his first appearance and he had not yet fully developed, he had been exposed to the sun for more than 20 years.

He only exposed himself to the sun for more than half a year.

Besides, such strength is basically enough for him to be invincible on Earth.


"It's still not enough," Leon clenched his fist,"The earth is just a small pond, there are many giants outside the pond, I still have a long way to go, and I have to continue to find ways to become stronger!"

Tony heard Leon's mumbling on the other side and rolled his eyes.

He was even too in the mood to refute this wave of Versailles, and directly operated the computer to start the next test

"Next is the punching speed test. Punch at the highest speed you think you can withstand when attacking!"

Leon thought for a while:"I usually use the biological force field to protect the surrounding environment when I punch, so I will use the fastest punching speed that the biological force field can withstand at full strength."

He stood on the iron pier and made a charging action again.

Shrink the waist, twist the hips, and punch!

A standard straight punch.

The fighting skills learned a few days ago allowed Leon to maximize his strength.

It's just that he just swung in the air, without the huge force of tens of thousands of tons.


Tony was still watching Leon from a distance.

In his eyes, Leon didn't move at all.

But in his computer, a number suddenly jumped out without any sign.

"10769 meters per second, close to Mach 32! ?"

"Is this your top speed when you exert your maximum force?" Tony rested his hands on the table and stared at the screen.

Leon thought Tony thought the same as him and that the speed was too slow:"It's a bit slow."

"In fact, I can go even faster, but if I use all my strength to exceed this speed, my bio-force field will be broken and affect the surrounding environment - just like in the garage this morning."

Tony smacked his lips:"It can be even faster... This is simply a god on earth!"

"God? God is just like that... This is far from enough. When I become stronger in the future, the bio-force field will also become stronger, and the punching speed can be increased."

"Not enough?" Tony was puzzled."Do you know how powerful your punch of hundreds of thousands of tons can be at this speed?"

"Probably... like a small meteorite falling to the earth?"

Tony wiped his face with both hands:"About... Jarvis, you tell him the specific value"

"Good sir"

"Master Lyon, according to the model calculation"

"With an acceleration of Mach 31 in an instant, a full-strength punch from your single arm can produce an impact force of more than 1.5 trillion Newtons in 1 second, which is equivalent to the power of 240 Hiroshima atomic bombs exploding simultaneously."

Tony slammed the table at this time:"It is also equivalent to the power of 3.6 million tons of TNT! And this does not take into account the fact that the force-bearing area of your fist is small, and the pressure will be greater!"

Jarvis continued:"Yes, Master Leon, you are now a high-explosive hydrogen bomb that can walk around at will! And you have unlimited firepower!"

Tony took two deep breaths, he was really excited now.

Who would have thought that this little brother at home who quarreled with him every day would actually hide such a huge power.

"Do you still feel that your strength is not enough now? I don't know why you are so eager to become stronger. Is it because I didn't protect you well enough when you were a child?"

"No, Tony, of course you are so good to me that you even hang me around your neck when you pick up girls, but there are many other reasons."

Leon thought about it and it seemed that what Tony said was not wrong. It was because he was worried about the Time Management Bureau arresting him every day when he was a child that he had a psychological shadow, so he now longs to become stronger.

After experiencing the most powerless and anxious days, he realized how important it is to hold power.

"What's the reason? Because I was only concerned with picking up girls, so you were so jealous that you wanted to use your super strength to beat me up?" Tony was a little confused and said casually.

"……Then I should really beat you up." Leon pressed the communication earplug,"Okay, let's proceed to the next test, there will be more shocking things to come."

In the next hour,

Leon conducted the heat ray temperature test, the freezing breath range test, the perspective test, the flight test...

Tony's exclamation also changed from being horrified at the beginning to being half dead later.

From"God", to"shit", and then to"You really deserve to die."

Don't blame Tony for being numb, just blame Leon for being too Versailles.

The heat ray with a temperature of 6,000 degrees and the ability to adjust the power and range at will, in his mouth, is barely usable.

He said that the freezing breath that can freeze several kilometers of land in an instant is still far from enough. He said that the perspective eye that can see through the whole world can't see through lead, it has defects, and it's better not to use it.

Even the super hearing, he can say that it's too noisy and useless.

After a set of procedures, Tony didn't have any other ideas, he just wanted to use his size 42 leather shoes to give Leon a big kiss on the face.

"What then? What is the next ability to be tested?"

Tony's eyes were dull, and he slumped in his chair, one hand weakly sliding the mouse.

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