A few days later.

It was a rainy day.

The sky was covered with dark clouds, and the drizzle turned the sea outside Stark's mansion into a honeycomb of coal.

In the underground garage,

Leon was wearing a tight-fitting sensor suit, with round iron pieces attached to his body. At the end of the iron pieces, there were induction wires leading to a huge machine.

"Are you sure this iron block can test my strength?"Leon flexed his wrist.

Today was the day he and Tony agreed to test their strength and new abilities.

So at dawn, when the sun was casting a few rays of light through the gaps in the dark clouds,

Tony excitedly dragged him out of bed.

After washing up and having breakfast, the two went to the underground garage.

On the wall facing the sea, a circular iron block with a radius of three meters was fixed.

This was the prop for testing strength.

"Why do you always use a questioning tone to explain a fact?"Tony was very confident.

He said:"After you went to space half a year ago, I had a hunch that this day would come, so I built this strength tester here in advance."

"Most of its material comes from the tungsten alloy I specially synthesized."

"High melting point, high density, high wear resistance"

"It will not be deformed even if a million-ton weight is placed on it, and it will not be damaged even if a tens of thousands of tons of impact force is applied."

"The alloy I created during the synthesis of this tester will be far ahead of its time even if it is used to build ships."

Tony stood in front of the computer desk:"So don't worry, I guarantee that it will not be damaged by you!"

Leon still had doubts:"Tony, you know, the confident look you have now is exactly the same as when we competed a few days ago."

Tony was choked:"It's not the same thing. In short, you just need to stand in front of the tester and punch with all your strength, and leave the rest to me!"

"No, that's not safe." Leon said,"At least put on your armor first." Tony slapped his forehead and said,"I'm more than ten meters away from you and it's not safe? When did you become so arrogant?"

"Put on your armor."Lyon repeated

""Okay, I'll wear it!" Tony raised his hands,"As long as it can reassure our little princess, I can wear it."

The two bracelets on his wrists glowed red.

A few seconds later, a red and gold flight cabin flew into the garage and quickly transformed into a battle armor that wrapped Tony.

Mark III, this is a new battle armor that Tony has built by directly copying Leon's data in the past few days.

This battle armor has almost the same functions as the Mark 7 in the movie, except that the energy source is not made of new elements.

You know, Mark 7 is a battle armor that only appeared in the first phase of the Avengers, and its functions are extremely powerful.

Note in brackets: Leon helped to complete it so quickly.

Another bracket: Tony paid special attention to the liquid circulation function and deliberately excluded this function in front of Leon.

Presumably, he will suffer for this in the future and then succumb to the law of true fragrance.

"Now it's all right." Tony stretched his legs and made a gesture,"I look forward to your performance."

Leon curled his lips speechlessly. This old Deng even plagiarized his lines.

"I hope the tester you build is as tough as your mouth."

He stood in front of the pitch-black tester and took a deep breath. Suddenly, the air in the basement began to surge into wind.

Tony on the other side had never seen such a scene before. He looked around at the papers flying in the wind and was a little dumbfounded.

Then he saw Leon slowly squatting back, his muscles bulging, like the most perfect stone sculptures.

"Why...I feel like something is not right……"

Tony stared at Leon in a daze as he let out a low roar and threw a punch.

Then, the entire underground garage was turned upside down in an instant!


The roar, like a missile exploding in his ears, filled Tony's world.

Everywhere he looked, there were gravels and dust everywhere.

The sudden strong wind blew Tony down, and the tables and chairs fell on him, and he was swept away to an unknown place by the hurricane.

——If Jarvis hadn't activated the armor's thrusters in time, Tony would have disappeared into the underground garage.

Fortunately, all this noise didn't last long.

After a dozen seconds, the feeling of the sky collapsing and the earth splitting apart disappeared.

The entire underground garage was covered with dust, and visibility was almost zero.

""Ahem, ahem, what happened?" Tony turned off the thrusters and stumbled a few steps to the ground.

Then, he heard Leon exhaling again.


The strong wind blew up again, but this time it was much gentler, blowing away only some debris and smoke in the air.

Now the vision was clear.

But Tony's brain was down.

The originally minimalist basement was now a war-damaged version of Syria. It was full of holes and looked like a dangerous building.

Everything in the room, the glass, the machinery, the lights... were gone.

The dozen or so limited edition sports cars parked in the underground garage were gone.

Even the tester on the wall, which he thought could withstand almost any impact, was also left with only a hole.

On the other side of the hole was the misty sea.

"my Lord……"


It was afternoon.

The location was a meadow outside Los Angeles.

The characters were still the brothers Leon and Tony.

It was drizzling, and Leon, wearing a shirt, kept knocking on a huge round iron pier.

"You said your iron block could withstand my strength!"

He complained:"In the end, I didn't even use half of my strength, and it changed from a flat shape to a convex shape."

"It also fell into the sea, so I had to dive into the seabed to fish it out."

"Come on, Leon."

Tony stood fifty meters away, wearing an iron suit, operating the computer to calibrate the data, and replied via radio

"Even if God came, he would never have thought that your power would be so outrageous."

"God knows you've only been in the sun for half a year, how could your strength increase so much? It's like an exponential increase."

"Look at the three months of sunshine you basked in in Los Angeles six months ago"

"It took more than ninety days to increase the strength by more than four hundred tons."

"Jarvis and I built a model based on the data from that period"

"It is predicted that after you return, your force should be between 1,000 tons and 5,000 tons, and your speed should not exceed Mach 5."

"Who would have thought you would be so strong!"

"And look at the TV series"Smallville". Clark Kent couldn't fly even when he was in high school, but he had been in the sun for more than ten years!"

Leon stopped what he was doing and pressed the headset:"Do you still watch the Superman TV series? I think that movie is well made, and it shows Superman's mental journey of growing up."

"But you probably didn’t see the second half, Superman’s performance in the latter part is outrageous!"

Tony retorted:"But he didn’t become as strong as you!"

"Well, maybe it's because I'm an adult, or maybe it's because I'm more efficient in basking in the sun in space?" Leon guessed.

He punched the tester again:"Okay! The tester has returned to its original state. How do I test it now?"

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