Ye Ran also tried to hit him with words.

The little brother is already accurate enough to use a knife.

This time, the angle of the black gold ancient knife is tricky, the knife technique is sharp, and it is not so easy to dodge.

It dodged in frustration.

A third of it was cut off by a sharp ancient knife, and the water inside began to flow outward.

Every time this dead baby is incarnated, it should also use a lot of strength.

After being seriously injured by the little brother twice in a row, he was also a little sluggish.

It's kind of out of place.

Rather, there was a small cry of pain.

Ye Ran saw this.

It was also quite heart-wrenching.

So he turned his head and said to the little brother very painfully:

"Can you put it away next time."

"Our curtains and sofas are all torn. "

I'm going to buy a new one again.

These were all purchased together after Ye Ran was selected, and they were customized according to the size of the house.

Now customize a new set, and it will take at least a week before it can be delivered again.

Other words.

Within the next week.

They can only be used in broken ones.

When the little brother heard this, he was also stunned, and glanced at the curtains and sofas.

Sure enough, a sharp black cut was cut.

So he said apologetically, "...... I'm sorry. "

Next time, pay attention.


" The three thousand year dead baby was furious when he heard this, and said,

"Please, can you see me

!" "I'm all cut off! I'm a man!"

What kind of sofa

? Is it more important than he, a living person?

The dead baby twisted the bottle proudly, looking like a human crossing his waist, and said a little ostentatiously,


"There are a lot of these things outside the body, in fact, underground. I didn't expect you to like this kind of thing, I can help you decorate the house very luxuriously...... "

Isn't that a hell of a dead animal!

Who would have a fever in the brain and decorate the house with a spiritual vessel!

Ye Ran glanced at him angrily, and said coldly,

"I can't see that you are still a person." "

Is there a human going to the COS mineral

water bottle? What kind of water is in it?

Fortunately, he asked the little brother to drink water just now, and the little brother chose the normal bottle he drank, otherwise it would be ......

These 3,000-year-old dead babies speak from the mouth of the bottle, which should be its mouth.

If the little brother drinks water from the bottle.

Isn't it ......

? Ye Ran and the little brother thought of that picture at the same time.

The faces of the two of them instantly became ugly!

Ye Ran's face turned very green.

And as for the little brother.

His face was much uglier than Ye Ran's.

It could almost be said that it was shrouded in a thick layer of black fog.

There was also a green tendon beating in the corner of his forehead.

The little brother didn't say a word, picked up the water bottle with an ancient knife and cut it into several pieces, and threw it out of the door!

There was a heavy sound outside the door.

It was supposed to be the true body of the dead baby who had fled again.

The bottle shattered into powder outside the door.


Ye Ran sighed softly.

Pull out a chair and sit down. Tilted his head a little tiredly.

This dead baby has entered the house.

I guess there will be something more out of the ordinary next time.

The thought that next time it could turn into an ornament, car keys, shopping bag, and anything else ......

Ye Ran couldn't help but feel tired for a while.

In fact, the magic pupil technique given by the system can be opened to the extreme, and it is possible to identify what is changed by a dead baby.

So here's the problem.

He couldn't have kept his pupils on.

Not to mention whether you are tired or not, there are a lot of things that cause a lot of trouble in life.

Just walking on the road with red eyes.

This scene looks very android.

is the degree to which it can be pulled to slice the study.

"I'm sorry. Just

when Ye Ran racked his brains to think of what a good way to do it.

The little brother's low voice came, took his hand, and said,

"It's me." Distracted.

"I didn't recognize him, and I won't be next time." "

The little brother should have some kind of unique secret technique of the Zhang family, and he can identify the dead baby.

It's just that I didn't expect this guy to not only run to the bar as a bartender, but also dare to turn into a water bottle and enter the room.

This was an accident.

Ye Ran was still angry.

Sen Ran said:

"This thing doesn't have a house to live in. I'll come together tomorrow morning and ask the real estate agent to return the house that I have set. "

Go on and live in the bridge!

Neither of them had that mind.

It's getting late, too.

I washed up and went to sleep.

Although I was tossed by three thousand years of dead babies.

But maybe it's because there's a little brother by your side.

Ye Ran was not affected for too long, and after lying down and watching the movie played by the projector for a while, he fell asleep directly.




He was woken up by a kiss, a kiss very hard.

Ye Ran opened his eyes sleepily.

I met the little brother who was propped up above, and the familiar cold smell, as well as the ......

A pair of eyes that seem to be burning with a little fire.

The little brother's slender eyes were half-closed, his slightly longer hair was a little messy in front of his forehead, and his breathing was a little nervous and helpless.

The little brother's face was completely lost in the darkness, and it was deeply lowered.

Even if Ye Ran had the ability to see at night, he couldn't actually see what his expression was at this time, but ......

Ye Ran instinctively, from his slightly trembling breathing, he felt a strange tension and pain.

Ye Ran's drowsiness gradually decreased.

He gently raised his arms, hugged him gently, was quiet for a moment, and asked

, "Little brother, are you having a nightmare?"

It is impossible for the little brother to wake him up in the middle of the night with such an action.


man who was hugged by the "......" with a completely acceptable, soft movement was slightly stiff and silent at this time, as if he didn't know how to reply.

[What do

you say?] The little brother was silent, and thought:

[Did you say to him, I dreamed that the dead baby of three thousand years gradually infiltrated the lives of the two of us, and he became more and more kind to the dead baby, and I was jealous, but I could only grit my teeth and watch him talk and laugh with the dead baby?" [

Or is it that above the bronze gate, the avalanche of the holy mountain, I watched him fall into the abyss, and it was difficult to save him?]

Or say to him, I dreamed in front of the bronze gate, the snow did not melt for ten years, and once the door opened, there were only thousands of Yin soldiers, and no one came to wait?]

[If I enter the bronze gate, Ah Ran...... How can I give up the ten years that I should have been with you?]

[But after all, I am not willing to let him enter the bronze gate with me, and suffer from the loneliness of those ten years.

So he was silent for a long time.

After all, he didn't say a word.

The scenes in the dream appeared one by one in front of his eyes, and there were countless possible gains and losses.

His desire for exclusivity was even more amazing than he thought.

Got the best thing in the world, and he couldn't give it up anymore.

Demigod, he willingly bowed his head and returned to mortals.

Under the surging blood, the unicorn tattoo emerged.

He bowed his head in silence and pressed the neck of the person in front of him.

One bite and one bite down.

Hiss ......

The slight pain made Ye Ran completely sober, and he gently took a breath of cold air in his heart, but did not make a sound.

Until the little brother seemed to taste the blood in his mouth, he suddenly raised his head, licked the tip of his tongue a little helplessly over the little blood stained on his lips, and looked at him uneasily-

"It's okay."

Ye Ran grabbed his hand, kissed it gently, and said softly,

"Ah Ling." "

Let's ......"

"Let's get married." "

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