In the dark.

In the little brother's slender eyes, the pupils suddenly vibrate.

The Adam's apple slid nervously up and down, and his expression actually appeared for a moment dazed, and blank.

He looked at Ye Ran in front of him without saying a word, the blood all over his body was surging, whirring in his ears, so noisy that he couldn't think at all, and the noise made him even begin to wonder:

[Is it an auditory hallucination?]

[Knot...... Marriage.


repeated these two words several times, but it seemed that he had temporarily lost the skill of understanding words.

[Is he willing, marry me?]

Countless emotions surged.

He couldn't speak, let alone make any expressions.

He could only look at Ye Ran in front of him silently, and there was still a faint breath of blood in his mouth.

Under the moonlight, a shallow circle of blood appeared on the pale skin.

It was he who couldn't control the strength of his emotions just now, and he bit it.

He just wanted to leave a little bit of his ...... in this person


His restlessness, his jealousy, and intense predation, possessiveness ......

He couldn't even look into his own heart.

But the person in front of him seems to understand him better than himself.

The little brother's thin lips moved slightly.

He didn't actually use much strength, but it seemed that he used a lot of strength in his heart.

- But he was still speechless.

The heart beats fast and hard.

Covered in blood, whistling, as if every pore was shouting for the desire to possess the person in front of him forever and swallow this person in his stomach.

It's an instinct from the beast.

During the day, reason will stop him.

This is not right.

To love someone, you should give him the freedom, let him do what he really wants, and watch him be happy -

but all the time, he is thinking about how to make this person completely his own.

It's best to hide in the house forever and not let anyone see you.

Ah Ran's good, he has all the monopolization alone, it's enough.

Even thinking that the eyes of tens of millions of viewers in the live broadcast room would fall on Ye Ran's body through the screen of the live broadcast room.

A cold, and extraordinarily strong jealousy would rise in his heart.


would even be jealous of the live ball, and think coldly in his heart:

[Why is this man-made, cold thing. [

Can you stay with him longer than me?]

At night, sleep will make him forget such thoughts for a while.

But now,

the man in front of him, bathed in the pale moonlight, seemed to glow, and said to him with a smile:

"It's okay, I don't mind eating it."

"You can eat it, and you can eat it...... Lifetime. His

breathing suddenly became short and rapid.

It's true.

Is it okay

? Could he be dreaming

? Will there be such a good thing in this world?

[If it's a dream.] The

little brother said in his heart:

"This dream is very good.

He loved it.


He tentatively stretched out his hand to touch the shallow bloodstains, his expression still blank, calm.

But under that mask of calm, there is a deep pain and forbearance.


"Little brother, I'm serious.

Ye Ran looked at the little brother's expression at this time, and was a little puzzled.

Isn't the little brother willing?

Did you think it was too sudden?

Ye Ran was quiet for a moment, carefully thinking about what he had just said.

I suddenly felt that it was not appropriate to say this in the middle of the night.

Maybe the little brother thinks it's too casual.

And this kind of thing like a marriage proposal seems to be something that should be taken by the little brother to take the initiative.

However, he didn't think about it so much, and he didn't feel that there was anything that the little brother had to do, let alone that he couldn't do anything.

He's just ......

I feel that the little brother is too lonely.

It's not a poor little brother.

He was just thinking that maybe he really couldn't completely save the little brother's loneliness.

But, it doesn't matter.

It would be better to have someone with him.


Isn't it just walking forward step by step with the person you love?"

......" Ye Ran looked at him and explained:

"Although I don't know what nightmare you had, I want to ......

" "

We now have a home.

"But, I'm greedy, love is greedy.

"Maybe in love, everyone is born a gambler.

"I wanted something more, something more precious. If

you're the object, a home is enough...... But I want more than just a home.

"I want a more stable relationship, I want a promise that everybody can see, forever.

"The two of us have a long life, but no matter how long we live, there will be an end.

"Just as the planets in the sky seem to be eternal, there will be a day when it will be dark forever.


"If we get married

," Ye Ran said, "the relationship between our husband and wife will be longer than lifespan, more eternal than the planet, and more eternal than time."

"As long as we don't say it's over, it can never stop.

"I think that's what marriage is all about.

"If one day, in your restless dreams, you think of such a stable relationship between us, a relationship that will not be affected by any external factors. "

Could it be that you feel better in your dreams?" After

Ye Ran finished speaking, he exhaled softly.

At this moment, he actually has a very complicated mood.

These words are indeed what he wants to say.

But what he wants to say, what he wants, and what he wants to go down with the little brother ......

Seeing that he didn't speak, Ye Ran exhaled softly again and closed his eyes slightly.

He thought to himself,

"Let's take a gamble." "

He's lived for more than 20 years anyway.

I also bet on this one.

God, can you still not be on his side?

Anyway, after a love addiction, everyone will die.

Then this addiction, he wants to live for the rest of his life.

He thought, the little brother should be too.

In the room late at night, it was quiet for a long time.

Just when Ye Ran began to wonder if the little brother was asleep.

I felt a slight itch in my fingers.

The little brother grabbed his fingers and held them in his palm, with a damp sweat.

The little brother finally spoke.

The Adam's apple slid up and down twice, his voice was a little dry, and he said stiffly,

"I'm not good enough." "

[If one day, you notice my beastly instinctive monopoly, will you be angry?] [If one day,

I just want to hide you out of control and do something to hurt you...... Just like now, and more than now. 【

Are you disappointed?】

【I'm not that good in life.】 To

like is to possess.

But love wants to touch, and then withdraws its hand.

Ye Ran sensed his nervousness.

I also strangely understood all the worries and meanings behind these words.

But, he didn't speak.

All he had to say was done.

He knew the little brother's worries and wanted to see ......

Little brother's determination.

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